Nanomancer Reborn - I've Become A Snow Girl?

Chapter 610 Silvia's Combat Ability

"GAHH!!!" Crying out in pain, the Cardinal tried his best to ward off the attacks but he was not prepared for the intensity.

To make matters worse, strange chains had also wrapped around his arms, blocking his mana usage so he had to tough out most of the attacks.

After a while, the barrage finally ended as the Cardinal sat on his broken throne with a frown.

"Ha… Can I please ta-"

"Nope~" Shiro laughed as another barrage followed up.

Racking up countless stacks of debuffs, Shiro had to activate a few of her berserk skills so that her attacks actually worked.

Despite the ridiculous amounts of debuffs on her body, Shiro was still able to drop the boss down to 40% health. Even when he received the buffs from his passive, the boss was still pinned to his throne.

Looking at the unending barrage of spells, he couldn't help but wonder what he did to deserve this.

"GOD DAMNIT!!!" He shouted out with the last ounce of strength as he activated his skill which allowed him to duel one of the members.

Locking eyes with Silvia, he sent her into his realm.

Cracking his neck, he glared at her.

"I'll kill you first then I'll kill- GAH!!!"

Before he could finish his sentence, Silvia had already applied several buffs on herself and clubbed him on the head with her staff.

Twisting her body, she slammed the pommel against his chest and kneed him on the chin.

"I'm a healer so I took some self defence classes from the other girls you know? If you think I'm the weakest because of my class, you're dead wrong. I can defeat my boyfriend in a one on one you know?" Silvia grinned as there was a murderous glow in her eyes.

Normally, she would refrain from being this violent with the other girls around since it wasn't like the healer to be this aggressive. But if the boss was to do her a favour like this, she had to enjoy the most out of it

"Gah! What is it with you girls and cutting people off when they speak!" The boss raged as a sword suddenly appeared besides him.

Slashing it towards Silvia, he was overjoyed to see that she had paper like defences as her arm was severed easily.

"HA-" Before he could finish his laugh, Silvia had already regenerated her arm and slammed the staff against the back of his knees, forcing him to kneel before her.

Pivoting on her foot, she slammed the pommel against his temple, disorientating him.

"If you can't kill a healer in one go, you're gonna have a bad time." Silvia 'smiled' as the boss couldn't help but feel a chill down his spine.


"Damn. He took Silvi." Shiro muttered with a frown when she watched both the boss and Silvia disappear.

"Oh that's fine then. If anything, Silvia's the one we need to worry about the least. In terms of one on one potential, she's probably the strongest out of all of us." Lyrica shrugged as they started to make some preparations for when Silvia comes out.

"What do you mean by that?" Shiro furrowed her brows.

"You see, Silvia's healing power is so potent to the point you can cut her in half and she'll heal right up. If you can't prevent her from using her spells, she's essentially immortal you know? She's got a title which allows her to heal a target even if they reach 0 HP as long as she does it within the first minute of death. Meaning, she can heal herself if she reaches 0 HP. To make matters worse for the boss, her healing is stronger the less health she has. From 0 HP, she can heal herself back to full. Her only problem was mana but with the bracelet that you gave her, I'd say that's pretty much been solved." Aarim explained.

"So you've seen her being cut in half before?" Shiro raised her eyebrow in surprise.

"Nope. She told us about it. It was during one of her dungeon runs and she made a mistake." Aarim shrugged.

". . .Ok now I get why you girls get so mad at me when I explain things. What the f*ck." Shiro massaged her eyes

"Welcome is this your first time here? Would you like a guide?" Madison laughed as the party couldn't help but find the situation quite humorous.

"So, I know her healing is strong but what about her combat ability? Healings great and all but combat ability is just as important." Shiro asked.

"Oh her combat ability? She can beat Chen Yu in a one on one. And that's not even taking note of her healing." Lyrica said as Chen Yu nodded his head.

"Silvi's already reached Staff domain with her weapon. She had a surprising affinity with the staff you know?" Chen Yu said as Shiro raised her eyebrow in surprise.

'To think that Sivli's already reached Staff Domain. Perhaps I should go look for some martial arts manuals for her along with a good staff weapon.' Shiro thought to herself.

"Speaking of domains, how's your Hidden Proficiency coming along? I know that the weapon you need is a strange mix of whip and sword." Shiro asked as she turned towards Lyrica.

"I haven't been able to make much progress with it since I don't have a weapon that fits my hidden proficiency." Lyrica replied.

"Hm, that's perfect then. Helion, remember the weird weapon blueprint I gave you before?" Shiro called out.

"Yeah? What about it?"

"Are you able to make it? I know that it was out of your reach before but what about now?" 

"Hmm…. Maybe. The only problem is the intricate parts of the weapon. I don't think I can craft something so small in a short period of time." Helion replied.

"Don't worry about those. What I'm thinking about is you make the main components such as the blade and I'll use nanobots to connect each part together. Like the bracelets that you lot got, Lyrica will need to be careful with how much mana she gives the nanobots but I'll increase the threshold as much as I can." Shiro smiled.

"Will that work?" Helion furrowed his brows.

"It should. I mean, I've been combining hand made weapons with nanobots for awhile now. Lyrica, do you still have the dual blades that I gave you way way earlier? Around school time?"

"Yeah I do. I haven't sold it." Lyrica nodded and brought out the Dual Ended Poison Blades that Shiro had gifted her.

"Let me just remove the disguise skill." Shiro smiled.

Passing the Nano Tech Infused Dual Poison Blades to Helion, Shiro waited for his response.

"Creator: Helion, Upgrader: Shiro? The f*ck???" Helion scratched his head as he looked at the blade with confusion.

"See? So I think it should be ok if you made the main parts of the weapon and I finish it off." Shiro smiled as Helion nodded.

"Sure, we'll do that after we finish this raid then."

Waiting for the duel to end, the party watched as the two reappeared in the room. Silvia was unharmed while the boss seemed quite tired.

{Look at what you've done to Silvi. She was a normal lass until you came around. I can still remember what she was like when you first met her… Look at her now? Going toe to toe with boss' tsk tsk tsk.} Nimue shook her head.

'You weren't even there when I saw her though???'

{I can imagine what she was like. Plus, most people become monsters after being 'trained' by you after all.} Nimue shrugged.

'I guess that's true.'

{What do you mean I guess that's true. It IS true.}

Focusing back on the boss, the party was able to defeat him without too many problems.

However, Shiro needed to be careful of how many buffs he received since if he got too much, the party would have a hard time when they go into the duel.

Watching the boss' lifeless corpse collapse against the ground, the party sighed in relief.

"This was quite a pain. Thankfully, we've managed to complete this raid so it should be fine for a while. Let's grab the loot then leave this place." Lyrica called out as the party agreed.

"Oh right, I also need to talk to the pope." Shiro muttered.

"Ah right, you still need to talk to the pope." The party sighed as they weren't too eager about the talk.

"What? Don't worry about it, I have this covered." Shiro waved her hands.

The party did not believe it and they proceeded to worry about the talk.

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