Nanomancer Reborn - I've Become A Snow Girl?

Chapter 582 Entering The Sanctuary of Sin

Doing some repairs on the armour wasn't too difficult since the armour wasn't as damaged as Shiro's. Plus, their quality was lower so the amount of focus needed wasn't too intense, allowing Helion to fix it quickly with ease.

During this, time, Shiro decided to walk around the Vatican City a little so that she could get a general gist of what was happening.

Looking at a few of the orphanages, Shiro could see that the children were quite happy despite having lost their parents. The amount of care put into orphanages was quite high.

'No wonder Lisa decided to help this place. To guarantee the safety in this city is going to be a little difficult since we'll be going deep into politics which isn't my strong suit.' Shiro thought with a sigh.

She was talented in the area of combat but politics was something else entirely. While she can read people quite well, it was not something she enjoyed when viewed in this context.

Therefore, she needed to find a way to help this place but not become completely attached. Which is what Lisandra is experiencing right now.

'There are two main problems. Demons and the manpower in this place. The fighting standard of this city is abnormally low despite their levels. Considering their level, one would presume that they can at least hold their own in a high level dungeon but from what I've seen so far, that's not the case.' Shiro thought while looking towards the training hall off in the distance. Before coming to the orphanage, she took a small detour to see their fighting potential but she was quite disappointed with what she had seen.

If she had to describe it, it was as if level 100 adventurers took a cheat pill to become level 200. They did not perform to the standard of a level 200.

To make matters worse, that was when she compared it to the average level 200 and not the more talented ones. For an entire city to be below standard was seriously abnormal.

Shaking her head, she said down on the roof of the orphanage.

'Demons are easily dealt with but I don't know their objective. I'll probably have to torture some info out of them. Nimue, any ideas on how we can solve the problem of this city's low combat potential?' Shiro asked curiously.

{Not much to be honest. Perhaps you can make something for them to upgrade their combat experience? Remember the simulation back in Cairosa? Why don't you make something similar to that?} Nimue suggested.

'I suppose that could work but only in the long run. It doesn't solve anything in the short run which is the annoying part. I need something to resolve everything now if possible so that we can move on without worrying about the people here. There's only so much attention I can give them.' Shiro shook her head.

{Harsh but true.}

'Regardless, I'll try to think of something later I suppose.' Shiro sighed and stood up.

Stretching her body, she made her way back to the party.

With everyone's armours in good condition, they prepared to go to the raid.

"So is it just us or are there more people coming to the raid with us?" Shiro asked curiously.

"Nope it's just us since it minimizes the risks on the other people in this city. Plus, there are certain risks that come with inviting more people than necessary. They might mess up somewhere and make everything harder." Lyrica replied with a shake of her head.

"True." Shiro agreed.

"Anyways, I'll tell you about the raid since you don't know yet. The first boss that we'll be facing is the Faceless Nun. Her main weapons are a pair of scythes that aren't too hard to avoid but the attack patterns are rather annoying if the tank can't hold aggro." Lyrica shrugged.

"As for her skills, she mainly travels around in the shadows but there is an unavoidable attack that you have to tank. There are motes scattered around the room that will boost your defence but you can only take two at most. When you get two, the boss will then lock you down in place so someone must 'take' the motes off you. Once everyone gets two, we can then transfer it to the person who is going to tank it. Unless all ten is on the person being attacked, the damage they take is going to be insane." She continued as Shiro nodded her head.

"Silvi, you have a skill to heal everyone right?" Shiro asked with a smile.

"Yup. Why do you ask?"

"Because I have a skill called Shared Burden where I can choose to allocate all the damage taken. So if there are let's say 80 points of damage, I can make it so that everyone takes 10 rather than one person taking 80. Therefore, if Madi gets all the motes alone with some buffs from me and you, the damage that Madi takes is reduced even more. Plus, if you then heal everyone, the damage would be negated." Shiro explained with a smile.

"What the hell??? Isn't Shared Burden similar to a tank skill? Why do you have a tank skill?" Madison questioned with an are you serious face.

"If I can get an EX healing skill, why can't I get a tank skill?" Shiro tilted her head.

". . . Why do I bother thinking about things sometimes." Madison sighed.

"There we go. Honestly, despite only leaving for a bit, I feel like you girls have forgotten what it's like to be around me." Shiro laughed.


"Of course I do. I'm supposed to be a damage dealer after all. Just if you don't mind me asking, are there any prerequisites that must be met for me to damage the boss?" Shiro asked.

"Yes. The condition is that all the motes must be collected and everyone must have two. During the time that everyone has the buff, we have to deal as much damage as we can. Once that small window of time is over, we'll need to move the buff onto Madi so that she can tank the hit." Lyrica explained as Shiro nodded her head.

"I see… Well that's not too bad." Shiro smiled while thinking about what she should do.

Seeing this smile, the party felt like something was going to be wrong.

"Please don't tell me that you're thinking about how you can one shot the boss." Madison forced a smile.

Looking back at Madison with a raised eyebrow, Shiro was surprised that she had hit the hammer on the nail.

". . ."

Sighing softly, Madison shook her head.

"Why don't you just one shot all the bosses at this rate." She shrugged.

"Oh don't think that I won't try haha." Shiro laughed.

"I was kidding! We need combat experience as well you know." Madison pouted.

"Don't worry I know. I'm just going to poke the boss a little. Just a 'little' and you girls can do the rest. I'll act as support with Silvi." Shiro grinned.

However, hearing this, the party became more worried as poke had two very different meanings in Shiro's dictionary. Either 1, it's to essentially defile the crap out of them, or 2, it's to one shot them. Neither was good.

"As long as you don't kill it in one go." Madison sighed.

So long as the boss isn't dead in one shot, they can still practice their teamwork.

Arriving at the raid gate, they could see a few adventurers preparing to go in but the party only frowned since they didn't want additional casualties. However, if they wanted to risk their lives then they wouldn't stop them.

The sudden appearance of the party caused a small commotion amongst the adventurers, especially those that spotted Shiro and Yin. Surprised at the new addition of two beauties who looked to be twins due to their similarity, they couldn't help but sneak a few pictures of the party before sharing it on the net.

Naturally, this didn't escape Shiro's attention but she didn't care since her primary source of danger had been dealt with.

Opening the gates of the raid, the party entered feeling rather relaxed as it was like the good old days where Shiro would do raids with them.

As their vision returned to normal, they found themselves in front of a giant labyrinth of sorts.

In the distance, a giant cathedral of sorts could be seen. Grey walls with blotches of blood could be seen as the material seemed to fade into darkness near the edges.

Looking up at the sky, they saw that it was night but the lighting in this place suggested otherwise.

"Right then, to get to the first boss, we'll need to get through this place first. Mind your step for traps but otherwise, it should be a walk in the park." Lyrica smiled.

Reaching into her inventory, she pulled out her sword as the rest of the party did the same. 

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