Re-Birth of a Genius. Creator/Destroyer

Chapter 1383: Contest I

Sam looked at the designs given by Gamin and Yuvana. There are many designs and some of them are good too. But every single one of them is based on too much of their energy. To maintain their top speed on these things would make them just as exhausted as when they were walking.

"These are inefficient. You should rather run than use these things." Sam directly said after taking on a glance at them.

"That is what we thought. They are not just for the show even though that is our main purpose." Gamin said without feeling shy.

Sam chuckled at his words.

"We need something a little more efficient. As long as the energy consumption is a bit lesser we can accept any of these designs." Yuvana added from the side.

Sam couldn't help but shake his head.

"What do you mean by that? You cannot just consume so much energy even when you are using a vehicle. It defeats the whole purpose of having a means for transportation."

"Then what do you want to do? At our level, it is hard to use any means to even catch up to us, to keep up the speed at that level, the regular means of energy usage are impossible to even implement."

As Sam looked at these things, he suddenly had a flash in his mind. Actually, this is related to one of the research fields he is currently dabbling in.

It is the next step to the jewels he made for his team with the space jade and liquid energy. He has been thinking of continuing the research for this project. In fact, the very reason he is desperately trying to create the simulation is not just to facilitate his regular projects that he would be doing for getting his body back, but also for continuing this project as the next series of inventions that are about to be used for this situation are going to be a lot more complicated and he wouldn't be able to handle all of the calculations with his brain alone.

After thinking for a while, Sam smiled and said.

"Actually, I am currently looking into something that might help you. But for that, I would need some time. May I know how long you would be staying here?"

"This time, we are staying for a long time. It is kind of like a long-term vacation from our exploits."

Yuvana answered.

"That is great. I have some ideas regarding the energy source, but for now, let's discuss what kind of look and motion you need.

Most of these things are like carts and chariots are you interested in this design? These are not versatile and even if they are flashy, they lack certain sophistication in complicated terrain.

They wouldn't look good and their balance wouldn't be great when you are traveling in a rocky and hilly terrain…"

Sam quickly changed into his engineer mode as he started explaining various pros and cons of the designs laid out on the table.

He even made some rough calculations, force diagrams and started listing out the flaws in each design that was present there.

He didn't even realize how long it has been like the sun slowly set and he only stopped when an attendant from the kitchen came and informed them that the dinner is ready.

At this moment, one of the subordinates also came and told him that the setup for the competition is ready.

Sam called for one of Giyon's subordinates to bring the children back while he went to the simulator which was set up in the back garden to make the final preparations.

He sat in front of a semi-translucent table that looked exactly like the table that he made for the Cultivation chambers. He sat on a chair and carefully started loading all the data he stored regarding the attacks, the kids composed.

When the children arrived, they are extremely excited.

Meanwhile, nearby, the table for the dinner was already set and even the clan's leader arrived. All of them are sitting as they watched the whole thing in anticipation.

Sam checked everything and took a deep breath.

"Kids, who got the number one on either side?"

One girl and one boy raised their hands.

"Step forward."

They stepped forward and they are in the range of the simulator.

The simulation device shot light rays over their two bodies and within a minute two holographic images completely resembling the two kids appeared in front of the same right in the middle of the simulator, a few feet apart.

On the top of their heads, they have two cylinders each, one indicating their energy and the other indicating their health.

Sam then loaded the previously saved attacks of the wood element and the fire element as he looked at them.

The subordinate standing beside him took out two metallic headbands and gave them to the two kids.

"Since the girls got the first pick in the elements, the boys get to choose to attack first. As long as he started the attack, you are allowed to attack.

You just have to think of what you want to do in terms of the physical attacks and movements and the holographic image would do it. You can test it first."

The kids nodded and they tested. The boy's holographic image jumped on the spot and did some somersaults, while the girl tried to use some hand-to-hand combat techniques.

"The motion and feats of your holographic body is limited to the strength and ability of your body. If your original body cannot do it, the image wouldn't do it either.

The green cylinder indicates your health level. The attacks you received and the damage you received because of those attacks could be reflected on it.

The red cylinder indicates the energy you have left and for every movement you use, every action you take, and every pre-recorded attack you use, the energy would be reduced. A person would lose as long as the energy cylinder or the health cylinder is emptied and the next candidate from their group can step up.

The winning side can either keep their candidate up or call him back so that they could use him again in a later time.

The fights will go on until one side loses every single candidate.

There would be no second chance and there would definitely be no cheating allowed and there would be no leeway.

So, fight wisely and wholeheartedly.

Are you guys ready?"

"Yes, Sir."

The kids are obviously excited as they spoke in unison. They couldn't help but feel this sense of rush in their bodies.

Sam nodded and took a deep breath before activating the rest of the simulator.

The two candidates' holographic bodies are currently standing in the middle of a brown earth field with the soil on the ground. There are a few patches of grass here and there.

The boy immediately made his move, even before Sam announced.

Of course, he didn't have to move by himself. His thoughts were sent to the table Sam was connected to, he is also wearing something similar to a helmet which read the thoughts of the kids and he started making the simulator to project the exact actions.

He is currently acting as the brain of the simulator as the energy reactions and the physical actions are completely within his calculatable range.

The boy's image started running and there is a faint green light under his feet as he moved forward.

The girl clearly couldn't see what exactly is happening on the ground as there is no visible reaction, but she could see that the energy bar of the other party is reducing a bit, so she extended her hand with two fingers pointing out like a gun as she shot small fire bullets at the young man.

The energy bar barely moved as she aimed at his vitals and the joints of the body.

She clearly took Sam's lessons about efficiency seriously.

But the boy is really athletic, too athletic that even Sam was a bit surprised. He is actually extremely agile and quick on his feet that he dodged every single fireball while hopping, somersaulting, and just casual ducking as he closed in.

The girl didn't bother to keep the distance and only tried to control his level of motion with the fire bullets and when that didn't work and he neared her, she decided to shift to hand to hand combat, and her punch covered with flames was shot at the guy, he dodged it barely as he jumped a bit and his knee was aimed at her face.

The girl wanted to block it with her arms, but all of a sudden a few vines came out of the ground and held the arms tightly in their place.

The Knee landed straight on the face and the girl felt the full impact of the attack as her body titled backward.

More vines appeared from the ground as they were wrapped around her body and pulled her to the ground.

The boy took a mount position and aimed his fists at her face and throat. The attack was effective but his energy cylinder is only half left, but his health didn't change.

Meanwhile, for the girl, the energy bar has barely changed but her health was lost by more than a half.

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