People Found Out About The Base I Built On the Moon

Chapter 390 - Chapter 390: Targeted (2)

Chapter 390: Targeted (2)

Translator: Dragon Boat Translation Editor: Dragon Boat Translation

Just after passing a corner, two snipers quietly jumped down with their sniper rifles.

The vehicle drove a few dozen meters further, and through the rearview mirror.

Zhao Yu spotted the pursuing vehicles: three vans and two motorcycles.

The vans were covered with some clothes, making it impossible to see how many people were inside, but the two motorcycles caught Zhao Yu’s attention.

“Three, four, five, six, seven…”

Through the rearview mirror, he noticed that these two motorcycles seemed to have a talent for performing stunts.

Each van carried at least seven people.

It was more accurate to say they were perched rather than seated: one person lay across the handlebars, another sat in the rider’s lap, another perched on the rider’s head, three stood on the back seat, and one more stood on each side of the rear wheel.

Just these two motorcycles together had sixteen people on them, though none of them seemed to be carrying weapons.

“They’re not the ones, are they?” Zhao Yu was skeptical; these people were suspicious but unarmed.

At that moment, one of the vans suddenly accelerated, apparently trying to overtake Zhao Yu’s troop.

“They are the ones…” The Sergeant commander explained that the scouts had identified the people on the motorcycles as the same ones who had been lurking around their yard earlier.

Zhao Yu understood and indicated for the commander to handle the situation, entrusting him with full control of the battle.

The Sergeant commander continuing to communicate through a neural chip.

Eventually, the van caught up Zhao Yu’s vehicle, along with others, moved to the side of the road, allowing the van to pass.

Simultaneously, the six vehicles started to change formation, and Zhao Yu’s vehicle suddenly accelerated.

In the eyes of the commander, Zhao Yu’s safety was paramount, so his vehicle was instructed to leave first.

Just as the van managed to overtake one car and was preparing to continue, one of the cars in the middle suddenly turned and blocked the van’s path.

“Beep beep beep—!” The van honked furiously.

At that moment, the windows of the car running parallel to the van rolled down, and a machine gun was mounted.

Not only that, but the trunk of the car blocking the van’s path also opened suddenly, revealing a soldier with a gun crouched inside.

“Da da da—!”

As the people inside the van were momentarily stunned, the two vehicles encircling the van from the front and right side opened fire simultaneously.


“They’ve found us…”

“Counterattack, fire…”

There was chaos in the van; many were shot, especially the driver, who died almost immediately. In a last-ditch effort, he turned the steering wheel sharply, veering the van off the road and crashing into a tree on the roadside.


Zhao Yu’s troop stopped, forming a V-like formation.

The car doors opened, and fully armed soldiers got out, each finding cover and launching a fierce attack on the stranded van that had crashed into the tree.

At the same time, the van and two motorcycles behind them also noticed the change and stopped immediately.

The people from the three vehicles gathered together, continuously retrieving weapons from the vans.

Zhao Yu stopped about a hundred meters away from the battlefield and turned around to check the situation.

He saw several of his soldiers had climbed onto the rooftops of the vehicles, controlling the mounted machine guns and attacking the enemy.

It was a one-sided war!

Five minutes later, the soldier in the driver’s seat reported, “Reporting to the commander, the battle is over, the threat has been neutralized.”


Zhao Yu nodded, “Drive the car back.”

When he returned to the scene, he found that the two motorcycles and two vans had been blown up, burned to a crisp, and were still engulfed in flames.

Near the vehicles, numerous bodies lay scattered.

His soldiers were already cleaning the battlefield, collecting usable weapons and ammunition.

After the commander’s summary, Zhao Yu got the details of the battle:

“Thirty-eight enemies in total, all dead, firearms and ammunition confiscated…”

“Thirty-eight people?!”

Zhao Yu was shocked. Just two vans and two motorcycles had that many people?!

He calculated briefly: sixteen on the motorcycles, which meant twenty-two in the vans, eleven per van, which seemed plausible.

Zhao Yu approached the confiscated weapons.

The pile of weapons in front of him included various types, like pistols, rifles, submachine guns, and more.

But regardless of the type, all showed signs of wear and tear, giving off a sense of being ready to malfunction at any moment.

“They came to rob us with this?!”

Zhao Yu found it absurd. Other than outnumbering them, considering their equipment, where did they get the courage to rob them?

He didn’t think they had attacked the wrong people. First, the recon soldiers had recognized people from the motorcycles who had been tailing them earlier.

Second, after they opened fire, the language of the opponents revealed their intention to rob.

So, he just couldn’t understand why these people dared to rob him.

“Do I look that easy to bully?!”

Zhao Yu thought that, wearing military uniforms and fully armed, no one would dare to target them.

Yet even such beggar-like fellows dared to attack them.


Zhao Yu gradually understood. In this world, desperadoes were probably not in short supply.

Judging the situation was not something desperadoes cared about!

As long as the profit was big enough, they dared to act, even if it meant riding a motorcycle crammed with eight people.

Zhao Yu was deeply shocked and gained a deeper understanding of the rules of the wilderness.

“It looks like we need to bring more people when we go out in the future…”

Fortunately, this time the people targeting them was not strong. If it had been a military force like Wild Wolf Town, it would have been a tough battle.

“Our leader has returned!”

With the shout of the lookout, everyone at the Meng House Village ran out.

Meng Xian wore a face of relief. No matter how good Black Stone City was, it couldn’t compare to her own little world, where at least people cared about her.

“Sister Meng, you’re back…” Eagle sighed in relief. He had been under a lot of pressure during this time.

Fortunately, Meng Xian was back.

“Yes, you’ve worked hard!”

Meng Xian patted Eagle on the shoulder, then pointed to the construction workers not far from the east gate, asking curiously, “Who are they? Did you recruit new people?”

Naturally, the activity here attracted the workers. Many of them stopped their work and looked at Meng Xian with curiosity, wondering who she was.

Eagle shook his head, “They are Zhao Yu’s people…”

“Or rather, people from Zhao Family’s fort!”

“Zhao Yu… Zhao Family’s fort?!”

Meng Xian was sensing that there was a lot of information to unpack here.

“What happened in the few days I was away?!”

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