Re-Birth of a Genius. Creator/Destroyer

Chapter 1359: Abduction

Sam frowned as he looked at the attendant. He shouldn't be here for at least fifteen minutes, and from the looks of him, he is not really coming back after dropping off the woman safely.

"Sir, Sir. The young master.. the young master took the girl."

Sam frowned deeper and looked at him in shock. He held the attendant closely and asked.

"Be calm and tell me everything from the start."

The attendant tried to calm down and Sam noticed some injuries on his body, he used observation ability and noticed that the injuries are mostly internal. He took out an injector to give him some medicine while the attendant explained.

The attendant and the girl are going back normally, but the girl is a bit slower than usual as she is focusing on the moves. She is making the final corrections.

The attendant also didn't disturb her and walked slowly. But as they were moving, a young master of the clan named Manlav has seen both of them and he seemed to have taken a liking to the girl. Looking at the attendant's uniform he knew he belonged to Grivon.

He asked about the girl and why he is accompanying them. Sam's presence is a bit of a secret and Grivon asked him to keep it quiet, so the attendant panicked, not knowing how to answer, Manglav seemed to have misunderstood his panic and thought that the girl was there for him for some other purpose.

He eyed the girl and then demanded that the guard leave her here and bring Grivon over to explain himself, when he refused and tried to explain that the girl is under Giyon's care, Manglav's attendants beat the crap out of him and took the girl away.

"Sir, please contact young master Grivon. Things wouldn't be good for the little girl. Young Master Manglav is a known lecher in the clan and he was not even punished once, no matter how disgustingly he acted.

Please call young master now."

Sam frowned and used the communication token to contact one of the people in the city to go to the stray realm and bring Grivon.

He then called all of the attendants and sent some of them to Giyon's residence.

"Tell the attendants there, that it is urgent and young master Grivon is the one issued the order. Don't worry about lying. After you get near Giyon, you could tell her that it was me who told you to go there and make sure to give every detail regarding this.

You don't have to care if you are accusing some young master of the Clan. As long you make sure the message reaches her, I will guarantee your life and you would be Scott-free from this whole mess.

I want that kid to be safe no matter what and no matter how you decide to help that, I will back you and even Grivon wouldn't object to that."

After sending the attendants there, he looked at the first attendant who brought the news and asked.

"Do you know where they took her?"

"I don't know, exactly, but they didn't go towards his residence, they went towards the clan gate, maybe they went into the city."

"Do any of you know any possible residences that this guy has outside the estate?"

The attendants shook their heads and Sam once again made a call to Grivon's network.

But it is still a bit troublesome as there are way too many plausible locations. This guy has four residences in four different directions and his brother has three more which are also used by this guy, apart from that he has some permanent rooms in different inns around the city.

Overall, this is a pain in the ass.

Sam then sent two attendants to his residence in the clan grounds. Of course, there is little possibility of something like this happening with the clan grounds, particularly when he knew that Grivon might come.

So, Sam also spread the attendants over the city after he gave the communication tokens to contact him as he also went there to search himself.

He also called the information and updated his location now and then so that Grivon would come there by himself as fast as they can.

Sam moved in full speed, but he still didn't forget to cover his face.

Soon, Grivon and Giyon's people also joined in the search, and Giyon in particular is having none of this shit.

She directly wrote down a scroll and sent her personal assistant to the elders with a message.

"One of the girls under my care has been abducted by Malgav. If anything happens to that girl, I will not spare Malgav or any of the subordinates that are involved in this and the people that try to cover up wouldn't go unscathed.

I will take this as a declaration of war and the level this war escalates would be dependent on how the elders act on this situation."

She bared it open without any pretentiousness and the elders knew that Malgav caused some big trouble this time. They knew that the situation escalated to a point that things couldn't be smoothed over with just talking.

They informed Mingiv who was in training over at some secret clan grounds, but it would take some time for the message to reach him and for him to come back.

Their parents are not present and even if they did, they are of high enough level and the elders don't want to involve in this matter. Otherwise, they could only imagine what would happen if Grivon who is also involved in this involved his parents as well.

They couldn't help but shudder at this thought and sent people to search around and inquire about what exactly happened.

It didn't take long for them to confirm what happened and soon they all narrowed down the possible location of Malgav, but to their bad luck, Sam managed to find the location beforehand.

"Grivon, come to the inn at the southwest side of the city. Right next to the slums. He is here."

Sam just gave the message and didn't even wait for a reply before informing the attendant nearby to send the message to Giyon and her associates.

He then barged into the inn and made his way towards the room where Malgav is at.

But the manager of the inn and the attendants wanted to put up resistance, which didn't sit well with Sam.

He is not as calm as before to try and talk this through. He has been on the edge for over a week because of all this publicity he is getting.

He doesn't have enough patience and tolerance to go through with this, so he took out the staff and started shooting energy bullets left and right.


The explosions startled everyone in the surroundings. The policing and security in the city is top-notch. After all, this is the headquarters of the Gaja clan, there is no way they could let any incident happen here.

But Sam's actions are completely stomping on that policing. The guards immediately arrived. But grivon's attendants stopped at the entrance.

They didn't even bother to explain and they directly used Grivon's name to completely shut them down.

Sam dealt with the attendants inside the inn easily and then proceeded to kill the receptionist and finally stopped at the manager.

"Use the remaining attendants and workers to inform other customers. Tell them to stay inside their rooms and make sure that they don't interfere in what is about to happen here. Also, tell them that if anybody gets involved I will kill them without any hesitation.

Do you understand?"

The manager nodded and when Sam left him, he scrammed immediately to execute his orders.

Sam stored the staff away and walked through the stairs carefully. He reached the corridor where the room of this guy is staying. The whole corridor was blocked off without anyone staying there. There are some guards who are standing outside. But they are not actually calm. At this moment, they are in a hurry as one of them banged on one of the doors.

Malgav impatiently opened the door and looked at him with a frown. His upper body is bare and he is clearly frustrated.

"What is it?"

"Young Master, your brother's attendants contacted us just now. Giyon and Grivon are searching for that girl. Giyon even directly claimed that this is a declaration of war. You better let her go now. They might already be on their way here."

"That bitch. Can't she mind her own business?"

"This is apparently her business. Your brother is in the secret clan grounds he might take a long time to come here. So, let's go into hiding."

As they were talking, Sam showed up in the corridor attracting everyone's attention.

The guards looked at Sam and one of them yelled.

"Who are you? You cannot come here. Get the hell out."

Sam didn't reply and just looked at the guards to estimate their cultivation level.

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