Nanomancer Reborn - I've Become A Snow Girl?

Chapter 629 Asakura Koji's Swordsmanship

Going into the kitchen, Mio started to make some food while Shiro and Koji started to talk about what had happened.

"So what happened to your name? If I remember correctly, you can't change your name unless there has been a special circ.u.mstance or you use a disguise skill." Koji asked curiously.

Thinking about it for a moment, Shiro decided to confess the truth since her identity as a spirit queen was important after all.

"Well some things happened and I lost my memory for a bit. During this time, my name was changed to Shiro and I became something you might know as a Queen." Shiro confessed as Koji paused for a moment.

"You mean like the Beast Queen that had recently showed up? There had been quite a few meetings discussing her identity and what we should do. And you're telling me that you've become one of them?" Koji asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Yeah. You see, it's like this…"

Explaining the identity of queens, anchors, domains, new age and the future, Koji and Mio listened carefully as the meal was being prepared.

"And I'm guessing these three spirits here are your subjects for the future then?" Koji asked as he gestured to the spirits.

"Mn. This one is Nimue, she's been with me the longest followed by Iziuel. I've met Estrella recently but she has been a great help overall." Shiro smiled.

"I see… But if you're the queen, it means that you're the lifeline of their race. From what I can tell, they can't protect you. Anything you can't deal with is something that they can't deal with. Not to be harsh but you might need to find some better guards." Koji narrowed his eyes with a serious expression.

Since his daughter had become a queen and this wasn't anything that he could change, the least he could do is make sure her guards are competent. But comparing their auras to one another, Shiro's aura outshines them by so much. It was akin to comparing a light bulb to the sun.

"Dad, I'm training them to be better. It's a learning process. Plus, it's fine, there's not much I can't deal with." Shiro frowned.

"I understand that it's a learning process but the age is coming soon is it not? I don't think you understand that you don't have the leisure to train up proper guards to protect yourself within the time that you're giv- BLERG!"

"Shut up dear. I understand that you're worried but sometimes the way you carry yourself will make you hated you know? Did you forget how you had a fight with Kuromi before because of the way you phrased things?" Mio huffed as she smacked Koji on the back of the head with her hand.

"What your dad is wanting to say is that he'll get some high level adventurers to train your friends individually so that you don't have to. From what we can tell, you're pretty much ready and all that you need are the EXP for high levels. On the other hand, your friends need both the EXP and fighting Experience in order to stand by your side."

"We will do what we can but we're getting old too. Not to sound gloomy but with how you've described the new age, we'll need to be careful or even your dad and I will be killed in the new age and that's not something we can deny. Hence why he wants you and your friends to be as prepared as possible when the time comes and the best way to do that is to have individual lessons from the best people in the world." Mio explained with a smile.

"I know mum." Shiro nodded. She felt warm inside knowing the care that her parents were showing to her.

"So do you want us to call you by Kuromi or Shiro? It's a shame that your name has changed but things happen and I can accept the results." Mio chuckled.

"In that case then can you call me Shiro? I lost my memory for a while so it kind of feels like Kuromi and Shiro are two different people even though we're the same." Shiro scratched her cheeks with embarrassment.

"It's ok, I understand. Experiences define a person after all. In the period where you lost your memory, you could have become a new person entirely but in the end, you're still our child." Mio smiled softly.

"The meal might take a while so if you want, you can have a spar with your dad like old times. Plus, I'm also a bit curious about your progress in martial arts since you said that you mixed magic and martial arts together." She suggested.

"Sure. Dad you might need to take it easy on me though, I'm not as experienced with the sword as you are haha." Shiro smiled as Koji waved his hand.

"Don't worry, your old man understands." He grinned and stood up. Leading everyone to the reinforced dojo that wasn't too far from the living room, he gestured for everyone to sit by the side.

"So do you want me to use my sword or a wooden one?" Shiro asked as she didn't want to injure her dad if possible.

"You're underestimating me a little there aren't you? Your old man can take quite a beating you know? You mum can confirm that."

"I don't think that's something to be proud of." Shiro's smile twitched.

"It is when your mum has skills that can ignore all forms of defence." Koji coughed as his face was a little pale.

'Jesus mum what the hell did you do to dad.' Shiro thought to herself.

Summoning Athera into her hands, Shiro crouched slightly and entered a stance while Koji raised his wooden sword.

"You sure you want to use a wooden sword dad? Just to let you know, I also have armour penetration skills. And I'm going to be honest, it might not be as good as mum's but it's better than what most people can do." Shiro narrowed her eyes.

Seeing Shiro's seriousness, Koji was reminded of his wife and decided to go with a proper sword in the end. However, it still wasn't his main sword since doing so would be too risky. After all, his sword was one that cursed people that he fights.

"Ready?" Shiro asked.

Nodding his head, Koji was excited to see what his daughter could offer him.


Stomping against the ground, Shiro dashed towards her father and used her phantom path to close the gap.

Following up with her Lighting version of Divine Raiment, Shiro used the Takemikazuchi Technique. 

Seeing this, Koji had an impressed look in his eyes as this was more than what he had expected from a mage. Hell, this was better than most of the melee users that he had seen on the front lines. Despite her level, Shiro's power was something that could rival his own.

Smiling softly, he responded with his own move.

Just as their swords collided, Shiro was surprised to see all of her initial force and momentum dissipate into the surroundings as Koji's swords travelled up Athera's blade and towards her guard.

Quickly breaking contact, she made some distance between them once more.

'In terms of experience with the sword, dad definitely surpasses me. Most of my experience comes from using my guns and magic while I've only properly started to learn the sword in this life. I can't expect to beat dad with my current sword skills.'

"What's wrong darling? I thought your armour penetration was going to damage my sword." Koji said with a smile.

"Well this is a sword fight. I'm not going to be using magic now am I?" Shiro shrugged but she was looking for a chance to attack him.

"No need to worry about your old man. I can handle a kid or two. After all, your sister had quite some strength to her when growing up and being punched in the eye by her wasn't exactly fun." Koji laughed.

"You said it dad. I'll use some magic then." Shiro narrowed her eyes.

Activating Rift Strider, she immediately closed the gap between them as several tier 5 magic circles appeared around Koji.

Smiling softly, Koji lashed out with his sword and enhanced it with an unknown skill, shattering the magic circles apart in an instant.

"This is what I mean when mages have a hard time defending themselves. Break their spell and they're open for attacks." Koji lectured as he was already in front of Shiro.

"I do the same but better." Shiro grinned.

Chains suddenly burst out from the ground as she had conjured up nanobots beneath the floorboard, converting them to mana draining chains which prevented her dad from using mana to enhance his body.

"Hou~ But it'll take more than that to hinder your old man." Koji grinned, feeling excited by the fact that his daughter could hold her own against him.

Taking a deep breath, Koji stepped towards her. Before she could react, he disarmed her in an instant, causing her sword to be launched across the room.

Reaching out for Shiro, Koji lifted her up onto his shoulder and grinned.

"I suppose it's this old man's victory."

Seeing herself being placed on his shoulder like a child, Shiro couldn't help but blush from embarrassment but at the same time, she was excited to see how much he can teach her in terms of swordsmanship. 

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