My Husband, Warm The Bed


Time is running away quickly. Just after Shen Lingxi spoke on behalf of the president, when everything seems calm for the time being, someone came forward to speak. Ggaawwx

this person is no one else. It is Su Zheng, the leader of the official news release of the North Palace. Standing in front of the camera, he said with a snivel and a tear: "here I want to announce a bad news to all the people."

As soon as his words came out, the flash clicked, and he became the focus of everyone's attention. Everyone was silent waiting for his next words.

After the audience's appetite was fully lifted, Su Zheng said slowly: "yesterday, Wushan found the disaster, many villages were buried by snow, and our president for the country and the people rushed to the disaster area for the first time to visit the people in the disaster area."

Su Zheng didn't say a bad word about Quan Nan Zhai, but praised him to death. After that, he also cried.

After a long time, he calmed down: "on the way to visit the people in the disaster area, that is, around 4:20 p.m., before the helicopter that Mr. President was flying out of Wushan, he encountered a strong airflow. Unfortunately, the plane crashed, and Mr. President and three people on board were killed at the same time."

After that, Su Zheng, who has always been known as the spokesman of the northern palace, started to cry. It sounded more miserable than her mother-in-law's death, which made people can't help but move.

"Nanzhai, it seems that there are some excellent performers in your North Palace. If we hadn't figured out his details, I think I would have been conquered by his wonderful performance." Long Yi stared at the huge TV screen and threw out such a sentence.

"What do you think of giving them the best performance of the year another day?" At such a moment, Quan Nanzhai still wants to joke with longyi.

Quan Nanzhai's lips were still smiling, calm and calm.

He doesn't panic, just because today all the processes are walking according to his plan. If one more person makes trouble, then he can dial out one more enemy.

To wipe out the enemy completely is not to wipe out the few people behind him. This time he will uproot the enemy's nest, and no one will be allowed to leave behind.

He is smiling, but looking at it closely, there is a chilling chill in his eyes, which can make people cold to the bone.

Even if longyi saw it, he could not help shivering. He quickly hugged Shen Lingxi and patted her on the back comfortingly: "don't worry, everything is over."

"Nanzhai, I'm not worried about our business here. I'm just a little worried and happy..." Thinking of the helplessness in Qin leran's voice when he called yesterday, Shen Lingxi felt extremely guilty and remorseful. The girl treated her as her sister, but she was not helpful at all.

Because she's from the past, she knows how painful it is to lose her beloved, and she's afraid that the unknown Qin lelan will collapse.

"She's fine." When it comes to Qin leran, Quan Nanzhai's worries are not less than Shen Lingxi's, but he hides all his worries in his heart and no one else can see them.

He turned around, looked at longyi, and then looked at Shen Lingxi: "you've worked hard today. Next you have a good rest. Don't think about it any more."

"What are you doing with all that talk?" Even if Quan Nanzhai said two more words of concern to Shen Lingxi, he could also cause longyi's dissatisfaction. He held Shen Lingxi possessively. "She is my woman. I'll do what I care about her. You take care of your own business."

Man ah, it seems that there are a lot of them, but in fact, they are very stingy, especially the woman who is related to their own heart. Even if other people look at her more, he will eat flying vinegar.

Shen Lingxi tugged at his clothes and asked him to speak politely. Who knows that Dragon Wing was dissatisfied again: "Shen Lingxi, what are you talking about? Do you think I'm wrong? Or do you think that multiple men care about you, which makes you more valuable? "

Shen Lingxi is speechless.

Once again, she was sure that she would take a look at the man longyi, and that she would firmly believe that he must be blind.

Otherwise kill her, she also won't see such a temper big and love to eat flying vinegar all over the body is the fault of careful eye man.

"Shen Lingxi, what's your look? I don't dislike you. Why do you dislike me? " The roar of Dragon Wings is louder.

Shen Lingxi put out her hand to cover her ears, turned around and left, then stayed with him. She thought that she might become a shrew, so let him go.

"Shen Lingxi, you still go..." As soon as Shen Lingxi left, longyi immediately ran after her and forced her to hold her in her arms again. "I tell you Shen Lingxi, you can't escape my palm in this life."

"Who is going to get out of your palm?" Although sometimes I think this man is domineering and unreasonable, what Shen Lingxi sees more often is his good.

This man is not perfect. He has many small defects. But she just likes him and is willing to accept all his advantages and disadvantages.

She knows that she is not a perfect woman, and there is no perfect person in the world. There is no match between two people, only fit and unfit.

Listening to the voice of the two of them, Quan Nan Zhai Mou's coldness disappears, and a real smile appears on his face.

Once upon a time, he also had such a short period of carefree days.

That's the time when they were together with longyi and they were rolling and crawling in the army. At that time, longyi was just like this.

In the past year, the dragon family was destroyed, and the life and death of longyi was unknown. At one time, he thought that longyi had died in the fire.

Later, when he saw the return of longyi, he saw that he had changed his face, and that his temper had become gloomy and strange. He thought that longyi could not come back.

He thought that longyi could never be changed back to the former one, but he never thought that in such a short time, the former longyi would come back.

After all, it's the power of love.


When thinking of this word, Quan Nan Zhai naohai involuntarily emerged the shadow of a person, who was undoubtedly Qin lelan.

Qin lelan!

Sometimes she is willful, sometimes she is considerate, sometimes mature, sometimes cute. He can see her in different ways.

No matter which she is, he wants to hold her in his arms and love her well.

He didn't know when he had changed his mind to her. He only knew that little girl could affect every nerve of him.

"Mr. President, there are big fish!"

While Quan Nanzhai was thinking about it, the Lin family rushed to report it. /p

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