Oh My God! Earthlings are Insane!

Chapter 1083 - The Limits of a Traditional Army

Chapter 1083: The Limits of a Traditional Army

As a result, many Blood Hoof warriors from the local towns either did not put in any effort, or they were more wary of Black-corner City warriors than the temple thieves.

Even if they found the temple thieves, they did not have the need to fight them to the death.

Some of the Blood Hoof warriors from the local towns secretly gathered together as well, mumbling about some unknown idea.

The Game of the Brave had just ended a day ago. Between the Minotaurs and wild boar people, between the barbarian elephant people and centaurs, between different families, between Black-corner City and the local towns… with limited resources, there were contradictions everywhere. How could it be so easy to be close and united?

Just when the situation was in chaos, something worse happened.

Whether it was the temple thieves or the blood hoof warriors, many people had come into contact with the weapons, armor, and secret medicines worshipped in the temple. They were carried by the powerful totem power and the fierce souls of the ancestral spirits, and lost their minds.., and turned into the origin warriors!

It must be known that these ancient weapons, armor, and secret medicines were worshipped in the temple, and not used in actual combat.

It was because they were too overbearing, too dangerous, and too unstable. They were like crystal bombs that could explode at any time.

In order to perfectly control these ancient weapons, armors, and secret medicines, other than being a suitable candidate with an extremely strong will, one also needed to go through many trials, receive the treatment of the Witch Doctor, and receive the blessing of the priest.

Otherwise, if one went mad and became a puppet of weapons and armors, or turned into a beast that only knew how to kill the moment he consumed the secret medicine, it was a high probability event.

When the temple thieves took out the ancient weapons, armor and secret medicine, they were very careful, using secret stabilizing potions and thick totem beast skins to separate them, they would never touch these extremely dangerous ancient weapons and armor.

Their original plan was to send these ancient weapons and armor that contained terrifying power out of black-corner city, then slowly activate them and try to control them.

However, when a few temple thieves were surrounded by ten times the number of Blood Hoofs Warriors, they were left with no way out.

Other than sprinkling their own blood on these ancient weapons and armors, drinking the secret medicine that was bubbling and crackling in one gulp, their lives bloomed like fireworks in an instant, what choice did they have other than to increase their combat strength by several times?

The same thing happened not only to the temple thieves.

It also happened to the third-rate warriors from the marginal families from many villages and towns.

One had to know that the ancient weapons and armors that contained powerful totem power.

Had an extremely mysterious and strange magnetic field.

It could attract the third-rate warriors from the remote villages.

Perhaps, these third-rate warriors had heard about the terror of the origins warriors in the past.

However, when they unintentionally obtained a ‘divine artifact’or a bottle of secret medicine that was emitting faint fluorescence and wreathed in light like a whirlpool.

Their souls seemed to have been sucked away. Before they could react, they would grab the divine artifact, put on armor, and swallow the secret medicine. In the end, they would transform into half-flesh, half-machine, half-human, and half-ghost monsters!

The appearance of the origins warriors did not mean to add fuel to the fire.

Now, the battle in black-corner city was no longer as simple as the blood hoof warriors fighting against the temple thieves or the blood hoof warriors suppressing the rat people’s uprising army.

The Blood Hoof Warriors fighting against the temple thieves.

The Blood Hoof Warriors from black-corner city fighting against the Blood Hoof Warriors from the local towns.

The Blood Hoof Warriors and the temple thieves who were still rational had to be wary of the distorted, crazy, half-human, half-metal origins warriors!

In addition, the fire was still spreading.

The communication and command of both sides were torn into pieces.

In the eyes of the blood hoof warriors who were nervous and mentally exhausted, behind the raging flames in front of their eyes, the hideous smiles of the temple thieves and the screams of the origins warriors seemed to be everywhere. All the living creatures that were still moving were enemies!

At this stage of the war, the chiefs and priests of the Blood Hoof clan, as well as the mastermind behind the arrival of the big-horned rat God, had completely lost control of the situation.

In this extremely chaotic war, where everyone was fighting against everyone, the number and scale were no longer the key to victory. From a certain point of view, they had become a burden.

The side with the least number of people but the clearest mind, and the side that no one knew of, was the real winner!

Meng Chao and icestorm held their breaths and restrained their heartbeats to the limit. They curled up in a triangular space formed by collapsed walls, broken pillars, and the ground, and watched a warrior of origins silently, walking past them.

Before the Genesis warrior transformed, he had suffered a fatal injury. There was a huge, transparent hole in his abdomen, and a large number of his organs had disappeared. Even the spine supporting his upper and lower body had been broken.

