Nanomancer Reborn - I've Become A Snow Girl?

Chapter 605 Strongest Sniper

"Yo." Waving her hand slightly, the older Shiro greeted Rakurth with a grin.

"Don't yo me." He rolled his eyes.

"Anyways, explain to me in detail about the damage you caused. How many people did you kill and what are their identities?" Rakurth asked as he gestured for her to sit down.

"I only killed Batros and his men. The guards weren't around so they weren't dragged in. That's about it to be honest. If I had to explain how many people I killed then around 25 give or take?" The older Shiro replied with a shrug.

"25… Ok, that's fine. It's not a number that would cause the Kirin to suddenly come down. If it was, the next step would be a bit annoying. So before we start the fight I need to know your priorities so that I can plan around them."

"Well my main priority is to get myself the Anchor Crystal. I'll fight the guardian myself as he should be pretty weak. The only problem is the Kirin since he's got a contract with the Lightning Queen. I'll probably be there for the start of the fight but during the fight, I might dip and go grab myself the crystal."

"That's fine. Just keep an eye on me and use your healing if you can. I might be able to contest against the Kirin but his health pool is much larger than mine. Without a healer, there's a good chance that I might lose if I'm to be honest." Rakurth laughed.

"I understand. I'm no Silvia but I can definitely heal much better than the average healer." The older Shiro grinned.

"Well, asking for Miss Silvia is a bit excessive. I'd feel sorry for the Kirin if she was with us."

"Mn, true. Anyways, when shall we begin the operation?" The older Shiro asked as she grabbed two cups of juice from her inventory.

"Ah thanks. We should-"

"That cups for my baby girl. Unless you want one too?" The older Shiro chuckled while handing the cup to Shiro.

". . . I'll be fine. As I was saying, we should probably start tonight or tomorrow before they find out about the dead people. That way, we can still get a jump on the Kirin before they report back to him." Rakurth suggested.

"Sure, I'll let Misu know that we're going to be fighting the Kirin so that she can keep a mental note of it. Also, just asking but are we fighting him or killing him? Because the difficulty spikes up quite a bit if we're trying to kill him you know."

"Naturally, I'll be trying to kill him. However, if I can't achieve that, wounding him would be fine too." Rakurth replied.

"If you're trying to go for the kill then you'll definitely need my help. In that case then why don't you help me kill the guardian and I'll grab the anchor. After that, we can both focus on the Kirin." The older Shiro suggested.

"Sure. But are we able to kill the guardian quick enough? I don't doubt our firepower but we need to control it so that we don't destroy the anchor." Rakurth asked.

"Have you forgotten who I am? Sniping people from afar is my thing." The older Shiro grinned as she pointed towards the fortress wall in the distance.

"If I can get myself a clear shot of the guy, I can guarantee that he'll die instantly and we can then grab the anchor." She chuckled.

"Sure. Let's go with that, so do you know where the Guardian is?" Rakurth asked just to make sure.

"Of course. I've been spending around a month in this city to prepare for this operation. There's no way that I wouldn't know where the guardian is. Don't tell me you don't know?" The older Shiro raised her eyebrows in surprise.


"I only wanted to deal with the Kirin ok? The anchor wasn't my goal at all." Rakurth glanced to the side.

"Pft hahaha! Ok ok, just follow me and I'll teleport you into the anchor zone once I've taken my first shot. I've already installed a few teleport nodes around this city for easy access."

"Eh? When did you do that? Weren't you under observation?"

"Yes but do you think a few shitty guards can keep me under watch?" The older Shiro smiled.


Explaining her plans a bit more, the older Shiro snapped her fingers and summoned a portal.

Walking through, the three of them found themselves at the top of the wall.

Without saying anything, the older Shiro grabbed a flute out of her inventory and started to play a soft melody. A tier 6 magic circle appeared around her as Shiro noticed that a few of the guards collapsed against the walls and started to sleep.

"This should give us some leeway. Right then, I should probably grab the strongest sniper that I have." The older Shiro grinned.

Slamming her hand down on the floor, a tier 6 magic circle started to construct itself.

Pillars of nanobots appeared around the tower, hiding the giant surge of mana from the Kirin.

Glancing down at the magic circle, Shiro couldn't believe the detail that was shown. Even in her past life, she was never able to come anywhere close to how powerful this magic circle was.

'So I did indeed surpass my peak. That's a nice guarantee.' She thought with a smile.

*Kch! Kch! Kch!

Watching the nanobots combine with one another, Shiro noticed a seating area of sorts which confused her since a sniper shouldn't need a seating area.

However, when the mainframe of the sniper was finished, Shiro's smile twitched since it wasn't a sniper at all.

'What do you mean the strongest sniper? Ain't this clearly a multi-layered orbital rail cannon???' Shiro thought with a twitching smile.

Climbing into the c.o.c.kpit, the older Shiro flipped a few switches as the machine hummed to life.

"Wouldn't this destroy the anchor as well?" Rakurth asked as he looked at the 'sniper' with a complicated expression.

"Don't worry~ You see, this sniper is a 'little' special. It doesn't target the mortal body but rather the soul. All of this will focus on completely erasing the enemy in an instant and I can change it to target a single person or a group of them if I want. If you look over here, you can see a dial which condenses the shot if I'm targeting one person." The older Shiro explained with a grin.

Nodding his head, Rakurth couldn't help but wonder why she had put those people to sleep before since the other guards had already seen the big ass cannon that is now mounted on top of their wall.

"You might want to hurry up since guards are already making their way towards us." Rakurth reminded.

"I know I know. Don't rush me, I don't want to accidentally erase someone else's soul across the continent if I miss you know?"

"Wait a f*cking moment. I think you just said something quite dangerous how about we just punch him really hard instea-"

Before he could finish his sentence, the older Shiro had already pulled the trigger.

Suddenly, hundreds upon hundreds of tier 6 magic circles appeared around them as they condensed towards the barrel of the cannon.

Glowing with an ominous light, a silent bullet was fired from the sniper.

It wasn't until a few moments later did they finally hear the explosion of the shot as the older Shiro quickly covered Tia's ears from the explosion.


Breaking off a large chunk of the wall, the shockwave of the shot caused cracks to appear on the surrounding mountains.

Hearing a cry of anger in the distance, Shiro could see a giant barrier materialising in front of the bullet.


Shattering it without any resistance, the bullet dug deep into the faint silhouette of the Guardian.

While she couldn't see anything due to it being too far, she could guess that they succeeded from the look on Rakurth's face.

"Right then, that's the guardian down so I should probably go grab the anchor. Knowing the Kirin, that shot should have drawn its attention." The older Shiro laughed.

"No sh*t. It's already here." Rakurth retorted as the deep rumble of thunder could be heard.

Without saying another word, Rakurth took a deep breath as scales started to wrap around his arms.


Shattering the already damaged pieces of the wall beneath him, Rakurth's figure started to grow larger with each passing second. Soon, a giant dragon could be seen towering over the already large wall. His silver scales glistened under the moonlight as he looked up at the dark clouds.


Unfurling his giant wings, he lifted his body off the wall and charged into the sky.

"Let's go grab the anchor while old man Rakurth keeps the Kirin busy."

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