Nine Star Hegemon Body Art

Chapter 671

Chapter 671

“Eight… eight-ring Nine Revolution Life Pill . ”

Within Huo Wufang’s furnace, there were nine pills . Three of them had five rings, and one of them had eight rings .

“Long San, I’ve refined an eight-ring Nine Revolution Life Pill . What are you going to use to compete with me?” Huo Wufang icily stared at Long Chen .

“Even after this long, you’re still such an idiot . You really haven’t grown at all,” sneered Long Chen . But after saying that, his heart shook . His tongue had slipped just now, and he saw that Huo Wufang’s expression had changed slightly . His tone and mannerisms just now had been the same as in the Jiuli secret realm .

Long Chen waved his hand, opening the lid . Light blossomed .

“Nine… nine… nine rings! Nine-ring Nine Revolution Life Pill! He really did manage to refine such a thing!” Even the elder who had explained the secret behind the Nine Revolution Life Pill was shocked .

Nine-ring pills represented the peak of high grade pills . Many Pill Emperors might spend their whole lives without managing to refine a single one, even for lower level fifth tier pills .

“Hahahaha! This Long San really is hardworking,” Fang Mingyuan laughed heartily .

Long San was a monster with endless potential . A month ago, he had been a complete amateur regarding high tier pills . But after just a month’s grooming, he had risen to the point where even Fang Mingyuan was shocked .

Even old pill demons like Fang Mingyuan and Chai Gaoyang were not able to refine a nine-ring pill at will . It would depend a great deal on luck . And that referred to just ordinary pills, not one as difficult as the Nine Revolution Life Pill .

Long San was an alchemy genius who was still an unpolished gem . Now that he had been groomed by the Fang family, he was finally releasing his light . And that light was both dazzling and blinding .

Furthermore, this genius was unswervingly loyal to their Fang family and filled with hostility toward the Huo family . That was what delighted Fang Mingyuan the most .

“Ah, thanks old boss Huo . You let me win . ” Fang Mingyuan cupped his fists to Huo Changsheng . His expression was truly a petty one, but it made Huo Changsheng incredibly furious . With a wave of his sleeve, he left .

Looking at the nine-ring pill in Long Chen’s furnace, Huo Wufang’s face was incomparably ugly . He was also incredibly shocked . How had he done this?

He had already brought out his full strength, but he had still lost . Although this was the elimination round and not the finals, it still made him extremely uneasy .

“This Long San is extremely smart . The reason he defeated Huo Wufang isn’t because his alchemy arts are stronger than his,” said the elder .

“Please explain, senior,” begged the people around him .

“Look inside Long San’s furnace . The other pills only have two rings and below . However, Huo Wufang’s pills all have three rings and above,” said the elder . Everyone hastily looked and saw those hints, and they came to a sudden comprehension .

The elder continued, “Long San wisely chose to use his powerful Spiritual Strength to concentrate the life energy into one of his pills .

“I don’t know if you noticed, but six hours ago, he already reserved his Spiritual Strength . Although the fluctuations were extremely weak, it was still noticed by this old man . At that time, I thought he was intentionally weakening the flame to stall for more time . But now that I think about it, he should have already finished storing enough energy to create a nine-ring pill,” said the elder with a bitter smile .

Everyone realized the truth: at that time, Long San had already essentially completed his refinement . But he had intentionally stalled until the end just to give Huo Wufang a slap in the face . This fellow was truly evil .

“However, to do so with his Spiritual Strength requires extremely precise control . Not only did he have to keep the flame at its weakest possible level, but he also had to split a portion of it to concentrate the life energy in the air into just one pill . That would require an exceedingly vast Spiritual Strength . The amount of Spiritual Strength this Long San has is truly shocking,” sighed the elder .

Although he had seen through Long Chen’s technique, that was useless to him . This kind of technique was something no one else could learn from . Who else had such abnormal soul energy?

“Hmph, a little trick is all it was . Let’s meet again at the finals,” snorted Huo Wufang icily before leaving .

“Hehe, goodbye . Don’t bother seeing me out . ” Long Chen very amicably waved his hand at Huo Wufang, blessing his luck inside . He had almost been exposed . But the nine-ring pill had drawn all of Huo Wufang’s attention, causing him to forget his suspicions .

“Hahaha, Long San, nice work! Your face-slaps are too wonderful . So this divine ability actually has its origins in all aspects of life . I understand,” laughed Fang Chang as he came over with Chai Liehuo .

“It should be said that it came from a burst of insight that stemmed from life . The main thing is that if others stick their heads out toward you, take such a graceful posture, and just wait for you forever, wouldn’t you feel ashamed to not slap them? You have to at least give them this much face,” said Long Chen bashfully .

