Oh My God! Earthlings are Insane!

Chapter 1090 - You Can’t Catch a Wolf Without Losing a Child

Chapter 1090: You Can’t Catch a Wolf Without Losing a Child

In order to support hundreds of thousands of rat people, they could all escape Black-corner City.

There was naturally more than one Rat God emissary who had sneaked into Black-corner City.

Other than the temple thieves who were good at hiding and cracking mechanisms…

There were also a large number of Rat God emissaries, elite warriors who were good at fighting to the death.

Compared with the Blood Hoof warriors, they were still slightly inferior.

However, the mobility of the Blood Hoof warriors was being held down by hundreds of fearless rat people’s volunteer army, and their explosive power had also been exhausted.

The sneak attack of a few Rat God emissaries still had a chance to easily take the lives of the Blood Hoof warriors.

When seven or eight Blood Hoof warriors seemed to be running around and killing in all directions, they were quietly swallowed by the rat tide.

The remaining Blood Hoof warriors finally came back to their senses and realized that there were still extremely dangerous assassins lurking within the seemingly weak rat tide.

They could only change their strategy and slow down the pace of their attacks. They tried to peel off the rat tide from the outside like they were peeling onions.

With that, the speed of their advance was naturally greatly slowed down.

All in all, the two sides were temporarily at a stalemate in the north of the city.

As the Blood Hoof warriors had limited numbers and did not have enough desire to attack, they could not break through the tide of the rebel army and destroy them.

However, because of their constant harassment, the rebel army was in an extremely chaotic state.

Many in the rebel army could summon the courage to charge at the Blood Hoof warriors without fear of death.

However, the road to escape was right in front of them. The instinctive desire to survive made them fight to be the first to rush forward.

No matter what command the Rat God’s emissaries issued, they were unable to restore the order of the escaping troops.

Such a stalemate was naturally disadvantageous to the escaping troops.

That was because the main force of the Blood Hoof Army was continuously advancing toward Black-corner City.

Every half an hour, a Blood Hoof Battle Group would arrive at the foot of Black-corner City and send more troops into the city.

As for the fire and chaos in Black-corner City, they could not continue indefinitely.

When the flames that engulfed the entire city were extinguished and most of the regions were cleaned up as well as controlled, the Blood Hoof Battle Group could communicate effectively with each other. Then the orders from outside the city could reach the elite warriors on the front lines unimpeded.

That would be the death of the rat rebel army that was still stuck in Black-corner City.

“If this continues, things won’t work out.”

Meng Chao observed for a moment and came to a conclusion. “The rat rebel army is retreating too slowly. At this rate, at least one-third of the rat rebel army will remain in Black-corner City, waiting to suffer the wrath of the Blood Hoof warriors.”

“There’s nothing we can do.”

Ice Storm said, “Their opponents are the Blood Hoof warriors, who are extremely ferocious. Even if the enemy is afraid of the Rat God’s emissaries and does not dare to charge into the depths of the rat tide, the harassment from the periphery alone is enough to make the rat volunteer army suffer.

“In such a situation, forget two-thirds of them, even half of them would be lucky enough to escape.

“Therefore, we must think of a way to reduce the pressure on the rat people’s Liberation Army in the periphery.”

Meng Chao thought quickly and asked Ice Storm, “How many extra ancient weapons, armor scraps, and secret medicines do you have on you?”

“Not many. I lost them all just now.”

Ice Storm paused for a moment and could not help but say, “Never in my wildest dreams did I expect to hear the word ‘extra’ in front of ancient weapons, armor scraps, and secret medicines.”

“Then, we’ll extract some more from the totem armor’s storage space.”

Seeing the heartache on Ice Storm’s face, Meng Chao could only say, “Don’t worry. You don’t have to take advantage of the situation if it’s not what you want. Besides, we don’t even know if these guys are alive enough to take these ancient treasures away from us!”

The two of them sneaked up to the Blood Hoof warriors in front of them. One of them was neither too far nor too close.

Then, they took out a few spoils of war from their totem armors.

These spoils of war, which had been worshipped in the temples for at least three to five hundred years, were all divine weapons filled with murderous intent.

Even though the totem power was temporarily sealed, it still trembled slightly and faintly let out a tiger’s Roar and a dragon’s roar.

It was as if it couldn’t wait to release its most violent power and drink the blood and life of the enemy.

When Meng Chao and the Ice Storm injected several streams of spirit energy into the weapons, unlocking the seals and activating the brutal souls, the weapons shot out beams of light that were invisible to the naked eye. However, they could be clearly sensed by the totem warriors. They were as clear and dazzling as fireflies that had been struck by lightning in the dark night.

Unsurprisingly, the raging flames of the weapons were immediately sensed by the Blood Hoof warriors who were suppressing the rat rebel army right in front of them.

The Blood Hoof warriors were immediately aroused.

“Such intense killing intent!”

