Reborn : Space Intelligent Woman

Chapter 1067 - 1067: Attempt Assassination

"Take cover. There are the assassins." Yu Qi shouted loudly.

Everyone was shocked. They immediately took action hiding somewhere. But not everyone moved. Some of them were very afraid (usually the young women) that they could not move their legs. However, the people who were close nearby helped them.

"What is happening?" Someone asked.

"I don't know."

"Miss Tang shouted there is an assassin."

"How could she know about that?"

Long Hui looked at Yu Qi. Yu Qi pointed up. Long Hui nodded. She knew that the assassin was injured when she shot him. He must be prepared to escape right now since he could not continue his job anymore and the fact, he was currently injured. So, they needed to catch him before he ran away.

The assassin was doing the same as Yu Qi had predicted. He could not expect that the young lady could shoot accurately in the far distance. The bullet went straight to his eyes. It was very painful.

However, he needed to escape right now. Ignoring the pain in his eye, he took the escape route that he had already planned.

He needed to escape as faster as possible to avoid being caught by them. He did not know that the two people were heading in his direction. When he was about to turn to the corner, suddenly a man appeared in front of him. He turned around wanted to escape in another direction but he saw a woman standing there while smiling at him.

"Want to escape? I am sorry. I will not let you do it." Yu Qi said.

The assassin grabbed a knife from his leg and threw it at Yu Qi. Yu Qi swiftly avoided that but the knife cut through the lower part of the dress. The dress was ruined. However, she did not get injured.

The man smiled when seeing Yu Qi like that. He did not expect that he would get attacked by the man whom he first saw. Long Hui attacked his leg. The assassin screamed when the knife was stabbed into his thigh.

Yu Qi threw a needle to the assassin's forehead. The assassin was shocked before he collapsed on the ground. This scene had been watched by the bodyguards who just arrived at the scene.

"This man is the assassin." Long Hui said to the bodyguards. "I will hand out him to you."

"Yes, sir." The bodyguards nodded while they lifted the assassin away.

"Are you okay? Are you hurt somewhere?" Long Hui quickly asked Yu Qi while looking around her body.

"I am okay. It is just the dress." Yu Qi said trying to calm down Long Hui.

Long Hui was relieved knowing his beloved Qi Qi did not have any injuries.

"Let's go back to the party venue. I bet everyone is waiting for us." Yu Qi said.

"Hmm..." Long Hui nodded while putting his hand on Yu Qi's waist.

Once they appeared at the party again, President Hai approached them.

"Miss Tang, thank you for saving me." President Hai bowed his head to Yu Qi.

Everyone who saw this scene was very shocked. A President was bowing to a mere woman. President Hai did not think it was a bad thing. This woman did save him by pushing him aside. Otherwise, his head had already been penetrated by a bullet.

He could see the bullet that stuck on the wall behind the place where he was standing before.

He felt impressed by this woman that she could see the assassin up there and even shot at him. His bodyguards who went to chase the assassin saw her throwing something towards the assassin and the assassin fainted right away. The bodyguard told him just now.

"It is nothing. I have just done something that anyone will do." Yu Qi said.

"Are you okay? Your dress..." Feng Yue looked at Yu Qi's dress.

"Are you injured?" Grandpa Long noticed it too.

"Miss Tang, are you okay?" President Hai asked.

People began to notice that Yu Qi's dress was already ruined.

"I am okay. The assassin just threw the knife at me. I managed to avoid it. But not my dress got ruined." Yu Qi explained.

Everyone was silent when listening to the explanation. 'Just threw the knife at her.' That sentence sure gave a chill to others. If they happened to be at her place at that moment, they did not think that they could move to avoid that.

"Miss Tang is indeed impressive. You can see the assassin up there. And even managed to shoot the assassin." Zhu Shanggun suddenly interrupted the conversation. "I am wondering how does Miss Tang know there is an assassin up there."

This statement indicated something else. Zhu Shanggun wanted others to think from different perspectives. A perspective where people would think that everything was a gimmick for Yu Qi to be famous.

Another perspective was that it was Yu Qi who hired the assassin to kill President Hai.

"Does Miss Zhu think that Miss Tang is just putting an act?" It was President Hai who asked that question, not others.

Zhu Shanggun was shocked but she calmed down and answered President Hai. "Well, I have just expressed my concern about that."

"Miss Zhu... I happen to have good eyesight. It is 2020. A perfect one. And also, I don't have any grudge towards President Hai. Why should I hire the assassin to kill President Hai? I even don't know that he is also attending this party." Yu Qi said to Zhu Shanggun.

***This novel is a contracted work with w e b n o v e l. c o m. If you do not read this novel on w e b n o v e l. c o m, it has been stolen. It breaks my heart when someone steals my hard work. Can you consider reading it on the original website for those who read my novel on another website besides w e b n o v e l .c o m, as your support to me? Thank you, for your shameless author, ZerahNeko***

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