Reborn : Space Intelligent Woman

Chapter 1183: The Patent Had Been Approved

Chapter 1183: The Patent Had Been Approved

"Don't make any trouble again." Chi Guang Gu gave a reminder to Chi Yuan.

He was irritated when Chi Yuan was found guilty of slandering that woman. The client joked with him that he needed to take care of his niece properly so that she would not go and slander other women for men. It was a disgrace.

Chi Guang Gu just could smile and nodded himself as he brushed off the topic by saying something else. But he was very angry inside.

That stupid girl was really stupid. She disgraced herself just because of a man that did not like her.

"Yes, Uncle." Chi Yuan just could nod herself.

"You can go." Chi Guang Gu waved his hand, asking Chi Yuan to get lost.

As soon as Chi Yuan turned herself, her meek expression turned to a grim. All that her uncle had should be hers. It was from Chi Yuan's parents.

It was her parent who built everything that Chi Guang Gu had right now. But her parent died in a car accident leaving her alone. So, her uncle stepped forward and managed everything, taking everything that should be hers.

Maybe the accident that robbed her parent's life had something to do with Chi Guang Gu in order to snatch the wealth that her parent had. However, she had no proof to prove that.

Anyway, her uncle had no children. It was probably karma. Since they had no children, everything would be hers in the future. She just needed to wait for a little longer.


The next day, the news about Yu Qi's winning spread around. Everyone condemned Chi Yuan's act for ruining Yu Qi's reputation.A lot of people came forward to apologize to Yu Qi about that.

As the person involved, she woke up and went to work. Long Hui sent her to the entrance. She did not seem to be affected by everything.

She had surgery scheduled for her. The surgery would be started at 11 a.m. and would be finished at 1 p.m if nothing major complications.

The patient was a woman in her mid-thirty. She requested only women who be in the surgery room operating on her. She did not want other men looking at her body.

Agreeing with her request, everything would be handled by women. Even physician assistants and medical students would be women. A man would not allow being in this surgery.

Luckily, Tang Private Hospital hired professionals not looking for their genders. So, they had enough women to cover all the positions in the surgery.

The patient would undergo Nipple and Skin-Sparing Mastectomy surgery. She had breast cancer. So, that was why she did not want a man to operate on her.

Luckily she knew that she had breast cancer in its early state. Otherwise, she might die because of it.

Yu Qi performed the procedure perfectly. Not only that, she just took 60 minutes to operate on the woman. Others who joined the surgery were amazed by how fast Yu Qi's hands were.

Yu Qi came out of the surgery. She was grabbed by the mother's patient.

"How is my daughter, Doctor?" The mother asked.

"Don't worry. She is alright. She just needs to rest properly." Yu Qi said.

"Thank... Thank goddess. Thank you, Doctor, thank you, Doctor." The mother shook Yu Qi's hand.

"Okay. I need to go first." Yu Qi said.

"Wait." Another woman stopped Yu Qi.

"From what I know, the surgery would take about one and half hours. Why do you come out so early? It is just passed one hour." The woman demanded some explanation.

The anesthesiologist, Doctor Liu Wei Wan heard the question and answered on Yu Qi's behalf.

"It is thanked for Doctor Yu Qi's skill that we could complete the surgery much early." Doctor Liu Wei Wan said.

"Who are you?" The woman asked.

"I am the Anesthesiologist involved in this surgery. Do you have anything to say?" Doctor Liu Wei Wan asked.

The woman wanted to say something again but she had been pulled by a man. The man gave a look to the woman making the woman shut her mouth up.

"Thank you Doctor for saving my sister's life." The man said.

Yu Qi and Liu Wei Wan left the place.

"I don't understand people." Liu Wei Wan suddenly said that when they changed their clothes.

"We can't please everything. It is bounded that someone hates you." Yu Qi responded.

"Yeah. Like yourself, right Doctor Yu Qi?" Liu Wei Wan remembered what happened to Yu Qi recently. "How's everything?"

"About what?" Yu Qi asked.

"About your case?" Liu Wei Wan pressed.

"She lost and needs to pay me." Yu Qi said.

"Nice one." Liu Wei Wan laughed. "You get easy money. The other party must be flustered by this."

"I will go first." Yu Qi said as she already finished changing her clothes.

"How fast. Like her surgery too." Liu Wei Wan commented.

On the way, she saw Pei Ruiying.

"Doctor Yu Qi, the patent had been approved. And we also need to go to Stungolo Country for the medical award." Pei Ruiying informed Yu Qi.

"Oh, it is good. We can do mass production then." Yu Qi smiled. "About the award, can you go?"

"No. You as the team leader, you should go." Pei Ruiying rejected it.

After working with Yu Qi, he realized that she liked to be behind the scene.

"Okay... Okay... I will go then." Yu Qi said.

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