Nanomancer Reborn - I've Become A Snow Girl?

Chapter 590 Shiro and Shiro

"Hm… I suppose you can't speak in that body." The older Shiro narrowed her eyes and flexed her fingers.

Suddenly, a nanotech collar appeared around Shiro's neck.

"Don't speak just yet, we're going to my room." Once she returned to her room, the older Shiro locked the door and set up a few formations.

"Speak." She demanded with a frown.

"Ah ah ah~ Oh damn this really does work." Shiro raised her eyebrow before turning to her older self.

"Before you kill me or do anything that may torture my soul, let me just say that I barely have a clue on what the f*ck is happening as well."

"Then do you know where my daughter is?" The older Shiro asked as swords appeared around her.

"Unfortunately no- WAIT WAIT WAIT!!! Let me finish woman!" Shiro cried out in shock when she saw her soul soul sword appear. Since she was the same person, she knew what her soul sword can do and it wouldn't surprise her if the older Shiro was able to just extract her soul from Tia's body.

"Go on."

"Listen. I was in the past. The age of demons and gods hadn't started yet. I met this person called The Guide. I was then given a trial and the next thing I knew; I was here." Shiro explained while leaving some parts of the truth out of the picture.

"The Guide… Hm… so you're telling me this person sent you to the future before the age could even begin?" The older Shiro narrowed her eyes.


"Bullsh*t." The older Shiro shook her head and prepared to swing her sword.

"Ah just stop! Let me explain and at least try to convince you god damn it!" Shiro shouted out with annoyance.

'Was I always this unreasonable????' She huffed in her mind.

"There's no need for you to explain since it's impossible. Unless your mortal body dies on the spot and your soul is kept in slumber for years before reawakening, there's no way for you to just 'Jump' to the future."

"I know that. However, what if a god is involved?"

"The procedures they must do to pull something like this off is quite strict and not to mention, not many gods can do this. Since you came from the past, the system was still around. With the gods being bound by the authority levels, they must be willing to sacrifice quite a bit to pull something like this off. Even the god of time would struggle if he tried it in the past." The older Shiro shook her head.

"Well believe it or not, it's what had happened. I just want to know what I must do to pass this trial but I think I have an idea now." Shiro shrugged.


"I think I need to help you establish a domain as well as an anchor. So far, all clues lead to this. I don't have the system interface so I can't be sure so I'm just guessing at this point." Shiro explained while the older Shiro narrowed her eyes before tapping Tia's forehead.

Suddenly, black chains wrapped around her body as Shiro felt a pain assault her mind.

Feeling a sense of weightlessness overwhelm her body, Shiro found herself in a strange state. Her body was transparent and she was currently floating above Tia's unconscious body.

Looking down at her hands, she noticed that it was back to a.d.u.l.t form.

Turning towards the a.d.u.l.t Shiro, she could see the shock on her face.

"Welp, I guess the secrets out then. Sup older me." Shiro grinned and gave herself a small wave.

Taking a moment to massage her eyes, the older Shiro sighed.

"Ok if it's me were talking about, I can definitely imagine myself f*cking up the system and causing this to happen." The older Shiro sighed.

"Ok, to make sure that you're actually me, I'm going to ask you questions that only I would know." The older Shiro narrowed her eyes.

"First, what is my favourite food."

"It's not food, it's a drink. It's juice." Shiro replied with a shrug since food was nice but she enjoyed her juice.

"Ok, second question. What's my favourite weapon?"

"A spear since it can poke the ass the easiest. However, we mostly use swords and guns since we're used to using them."

"Mn. Third question, who do I love?" The older Shiro narrowed her eyes.


Widening her eyes, Shiro blushed in embarrassment and looked down on her fingers.

"I- I don't know." Shiro muttered back.

"Oh my god you really did come from quite far back in the past haven't you?" The older Shiro raised her eyebrow after seeing her embarrassed younger self.

"Hush it! You're me so you've been through this already!" Shiro pouted.

"Yes but I now have a third biological daughter so I'm better in this regard. Also, just because you're me, doesn't mean I'm ok with my daughter suddenly disappearing. Thankfully for you, her soul is still there." The older Shiro pointed back down at Tia's body. Near her, Shiro could see the faint silhouette of Tia sleeping soundlessly.

"So until this is over, I'm guessing you're in her body for now." The older Shiro sighed.

"Mn, before we go to anything important, mind telling me who I lo- like?" Shiro asked.

"Hm…." Narrowing her eyes at her younger self, the older Shiro grinned.

"Nope~ If I told you, it might change the future you know?"

"Oh you can f*ck right off with that bullsh*t. While this might be the quote on quote 'future' it's not at the same time since it's a trial. So you can tell me and it'll be fine. Who knows, this might just be an isolated space caused by the system in the future that can be used as a trial in the past. We don't know." Shiro huffed.

"Yes but it's no fun like that. It was quite… fufu, interesting to find it out for myself so I won't spoil you of the fun." The older Shiro laughed with a smug expression.

"Go f*ck yourself." Shiro flipped herself off.

"You know, with you here, I can indeed." The older Shiro chuckled and licked her lips seductively as a joke.

". . ."

'What the f*ck have I become in the future…' She thought to herself while facepalming in soul form.

Calming her mind down, she looked back at herself.

"Anyways, enough with the jokes. So far, we know that this is a trial. You need to do something in order to return to the past. There is also a chance that this is not actually the future but rather an isolated space of one of the probabilities. So the god that tampered with this is someone quite high up on the hierarchy."

"Indeed. I'll run a search on high level gods that I know of right now." The older Shiro nodded her head.

"You seemed to have accepted things quite quickly." Shiro raised her eyebrow.

"Of course. I'm me after all. Plus, knowing myself, I'd be quite pressed for time if I'm in the same situation. With me understanding the situation and not killing you instantly, I can actually work with you to figure things out. Honestly, this reminds me of the time I spent with big sis Kuro back in that trial." The older Shiro chuckled before a screen appeared before Shiro.

"Check this list and see if any of the gods here can potentially make this trial."

"Wouldn't Chronos be on this?" Shiro asked as he was the god of time.

"Normally yes but the new age has really f*cked with his powers. Right now, his powers are limited with the future being classed as 'uncertain'. There's probably a good chance that it's the same in the past so I took him off the list. Plus, this might not even be the actual future so it's outside of this scope of power. For all we know, it could be an illusion." The older Shiro shrugged.

"I suppose that's why you put Asteria down then. She is the goddess of the stars and they can use the stars to predict the future. So she could have probably worked with another god to make this trial. You could be a very detailed illusion after predicting my future and seeing how I would react." Shiro agreed.

"Exactly." The older Shiro smiled.

"Hmm… Honestly, I have no clue. I say we should just play along for now and help solve your domain and anchor problem. If you don't mind telling me, why can't you create one?" Shiro asked.

"No idea. I don't know how to set it up even after copying and analysing their magic circles. Apparently, I myself am lacking something." The older Shiro sighed.


Before she could reply, the house started to shake from the combat.


"The kids are fighting again." The older Shiro sighed and stood up.

"Why are people targeting you?" Shiro asked curiously.

Pausing in her footsteps, the older Shiro looked down before glancing back at her.

"Because I took the system away from them. They're now alone without a helping hand in this broken world." 

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