My Husband, Warm The Bed


Qin Yinze looks at Qin lelan.

Looking at her lovely face dyed with crimson because of anger.

She's really good-looking. She's one of those people who can be found in a million people at a glance.

Especially when she laughed, her eyebrows were curved, her eyes seemed to be filled with a star river, which was as bright and beautiful as the rising sun in the morning.

All along, what he likes most is her smile.

Because like to see her smile, in the face of him she is always a face, leading him to always stand in the corner secretly watching her smile.

In this life, she may not know that she is the little sun that he has been pursuing that can give him warmth.

Think of her, think of myself, think of the future they will never have Qin Yinze's heart is a little sour again.

One of the eight hardships in life is to ask for no!

After he became the adopted son of the Qin family, he had a warm home, lived a luxurious life envied by everyone, went to the best university in the world, and took over part of the work of Shengtian.

He has long been the great master of the Qin family.

Because his identity, wherever he goes, is the object of people's eagerness for flattery.

But no matter how dignified his status is or how many people flatter him, what he wants is nothing more than her heart.

But he couldn't ask!

No way!

To her emotion, to her fantasy, he can only force down again and again.

"Qin Yinze, what do you shake your head for? What do you know? " Because he was worried about the safety of Quan Nanzhai, Qin Yinze could worry about it with one action and one expression.

"What do I know? Do you want to know? " Her mind was interrupted, he smiled, eyebrows light pick, also let him always cold Yi face soft a few minutes.

"Listen." Whether the news is good or bad, Qin lelan needs to know that she can't deceive herself and only listen to the good news.

It seems that she really does not know the news of Quan Nanzhai's death. Should he tell her?

Can she bear the news?

Thinking for a long time, Qin Yinze made a decision and told her.

Quan Nanzhai's accidental death was only concealed from Qin lelan for a while, but not from her for a lifetime. The long pain is better than the short one, and it's better to let her know.

Qin Yinze said, "well, I'll tell you, but you have to promise me..."

Qin lran interrupts him: "say it. I'm not as vulnerable as you think. "

Qin Yinze looked at her again and said slowly: "Quan Nanzhai's plane crashed when he flew back from Wushan mountain. You should know the news. "

Qin leiran nods.

Seeing her so calm and self-contained, Qin Yinze has some worries. Do you want to tell her the news from behind?

"And then?" Asked Qin lelan.

Now that it's half said, let her know. He added: "it's said that Quan Nanzhai's body has been found at the place where the helicopter crashed."

"Found his body?" Qin lelan sneered, "did you see his body with your own eyes? If you don't see it with your own eyes, don't spread it around. "

Qin lelan's heart has been restless and uneasy, but when he heard the news, he was surprisingly calm.

Even she doesn't know why. She just believes that brother lie will be OK. Maybe brother lie is using the method of fake death to lead the snake out of the hole.

Thinking of the possibility that Quan Nanzhai deliberately made a fake death, Qin leran was so excited that his body shook and his heart beat much faster in a flash.

Would it be a fake death?

Will brother lie lead the snake out of the cave by feigning death?

Is it possible?

Qin leiran bit his lips and thought again.

Mr. President's plane has been overhauled by specially assigned personnel over and over again. It must be ensured that the plane is 100% safe before he can board the plane. And during the time when he flew back, the weather was not unusual.

It's very unlikely that the president's plane will break down suddenly, but it's very likely that his brother will make a fake death and lead a snake out of the hole.

Because he has been looking for the people behind the scenes, but has been unable to find those people, in such a critical moment with such a plan is not impossible.

It's not only for this reason that Qin leran makes such a judgment, she can also detect some clues from the dialogue between Lin Jiacheng and her.

Previously, because of her emotional excitement, she failed to realize in time what was different between Lin Jiacheng and her on the phone. Now, after calming down, she thinks about it carefully. What Lin Jiacheng said is very problematic.

Usually, Lin Jiacheng talks to her in a polite manner, which is no different from the attitude towards their president. Today, Lin Jiacheng's tone of speaking to her is clearly intended to stimulate her.

Shen Lingxi also has problems there. After Shen Lingxi answers a phone call, her tone of voice becomes strange. She must have known the truth from that time.

Lin Jiacheng and Shen Lingxi both have problems. They are deliberately concealing from her, but what they are concealing is not the helicopter accident, but something else.

Also, today, he pretended to be brother lie's voice and called the person who asked her to meet. He wanted to know from her whether brother lie had a real accident.

Maybe this is the key to lie to brother lie!

Once she knows that brother lie is a fake death, it is likely to be discovered by the enemy, so brother lie's plan is likely to fail.

I see!

After thinking it over, Qin leiran can't care about Qin Yinze. He rushes out of the room and finds Chang Li: "Chang Li, let your people not start, follow them secretly. Everyone they contact should be recorded. "

Well, since brother lie wants to lead the snake out of the hole, then she will help brother lie again. This time, we can't let those people run away again.

Chang Li doesn't understand: "Miss, why?"

Before, he would not ask Qin lelan why. If she asked him to do something, he would just listen to her and do it well.

But today's situation is special, and the danger is around him. Chang Li has to be careful, so he asked questions before he went to complete the order.

"Don't ask so many questions," Qin said. "Do as I tell you. Remember that you can't find grass to frighten the snake. If someone is pregnant, I'll find someone responsible."

"Yes." Chang Li was worried, but he didn't ask again. After receiving the order, he ordered the matter according to the master's wishes.

After the command, Qin lelan breathed a sigh of relief. He looked back and looked at the two hot eyes again. Qin Yinze stood behind her, and he had not left.

Just because I was so engrossed in thinking about things, I forgot him. I didn't expect that he was still there. I still looked at her with such a burning eyes.

"Thank you for the news. It's late. Go back to bed first." If it wasn't for him, she couldn't think of brother lie's plans. She was grateful to him. /p

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