“Haha, profound, truly profound!” laughed Fang Chang .

At this time, the alchemists that the Fang and Chai families had pulled to their side also came . They were truly elites worthy of the two of them spending so much time and effort to pull in . Only seven of them had been washed out this round .

But some people were a bit ashamed . If it hadn’t been for the previous people’s failures, which had allowed them to hear other people’s discussion, they would have also failed .

Even they had only heard of the Nine Revolution Life Pill . As for the secret on how to raise the quality of it by slowly absorbing the life energy in the air, they had had no idea . The fact that they had passed was partly due to luck .

There was no way around that . There were so many pills formulas, and no one knew which one would be picked for the competition .

Just as their group was chatting, a certain person walked over, startling everyone . They hastily bowed .

“Greetings, tower administrator . ”

The tower administrator nodded slightly and then turned to Long Chen . “Your display today was not bad . But next time, remember to reserve yourself a bit . ”

“Yes, tower administrator . ” Long Chen could only nod . He knew the tower administrator was referring to his trouble with Huo Wufang .

“Next time is the finals, and a Tower Ancestor will personally be supervising it . According to what I know, that Tower Ancestor doesn’t like trouble . Don’t end up failing because you want to mess around,” warned the tower administrator .

Everyone was shocked . The finals weren’t being supervised by the tower administrator, but by a Tower Ancestor?

They were extremely grateful for this personal warning . Rather than saying he was warning them, it was more accurate to say that he was warning Long San . It seemed he looked very favorably upon him and didn’t want him to be expelled .

“Many thanks for the reminder . We are incomparably grateful . ”

The tower administrator nodded and left . Looking at his departing figure, Fang Chang sighed, “Even the tower administrator looks favorably upon you . Long San, you really are about to soar . ”

It had to be known that the tower administrator represented Pill Valley . He could be so arrogant that he could completely ignore the three families .

To have received a personal warning from him was truly an honor . Most likely, even if Long San failed, the tower administrator might bring him into Pill Valley . He cared deeply about his terrifying Spiritual Strength .

The others were extremely envious, but it was not the same kind of envy as when they had first met .

It was extremely curious . This thing called envy was something that only appeared when the two parties’ strengths were similar . When one person rose to the point that the other could only look up to, there would be no envy .

An ant wouldn’t envy an elephant . A housefly wouldn’t envy a Kunpeng . The reason was that the differences between the two were too big . Even if they wanted to be envious, they didn’t have the power to be . The current Long Chen was like that .

“Hehe, good, good . If I can get into Pill Valley, then we can coordinate from outside and inside to cut down the Huo family . Then we can think of a way to bring the two of you into Pill Valley as well to play around . Wouldn’t that be fun?” laughed Long Chen .

“If you have this kind of heart, then we’re happy . But as for bringing us into Pill Valley, you should probably forget about it . We’re aware of our own strength . Let’s go celebrate . ”

Although Long Chen’s words had been a bit exaggerated, they still made Fang Chang and Chai Liehuo feel extremely comfortable . Even though Long Chen already had hope of entering Pill Valley, he still placed their families in his heart . That was something rare .

In this world, the least reliable thing was a person’s heart . When people saw a new target, their hearts would change . But Long Chen’s heart had been unswerving from start to finish .

Their celebration this time lasted a full three days . Long Chen had truly become famous . He was a brilliant youngster who was soaring, his brilliance lighting up the sky .

The news that Long San had used a nine-ring Nine Revolution Life Pill to defeat Huo Wufang was rapidly spread throughout the entire alchemy world by the Fang and Chai families . The name Long San was something anyone with the slightest status would know .

Even the various large sects received this news . When this news reached Shui Wuhen’s ears, she couldn’t help but sigh .

“When Long Chen does something, it always gets blown up into a huge matter . I really don’t know what kind of ending he will cause . Huo family, just accept your bad luck . You could have targeted anyone, but you targeted that fellow . ”

After the three days had passed, Long Chen entered seclusion once more . He had to study the flame magical arts he had gained . Last time, he had simply memorized them in one go .

But such magical arts were too profound and Long Chen found himself lost . There was still one month until the finals, so he finally had time to study them .

However, he had only been studying for two days when Long Chen was pulled out by Fang Chang and Chai Liehuo . They said that cultivating so all-out like this wasn’t a good thing, and he needed to relax .

As a result, the two of them directly brought Long Chen in front of a majestic, lavish building . It was extremely large, and a dazzling slight from the distance .

Atop the building, written in bold strokes, were three words: House of Pleasures!

“What the fuck? Big bros, did you bring me to some low-grade brothel?” Long Chen was dumbfounded .

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