Nanomancer Reborn - I've Become A Snow Girl?

Chapter 619 Organising A Raid

Looking down at her hands with a frown, Shiro looked back at the now unresponsive Dominic.

Turns out, extracting memories from a soul was highly dangerous and a single bad move results in the soul completely going potato on her.

Shaking her head, she had nanobots consume Dominic's body.

'With this, I've already changed the future since I haven't met Rakurth yet. While he has been freed, due to Dominic's death, he doesn't know me.' Shiro thought to herself as she started to make her way back to the City.

{Maybe it's a good thing. If you think about it, while the butterfly effect may stop you from making a new friend, it could also be the catalyst to prevent something bad in the future.} Nimue said with a smile.

'True. Anyways, I should probably inform the party about the demons now. But speaking of the future, I wonder if I'm able to kill a c*nt called Batros early. He wasn't exactly a good guy in the future and doing so may allow me to free up a few hostages that will be captured by him.' Shiro mused before increasing her speed.

Making her way back to the city, she had the party meet up back at the house.

"So did you meet this 'old friend' of yours?" Lyrica asked as that was Shiro's main goal when they split up.

"Unfortunately, no. However, I did manage to get some good information on the demons and their main goal. Turns out that there is someone they're looking for here in Vatican City and it aint Lisa. They're currently located deep underground with 100 A class demons on stand by and 200 B class demons. Apparently, they're being cautious because of Lisa so we can assume that her magic's highly effective against them." Shiro replied with a chuckle.

Hearing that there 300 demons in the city with 100 of them being A class, the party took a moment to digest the information.

"This might be a bit more than what we can handle." Aarim said as Shiro nodded her head.

"You're right about that. You see, with 100 A class and 200 B class demons, I'm not able to keep them all busy with a large scale magic circle as it would open me up to a lethal strike to the heart. Despite having a huge amount of firepower, I'm still a glass cannon with paper thin defences to A class demons. Silvi, remember when the boss dropped my health by more than half in a single hit during that raid? That's how thin my defences are." Shiro said as Silvia nodded her head.


"There it is." Madison sighed as she knew what was coming next.

"We'll be able to deal with them if I can get the surprise attack. Meaning, we'll be hosting a raid against their base with the help of the government officials that have joined us in the city due the eh, slight… accident that I caused with my skill." Shiro smiled.

"Do you think they'll agree to the raid though?" Lyrica asked.

"Not sure. Even if they don't, I have an idea on how to kill them. Since my defences are paper thin, I'll need to be careful of how I attack their base. Melee is not an option since they can decide to restrain me at the cost of their life and I'll be killed."

"Guns?" Madison asked.

"Guns." Shiro grinned.

Snapping her finger, a hologram of all the best guns that she can make appeared in front of them.

"These will be our main weapons if the government officials decide to not give a sh*t. Which I doubt but you never know." Shiro shrugged before dismissing the holograms.

"So why don't I get a note on which weapon everyone wants?" She smiled.

"First, Lyrica, what do you want?"

"Give me the pistols like the ones that you use. I'm going to be front lining a bit after all." Lyrica replied.

"Got it. You need to be careful of the recoil though. If you're not careful, your shoulders might pop out." Shiro nodded.


"Second, Madison, what do you want?"

"Give me a powerful shotgun. I'm a tank so I might as well be in the thick of things." Madison laughed.

"Sure, I'll give you something that ignores armour. Since you're a tank, you won't need to worry about being hit like I do. And just to make it easier for you, I'll make you a suit of armour too to increase your other parameters." Shiro chuckled.

"Third, Silvia, what do you want?"

"I'll just have something that's easy to use I suppose. My main role is to keep everyone alive after all." Silvia smiled.

"How about the machine guns then? They're pretty light and easy to use." Shiro suggested.


"Lil' Chen, it's your turn. What gun do you want?"

"I'll have what you use as well since they look like they pack a punch while being light."

"The hand cannons? Sure."

"Next is Aarim, what do you want?"

"Me? Hmm… I've got my spells but a gun would be quite interesting. How about something like a sniper then?" Aarim chuckled.

"Got it. And you Helion?" Shiro nodded.

"Give me something beefy. Something that can really f*ck up their day." He laughed since he might as well get some enjoyment out of it.

"How about a set of mini guns and rail cannons? You won't be able to move around but you can rain hellfire from the backlines." Shiro suggested as this was one of her favourite set ups. Especially when she's on one of her flying fortresses.

"Sounds great." Helion nodded his head.

He even entertained the idea of not letting the government get involved so that he could give the guns a shot but that was just irresponsible. There will be plenty of chances for him to give the guns a try in the future after all.

"Now then, my two darling daughters, what do you want?" Shiro turned to Lisa and Yin.

"Give me a chicken drumstick." Yin chuckled.

Seeing the party raise their eyebrow, Yin waved her hand.

"I'm kidding. I'll have a mini gun like Helion. Raining hellfire from the backlines while eating some food sounds great to me."

"I'll have the two shotguns I suppose. I saw one that didn't need me to reload like the sniper I tried before."

"Ah that one. Got it."

Noting down everyone's preferences, they turned to the party once more.

"Now then, shall we head to the guild? We'll report about the demons then see if we can launch a raid against them with the government officials."

Making their way to the guild that was just down the road, Shiro and the party approached the counter.

"Hello, how can I help you today." The receptionist smiled.

"I want to report some new information about the demons that have appeared in the city."

"I see. Before we talk about what kind of information you have, do you have a reliable source or proof of the matter? If not, we'll need to get some people to verify this information which might take a while depending on the information."

"I can give you proof but it'll take a little while. The information I want to give is the demon's location as well as their numbers." Shiro replied.

Thinking about it for a moment, the receptionist pulled out her phone and called someone.

After a few moments, she turned back to the party.

"The guild master of this branch will be here shortly. You may discuss the matter with her."

Nodding her head, Shiro waited patiently for the guild master to greet them.

"Are you the one who was wanting to give some information about the demons?" A woman called out as Shiro nodded her head.

The woman stood slightly taller than her with dark crimson hair tied into a ponytail. Her clothes consisted of a suit jacket, a white shirt, some suit pants and a pair of high heels.

"Alright. Come to my office, we'll talk there." The woman nodded with a serious face since the demons were a serious problem to the safety of this city. The sooner they get rid of them, the better.

Taking the elevator up to the highest floor, she opened her office doors and gestured for the party to sit down on the sofas.

"So tell me, what is it that you want to report?" She asked with a serious expression.

"I found out that there are 100 A classed demons and 200 B classed demons underneath the city. I was hoping that the guild could organise a raid with the government officials that have arrived due to the mass case of mana deficiency." Shiro said as she went straight to the point.

Hearing that there were 100 A classed demons underneath the city, the guild master widened her eyes in shock before furrowing her brows.

"Are you able to confirm this?" She asked with slight amounts of dread written on her face.


Hearing Shiro's response, the guild master took a deep breath to calm herself down.

"Understood. We'll host a raid in a day's time after calling for more reinforcements."

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