Re-Birth of a Genius. Creator/Destroyer

Chapter 1543: Poison

Chapter 1543: Poison

The person wearing the earthen armor felt his whole body going still.

He couldn't move his limbs. He started falling backward and Giyon didn't fail to take advantage of that. She lunged forward and disappeared like a flash as she jumped and punched straight in the guy's neck.

The neck joint of the armor broke instantly before the energy rippled through the rest of the armor as well as the neck behind it.

The opponent held his neck in pain as he tried to take deep breaths.

The remaining three opponents made their move. Two meteors came at Giyon while the remaining Earthen armor user tried to use another earth trap to capture Giyon.

But her subordinate made a move. He held twin short swords as and slashed in the air. The two sword rays tackled the earth armor user and made it back off. Meanwhile, Giyon held the guy by his arm and threw him over her shoulder.

They interchanged the places because of this and the opponent fell into the way of the meteors that came at her.


The explosions stuck and the opponent felt like his whole body became ten times heavier.

He wanted a second to control himself and get back up, but Giyon wasn't really willing to give him that chance.

She directly held the arm and landed a kick in the armpit. The joint broke and the arm was exposed, before he could even take in that pain, the arm was pulled off completely.


He started screaming. The whole surroundings reverberated with his screams of agony. But that is not the end.

Giyon threw the arm away and knelt down before landing punches on the throat of the opponent, landing hits on the same spot again and again until the throat completely snapped and he fell dead.

She looked up to see her subordinate fighting off against the two meteor squad members while still fending off another earth armor person.

She joined him in the battle and started running after one of the meteor squad members.

The opponent jumped over the trees as he blasted everything around him with burning red hot flames and tried to evade every one of Giyon's attacks. But soon, he started feeling flustered and overwhelmed as Giyon started catching up to him.

Before he knew it, the branch he was about to land broke, and Giyon appeared through the blazing flames.

He fell to the ground and created an earthen wall.

Giyon's punch went through the hard wall and landed on the chest bump directly.

The young man felt like his whole body was shaken. Taking this chance, Giyon took out a small glass vial that looked like it was filled with smoke and threw it at him.

She then turned around and ran toward her teammate.

Meanwhile, the opponent took in the poisonous gas from the vial and immediately felt like he was being suffocated. His lungs gave in immediately and his blood started turning dense.

The skin started burning and he could feel his body corroding.

He started coughing and foaming through his mouth before he fell to his knees.

Giyon joined with her subordinate and the battle became 2 VS 2.

It didn't take more than ten minutes for them to completely destroy their opponents. Giyon killed three of them by herself, while the subordinate only killed one.

"Madam, why are you overworking yourself? I could have dealt with them myself. You don't need to stress yourself."

"I can handle it. I have been idle for too long. I need to find a way to vent and this is the best one that I could find."

"But your safety. There are way too many lives dependant on you."

"I am sure everything will be fine. Let's go help others."

She didn't give him the chance and ran towards the other groups.

Twenty minutes later the whole squad of Giyon is standing in the explosion space as if they are trying their best to keep themselves alive.

There are a bunch of bodies around them, of course, most of them belong to the opponents.

But there are three people out of which one of them died while the other two are unconscious.

Giyon frowned as she looked at the squad. One person died and two more are seriously injured. This is not what she planned at all.

And the reason they are injured like this is that they didn't listen to the orders properly since they were not part of this team before.

But she still felt responsible for this.

She walked to the blast zone and started collecting samples.

"Four of you take them back to the clan immediately. Use the medical vial shots immediately. Take mine as well and use whatever it takes to save them.

You can ask for Sam's help if things get complicated. Use my name."

Four of the subordinates saluted and took them away.

Giyon and her direct subordinates stayed for a few more minutes as they collected all of the samples.

They went back to the clan grounds and Giyon met with Sam directly.

"How are my subordinates?"

"They are fine. It is not that serious. I heard that someone died though?"

"Yes, he was trapped in the traps and was bombarded with the meteors."

"That is bad. Anyway, where are my samples?"

"Here. How is the other group doing?"

"They are not here yet. But from what I learned through the communication channel, Ma is playing on something there.

We will know soon. You can go and check on your subordinates."

"Alright. Bye."

Giyon left. Sam noticed that her mood is gloomy. He just shook his head and went to the lab. He already prepared the testing apparatus. He started performing the tests.

The tests are conducted on the tree material, the soil, the rocks, and even the deadbodies of the beasts that are dead.

After he was done with all of them, Sam sighed deeply.

"This is bad. How did this idiot even find people that could concoct this?"

Sam muttered and went running to the Clan's leader.

But on his way, Senior Elder Ma came along with his people.

He gave a space jade to Sam and said.

"That is really a good fight. Your armors are amazing. Do you mind if I take them to my team?"

"You saved the armors?"

"Yes. I felt that it is such a pity to destroy them. They are well designed and well crafted. They are good. I didn't want to waste them.'

"So, that is why you are late?"


"Great. You can keep them. I don't have any use for them anyway."

"No use?"

"The designs are leaked. I am not going to use them for my soldiers."

Ma shrugged and went to meet the Clan's leader.

Meanwhile, Sam checked the contents of the spatial ring he was given and was stunned.

Along with a large crystal cylinder there are also a bunch of deadbodies within.

The deadbodies that are buck naked.

Sam raised an eyebrow at this. He threw took the crystal cylinders and some other things that are related to the current situation and threw the spatial rings to the side to one of the subordinates.

He sent the bodies to the undead tower where they are treated and the curses are added.

He then walked to the Clan's leader where Ma is having a meeting.

"Sam, I was waiting for you."

"We are in trouble."

He took out the crystal cylinder and placed it on the table.

He then took out a small crystal spear tip that is completely hollow and placed the bottom and open end on the top of the cylinder. He pressed it in and the hollow tip was full in a second.

He removed it and injected energy delicately into the tip, before throwing it straight at the wall.


A massive explosion happened, the wall was destroyed and many guards came running in.

"What the hell is this?"

The Clan's leader asked as he walked to the explosion zone. The wall turned into powder and the energy in that area started becoming chaotic.

"This is the spiritual energy poison I am telling you about. This is going to be trouble. Do you know what will happen if a whole cylinder of it explodes?"

"It will seriously injure a Peak stage expert.

"Of course, it will. Because the quality of this product is much more potent than it should be.

Something is wrong with the Mari clan. Either the Mari clan is leagues above the rest of the organizations in terms of artisanship and formation mastery or someone really powerful is helping them out.

It is impossible for a formation master of your clan's level to do this thing."

"You do know that you are talking about one of the most powerful clans in the realms right?"

"Yeah, and if you think that the most powerful clans in the realms have the most skilled people at hand in these kinds of things, then you are sorely mistaken."

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