Re-Birth of a Genius. Creator/Destroyer

Chapter 1369: Tests

That night. Back in the Gaja Clan.

Giyon, Grivon, and Sam sneaked out of the clan grounds to go back to the inn.

But they were surprised to see that there is an elder guarding the inn against outside. They looked at him from far away and stopped in their tracks.

"That guy is a lackey for Mingiv's father. He is here to do their bidding." Giyon said as she thought about how to get in.

After a few seconds, she couldn't help but shake her head and sigh. "There is only one way no matter how much I think."

"Knock him out and go in?"

"Yes, how did you know?"

"That is the only idea, I have too."

Giyon immediately slipped from their hiding location and ran towards the elder from the side.

By the time elder even realized, she is already near him and even before he could see her face, she punched him on his and knocked him out.

The three of them got in carefully. After all, if the elder is standing guard outside in the open, there is bound to be someone inside doing something.

The three of them are very careful as they don't know what kind of opponent they are facing, but within two minutes of their entry, they sensed something.

Within the corner of an inn, a silent explosion of fire elemental energy occurred. The only reason they observed it was because of the energy waves coming from that spot.

When they took a look from their position, they saw a black shadowy figure coming of that place and running towards the exit.

Giyon ran towards the exit from her position while Grivon and Sam ran towards the room that was set on fire.

But Giyon was not fast enough as that guy managed to escape from her hands, so she also came to the room without chasing him.

Sam checked the energy waves in the surroundings and noticed that there is a formation placed to keep the flames going on for a while. He looked through the entrance from various angles and finally found one position from which he shot an energy bullet.


The flames riled up for a moment before they died down almost instantly.

They entered the still hot room and looked around, but there is nothing present. It is just a normal room in the inn and it was set on fire along with all the furniture.

Sam spread his spiritual energy across the room and used the observation ability, within a minute, he walked to one particular corner and shot an energy bullet on the tile on the floor.

The tile was burst open and a passageway opened up for them.

They jumped inside and there the whole room is filled with ashes. There is not a single thing left. They looked around and noticed that there is a door to another room and they walked in.

There was nothing left there too, except for passageway to a different one.

There is literally a floor below the ground floor of the inn and it is currently all emptied out and except for some fresh ashes, nothing was left behind.

The trio came out a bit disappointed as they made their way back.

"Why did you even suspect this place? I mean, I didn't see it. I just thought they might have stored the creatures there, but from the looks of it, they created them here." Grivon asked and Giyon is also looking forward to the answer because she also didn't notice.

"The construction material of the inn. The Inn is actually built pretty sturdy. With all the battle I had on the first floor, there is minimal damage, except for the outermost layer of the whole thing, the rest of the place was not damaged at all.

It is a waste expense for an inn to have such a sturdy structure, after all, there is only so much they could earn through an inn, I only had suspicions until now, but now my speculation is confirmed. This inn is the laboratory for these creatures and either Mingiv or his father is directly involved in the creation of these things.

If my guess could be right once more, they might as well be making an army of these things."

"But how?"

"That is something for them to know and us to find out."

Two days later.

Sam stayed in Giyon's house. He didn't come out of the basement and he even had some equipment shifted over by Grivon as he did a series of tests on the bodies.

Most of them are the tests on physical properties of the flesh and bone. Even though they are dead and should be weak and get weakened every second, they are still as strong as the time Sam first saw them.

It is almost like they don't even decay at all.

He then also tested the effects of various elemental energies with the help of Giyon's subordinates and even more surprising things happened.

The body of this creature is almost resistant to the abrasive effects of elemental energy. Then only he understood why the damage caused by the fire elemental fused curses that he unleashed on them through those needles.

These creatures didn't burn to death, at least not completely, they barely had that burned flesh. The main damage and the cause of death is actually the pure physical stress the body has undergone due to the explosion caused in such close range.

After doing all these tests, he called Grivon and Giyon to give his findings.

"No decay, at least until now, high elemental resistance. The blood quantity in the body is extremely high and it is actually quite different from any blood I have seen.

There are some similarities with human blood in terms of cellular structure, but apart from that, I didn't see any. I couldn't identify any similarities between the genetic structure of the tissues with any other being I can think of.

These creatures are nowhere near the experimentation phase, they are completely done and perfect as they are. Of course, they might be making some variations on improvement, but they are ready for mass production."

"So, how are they creating these things, do you have any ideas?"

"That is the only thing I couldn't think of. If there was even a piece of equipment left behind, I would have had a better understanding and could have made some deductions regarding the whole matter, but now it is extremely difficult to find out.

If this was in a bit of a less developed state, it would have been easier too.

But one thing I am sure of is these things are extremely dangerous and couldn't be taken lightly. If there really is an army of these and they are unleashed on an army of the same level cultivation, it would be a one-sided slaughter."

"Can improve their strength?"

"That is one of the things, I got an idea of. They cannot cultivate. The network of the meridians inside is not made for growth and improvement. It was stagnant and it couldn't be improved or strengthened naturally. So, it cannot improve its strength, it is made this way.

This means, there is a possibility that this is their limit or if there is another lab like this with a better creature that could be made with higher cultivation, trouble is coming for you."

"I always thought these kinds of things are beneath us and only be done by the Mari clan members, but Mingiv and his father really brought disgrace to the clan."

Grivon said angrily.

Giyon chuckled and said.

"It is good that you still have such a positive outlook on the family. I hope that doesn't change with time."

Grivon didn't understand her meaning, but they didn't continue on that as she changed the topic back to the creatures.

"So, is there a way to deal with these things?"

"The best way is the physical attack or the pure spiritual energy attack, like what I do.

The elemental energies are mostly repelled unless the force is too strong and powerful. They will negate almost everything that comes from similar strength cultivators.

Even the physical attacks are not invincible against them.

They are extremely resistant even to those attacks. Their muscle fibers are way too structured. It is almost like they are woven by an extremely skilled fabric maker.

If your clan members don't deal with these things properly and if by any chance they have a way to reproduce, your realm will be in for a lot, and I mean a LOT of distress.

It would literally be an apocalypse.

At least for now, I don't see any way for them to grow their strength and reproduce which is the only good thing about them."

"Do you think, you can make something that could deal with them?"

"Given enough time and resources, I can do that. After all, no matter how good these things are they are still manifestations of the flesh and bone.. I think I can try."

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