No matter how vigorous the high-level orcs’vitality was, after suffering such a serious injury, they should not have had the slightest chance to move.

However, a totem armor with thousands of years of history tightly wrapped around his incomplete body, deeply embedded in his flesh and blood. Part of the armor even turned into a support pillar similar to bones, the hole in his abdomen was barely filled up. There were also a large number of sharp needles poking out from the white flesh, making him look like an oversized steel hedgehog. It looked both comical and ferocious.

Even his eyeballs were replaced by two sharp cones that poked out from his eye sockets.

The sharp cones were covered with dense cuneiform characters that flickered with a dangerous red light. They scanned the surroundings like two fire snakes.

There were a few times when the gaze of the warrior of origins was about to reach the toes of Meng Chao and ice storm

However, he was ultimately attracted by the commotion between the walls. He howled and crashed into the already crumbling wall.

The three Blood Hoof Warriors were searching for the temple thieves.

The moment they saw the origins warriors, their muscles stiffened.

But faced with the origins warriors who were lunging at them like demons, the three blood hoof warriors had no chance to retreat. They could only brace themselves and fight with this killing machine that had lost its mind.

The two sides fought until the sky was dark and the Earth was dark. They gradually walked further and further away.

Meng Chao and icestorm let out a sigh of relief and crawled out from the depths of the ruins.

Although they were not afraid of the origin warriors or the three blood hoof warriors.

However, they did not want to tangle with these guys so that they would not leave too many traces.

“I really did not expect that the magnificent blood hoof army, such a majestic black-corner city, would become like this!”

Looking at the battlefield filled with smoke, raging flames, and shouts of killing, the ice storm sighed with heartfelt emotion.

Although she didn’t have a good impression of the Blood Hoof clan.

After all, this was the place where she had lived for two years.

When the dozens of legions of the Blood Hoof clan gathered in an orderly square formation and marched toward the blood hoof temple outside the city with deafening footsteps, she was deeply impressed by the awe-inspiring scene, which was full of killing intent, also left a very deep impression on her.

She did not expect that the mastermind did not reveal his true face at all. Just by relying on the temple thieves, the rat people’s uprising army, and the temple thieves, he had made the magnificent bloody hoof clan in such a sorry state.

Meng Chao had a deeper understanding of the chaos in front of black-corner city.

In a sense, the warriors of the Bloody Hoof clan were not defeated by the methane explosion, the Rat People’s uprising army, and the temple thieves.

Their greatest enemy was none other than themselves.

The size of any traditional army had a limit.

This was because the size of the army was not only limited by population and logistics, but it was also closely related to organization, communication, and command. It even had a lot to do with the culture and education of the soldiers.

A feudal dynasty, even if it had hundreds of millions of people, would not be able to assemble a true million strong army in one go.

Due to the limitations of communication, organization, logistics, and command, even the most brilliant generals could not effectively command all or even most of the people in the army.

Before the entire civilization evolved into an industrial society or Information Society, one hundred thousand soldiers and hundreds of thousands of servants were the limit of the traditional army.

The Turan civilization was far from being feudal.

Their civilization level was between ‘clan’ and ‘Nomad’.

It was already not bad to be able to effectively organize and command an army of tens of thousands of people, or at most hundreds of thousands of people.

However, due to their unique history, the Tulan civilization had the ability to rely on the blessings of the mandala fruit and the ancestral spirits to gather an army of over a million soldiers around black-corner city in one breath, it was beyond the limit of the entire civilization.

If they followed the steps and went through a series of practical combat drills, the army would slowly get used to each other.

They would also use slogans such as ‘supreme glory’and ‘the ancestral spirits are waiting for us on the sacred Mountain’to unify the will of the million-strong army.

In that case, the army could barely maintain the organization.

At the very least, it would be able to rush toward the land of holy light like a swarm of bees.

However, when the army was formed in a hurry, it encountered such a troublesome situation and was forced into an extremely chaotic street battle.

The Blood Hoof Army was destined to be crushed by their own weight.

Although to Meng Chao, the chaos of the Blood Hoof Army was not bad news.

However, he still frowned.

Meng Chao remembered clearly that the failure of the chaos faction in the Great War between worlds in his previous life had to do with the help of the so-called “True God”from the Holy Light faction.

But it also had a lot to do with the lack of organization and discipline of the chaos faction itself, or to put it another way, the level of civilization was too backward.

The Great War Between Worlds was bound to break out.

Moreover, Dragon City could only choose the chaos faction because of its geographical location and the need for social and economic operation.

Under such circumstances, how could Meng Chao be happy when he saw the main force of the chaos faction, the iron-blooded army of the high-level orcs, actually look like this?

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