“Yes, it’s the aura of the godly weapons!”

“Such surging totem power can only be sensed by the fragments of Thousand-year Armor!”

Looking at each other in bewilderment, every Blood Hoof warrior saw greed and wavering emotions in each other’s eyes.

These Blood Hoof warriors did not come from the major clans in Black-corner City.

The powerhouses of the major clans were hunting down the temple thieves, trying to take back or steal the ancient treasures.

Only the third-rate warriors from the vassal clans had received a vague order, “Suppress the rat rebellion and restore order in Black-corner City.”

But they were not fools.

They soon figured out where the powerhouses from the noble families who had entered the city with them had gone and what they had gotten.

Compared to the powerhouses from the noble families who had seized a large number of ancient treasures, not only had they made up for all their losses, but they had also made a small fortune.

It was obviously a laborious and unrewarding task to suppress the crazy and fearless rat volunteer army.

The rebel army of the rat people was like a stone in a toilet. It was smelly and hard. If one was not careful, they might even knock off a few of their teeth.

Even if they killed thousands of rat people in one go, the spoils of war they would receive would be nothing more than mandrake fruits soaked in fresh blood, poorly made bone maces and stone hammers, and something that the Blood Hoof warriors did not even care about: so-called “armor” that was made of tree bark and bone chips.

As for the military exploits that the Blood Hoof warriors valued the most—suppressing the rat population—what kind of military exploit could that be?

In the future, when they boasted about their martial arts in the taverns and casinos, they would not be able to use the example of suppressing the rat population to prove their valor, would they?

Not to mention, the rat population that had gone mad really seemed to be possessed by demons. It was quite tricky.

More than a dozen Blood Hoof warriors had disappeared into the chaotic and noisy rat tide.

Like all Turan warriors, the Blood Hoof warriors were not afraid of death.

However, it was one thing to die by the hands of the Gold Clan’s powerhouses or the land of Holy Light’s mages.

It was another thing to die by the hands of the lowly rat subjects.

The former was a glorious sacrifice.

The latter was a curse that was even scarier than death!

No one could bear the humiliation of having their soul fly up the sacred mountain with the other sacrifices after their death, only to be discovered by the ancestral spirits on the sacred mountain that they had actually died in the hands of the rats, and then kicked down from the clouds into the abyss.

Since there was no benefit in actively attacking, it might instead bring about the humiliation of eternal damnation.

No matter how strong their limbs were and how cruel their temperament was, the Blood Hoof warriors would quickly calm down and settle the score.

They did not want to continue fighting with the rat militia.

Instead, they wanted to join in the pursuit of the temple thieves and retrieve the stolen treasure.

However, the two sides had already come into contact. It was even more shameful for the criminals to run away without fighting against the rat militia. It was not something they, who did not have a background, could bear.

Therefore, they had always been doing their duty and advancing slowly and steadily.

At this moment, they were so close to each other that they were emitting the aura of an ancient supreme treasure. It was like the last straw that broke the camel’s back.

“With a great enemy in front of us, we naturally can’t leave the north of the city. However, the aura of an ancient supreme treasure is emanating from nearby. If we go over to check it out, it can’t be considered a violation of military orders, right?”

“Of course not. It is very likely that we will find the temple thieves by following the aura of the ancient treasure. Is it more important for the ordinary rat citizens or temple thieves?”

“The ordinary rat citizens are all blocked here. It’s impossible for them to break out of the siege in such a short time. However, the temple thieves are few in number and mysterious. If we let them slip away and take a lot of the treasures in Black-corner City, none of us will be able to bear the responsibility!”

The extremely good reason instantly raised all the courage and fighting spirit in the Blood Hoof warriors.

It made them turn their spearheads without hesitation and pounce towards the direction where the ancient treasure was emitting totem power.

Following that, a farce that had happened dozens of times in Black-corner City was repeated again.

When this Blood Hoof warrior squad pounced on the place where the ancient treasure was emitting totem power, they happened to bump into another squad that came looking for them with murderous intent.

It was a squad that had been born and bred in Black-corner City.

But there were only three of them.

The two sides met on a narrow path. They stared at each other, and the atmosphere was a little awkward for a moment.

Perhaps, if they were given more time to evaluate each other’s strength, they could come to a friendly agreement, such as “Two for one, five for five.”.

However, just when they were caught off guard and their nerves were stretched to the limit, and they were even on edge, the walls on both sides of the street that they were in, which had been hit by the explosion and scorched by the flames, suddenly collapsed.

For a moment, gravel flew everywhere and dust covered everyone’s sight.

In the chaos, the sharp whistling of blades could be heard.

Someone screamed, and blood blossomed in the dust.

“They’ve made their move!”

No one knew who had shouted those words, which sounded like a curse.

It made the two groups of Blood Hoof warriors pull out their weapons as if they were possessed, and they pounced on each other when they were supposed to fight side by side.

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