Re-Birth of a Genius. Creator/Destroyer

Chapter 1554: Bait

Chapter 1554: Bait

The red streak slightly crept onto Yuvana's sword and made her palm go numb.

If not for the fact that she instantly withdrew it, she would have even had a serious cut on her hand.

She looked at that red streak hatefully and spat on the ground. She swung the blade at the opponent who blocked. Her sword slid across the opponent's as she turned around to let out a large sword ray into the air.

The sword ray moved in the form of a curve and it sliced through two flaming streaks one normal red and another one crimson.

The flames were deflected as she turned around and blocked the sword strike again.

She was pushed back because of the unpreparedness of the block, but she took advantage of it and sliced the spear user on the floor vertically.

The cut started from the lower abdomen and ended at the throat. He slowly bled to death.

While Yuvana is dancing around with three more opponents, Gamin is not having an easier time, in fact, he has a much harder time on the other side.

With the new opponents mainly targeting him along with Avlyn and the other two divine league members, he felt a bit overwhelmed in a way.

Because just like how these people used Grivon to make Gail hold back, they are using Yuvana to not let him use his full power.

Yuvana is currently going through a rageful moment because of her son. There is no way she could think straight and guard herself against all of the attacks from all sides.

These three people are the stronger three members of the group compared to the ones that are attacking Yuvana.

So, Gamin has to calm himself down and manage them while his wife dealt with the person that attacked their son directly.

Since they are targeting her, he needs to focus on blocking the attacks as well as making sure that he doesn't get the brunt of it. In the process, it is a bit hard for them to go and fight directly to kill them.

The addition of the grand elders that came is an extra added pressure.

While things are already like this, Sivan who is already nervous reluctantly sent the remaining half of the grand elders to a different side of the wall. They are attacking the wall where Saran and the Elite team leader are stationed.

Now only Gail is left on the wall while the Clan's leader is staying within the clan grounds as he took care of the rest of the operations inside. He is supervising the healing of the injured soldiers and also keeps track of the battle records while reassuring the weak and powerless within the clan.

Gail became conflicted.

He doesn't know if he should move from his post and get involved in the battle. Because once he does, the remaining people from the Divine league are going to get an edge over them. They will be able to find a weak spot within the city's wall where they could break in and wreak havoc.

As he was thinking, the hidden members of the divine league actually already made a move. They started attacking from long range at Saran and the Elite team leader.

Even though the two of them are surprisingly handling the opponents well, they are still outnumbered. The long-range attacks are just an additional frustration and might even be their ticket to loss.

He couldn't hold back anymore and was about to make a move, but at this moment, Sam contacted him.

"Don't make that move. They want to drag you out. I think you also noticed the fight. They are definitely trying to drag it out."

"Of course, I can see that too. But what can I do? This is definitely a losing situation no matter how you look at it. They manage to finish our people off first or they drag it out and make us lose energy, what is the point of me staying here?"

"I am not saying that you shouldn't be involved, but I don't think you should directly get involved in the battle."

"Do you have any other choice though?"

"I am thinking. We can either call out Clan's leader out and let him join in the battle or need to figure out a way where you don't have to move from your spot and be ready to engage any time you want."

"That is going to be a big problem. It is not that easy. My specialty is definitely not long-range. Even if I can attack them from far, it will also go wide and the energy wouldn't be used efficiently."

Sam looked at Gamin and Yuvana. There while Gamin is holding all three of them back, Yuvana is taking her sweet time dissecting people one after another. After the spear user was done, she shifted to the swordsman. She cut his tendons off and then moved to debone the flesh directly.

"Are Gamin and Yuvana holding back?"

"A bit. Yes."

"Then give me a few seconds. I will see if we can turn this whole thing back at them."

After that Sam contacted Gamin who is in the middle of the battle.

"Why are you holding back?"

"Yuvana won't calm down if she cannot take her sweet time with the opponents. Not after what they did to Grivon.

And Avlyn is not exactly week. She is really strong and it is hard for me to keep away from her. Finally those stupid Blood tokens. They are really really annoying. I cannot let it hit me."

"Okay, try to finish it off. They are trying to make Gail make a move once again. They might lure them into a trap. So, you need to finish those people off immediately and come back to the wall.

Even if you are not able to kill them all, at least breakthrough and come here."

"I will finish this. I am just afraid, I will be out of energy and another emergency will come."

"We will deal with them as they come. Don't waste too much of your time on it."

"Okay then. I am on it."

Gamin's battle style changed instantly and he started fighting a bit recklessly, the first thing he did is slipping past them and go to the corpse of the spear user.

He kicked the spear up in the air and slashed his sword on it. The token that was stuck to it came off and he started injecting his spiritual energy into the tip of the blade.

He slashed the token with the tip and it was aimed at Avlyn.

"You sick bastard."

Avlyn screamed and immediately activated all of the hand signs in a rapid way before slamming them on the ground.

The sword ray cut through the token like butter and went past it. But when it came to the other side, it turned to the darkest crimson red one could imagine and slashed through the earthen wall.

The other two opponents also used all kinds of defensive measures. But the slash destroyed all of them and went straight ahead. It took everything just to block it.

Gamin didn't even wait to look at the aftereffects of his attack and just made his move on the other opponents. His targets were the grand elders that are attacking his wife.

As soon as he took that pressure off of her, Yuvana killed the swordsman and moved to the guy who is using the token to shoot out crimson flames.

Avlyn who was crashed because of the sword strike had a slash on her chest and the blood is spewing out.

She looked at Gamin who took down the grand elder like a grown man schooling a little kid. It was so easy that no one would ever believe that it is the battle between the peak stage cultivators.

"We underestimated these guys' strength too much. They are stronger than we thought they are. Way stronger."

She muttered to herself and looked at the surroundings. She glanced at the battle between grand elders and the Elite team leader and Saran.

She then looked at Gail who is still standing on the wall with a slight frown.

She called her hidden teammates.

"Why are you guys not making your move?"

"Gail is not coming out. We cannot attack him directly. We need to make sure that he is distracted completely before we make a move."

"That is not going to happen. He knows that we are trying that now that we failed once. We just need to be direct." Avlyn said in a frustrated tone.

"No, we just need to make sure that even he knows that are planning this, he has no choice but to go through this. That is all we need and that is all we are going to do."

"Really? Because we might have a hard time with Gamin and Yuvana here. I am hit with a Divine blood token attack and it is a pretty clean cut.

I don't have too much time."

"Don't worry, if Gail doesn't take this bait in the next ten seconds, I will proceed with something that will force him. But for that, I need you to keep Gamin and Yuvana completely occupied. Not a single chance to come out and help Gail out."

"Consider it done."

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