Reborn : Space Intelligent Woman

Chapter 1052 - 1052: Being Scouted

Chapter 1052 - 1052: Being Scouted

The couple went to the dining room for breakfast. They had been informed that Grandpa Long had already gone out. Hearing that, Yu Qi glared at Long Hui once again. Long Hui who received the glare made an innocent look. After breakfast, Long Hui decided to take Yu Qi shopping.

"It has been a long time since we went shopping together. It is really fun choosing what outfit you are going to wear." Long Hui grinned.

Yu Qi knew but she was going to get tired of trying all the dresses that Long Hui picked up. But she did not want to disappoint him.

"Then, have you decided your outfit for the night?" Yu Qi asked.

"I will wear my formal uniform." Long Hui said.

"Really? I can't wait to see it." Yu Qi's eyes lifted up

Long Hui saw it. He knew that his fiancee had a strange fetishism that she liked him to wear the soldier uniform.

"I will dress up nicely for you." Long Hui grinned.

So, they went out to the shopping mall. After parking the car, they walked inside the shopping mall. They attracted many eyes including one of the people was a photographer. The photographer was walking around. He just finished his work here. So, he just chilled out.

However, his eyes caught a couple that was so attractive. He could not hold back and went to the couple to have a talk with them. They could debut as a model if they wanted to. So, he wanted to ask whether they were interested or not.

Yu Qi was talking to Long Hui and suddenly they were being stopped by someone. Long Hui was displeased to see someone disturbing their time. He immediately glared furiously at the man.

The photographer was taken back by the glare. 'This man's stare is so scary.' However, he braved himself.

"Are you two interested to be a model?" The photographer asked.

"Wow, they are being scouted."

"That is Ryan Wu, right? The famous photographer?"

"Yeah. I recognize him. He is Ryan Wu."

"Being scout by Ryan Wu. They have a good path laying in the future."

The photographer was indeed Ryan Wu, the famous photographer. He worked with many famous celebrities in the past. His achievements were pretty good. Due to his influence and good work, everyone who worked with him became famous.

This couple in front of him might not recognize him before. However, after hearing others talking, they might become interested.

"No, we are not interested." Yu Qi answered.

The answer shocked Ryan Wu as well as the peopleo who watched them. This woman did not know to appreciate what she just rejected.

"I am a famous photographer. You can become a successful model if you work under me. You might even get?a million for a job." Ryan Wu tried to convince her.

"No. Like I say, we are not interested. We will go first. By the way, thank you for the offer." Yu Qi pulled Long Hui's hand.

Ryan Wu wanted to stop them again. However, he changed his mind after seeing Long Hui's eyes. The eyes which could not wait to kill him if he tried to stop them again.

"They reject him."

"If Ryan Wu asks me, I would be very delighted to be his model."

"Hahaha.... Don't daydream. You don't have anything that can attract Ryan Wu."

"Wait. I think I recognize those two. I have seen them before."

"Really? Well, they do have the look."

"Ah... I remember. That girl is the owner of HuiQi Jade Store. She is also a doctor."

"Then, the man beside her must be THE LONG HUI."

"Of course he is."

They could not believe that they saw the fucking famous couple in the century. Long Hui and Yu Qi.

"No wonder, they did not attract to the offer."

"Excuse me, can you tell me about that matter?" Ryan Wu asked the talking people.

He heard the conversation and wanted to know more about that.

"The couple that you talking about just now is Long Hui and his fiancee, Doctor Tang Yu Qi. Long Hui is the grandson of the Great General Long. I heard he receive another promotion. Senior Colonel. The youngest Senior Colonel in history. And the woman is his fiancee, Doctor Tang Yu Qi. She is a great doctor. She is also the owner of HuiQi Jade Store which just became famous lately."

"You can search online about them."

Ryan Wu could not believe his ears. He just returned to the nation. So, he did not pay much about the news inside the nation. He immediately searched about the couple. It was really like the people told him just now. They were really the legendary couple. No wonder they did not attract to the money that he offered.

A million. He laughed. He offered a million to the owner of HuiQi Jade Store. A jade from HuiQi Jade Store was worth a hundred million at least.

Long Hui still wore a frowned expression on his face. Their time had been disturbed by the man. That man offered Yu Qi to be a model. If she became a model, she would be watched by thousands of men. They would be imaginative about Yu Qi. He did not want that.

Luckily Yu Qi did not have any intention to be a model. Otherwise, he did not know what to do.

"Can you smile for me?" Yu Qi asked when seeing the bad expression on Long Hui's face.

"I am sorry. I will smile when we are together." Long Hui smiled as he looked at Yu Qi.

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