My Husband, Warm The Bed


You can do anything you want after you finish the business!

How do you hear this? Longyi thinks Shen Lingxi is hinting at him.

"Good." He was happy in his heart. He answered with a light voice and started the car and flew out at full speed.

Finish the business early so that he can have time to do what he wants to do.

More than an hour's drive is not a long time, I don't feel that the moon tower is in front of them.

"Here we are." Stop the car, and longyi immediately reaches for Shen Lingxi's hand. "Xiaoxi, you are sitting in the car. I'll see that man."

"I am the one he wants to see. If I don't show up, he won't show up. " Shen Lingxi smiled gently at him. "Don't worry, I'll be OK."

She also wants to be his long wife and have many children with him. Before these things are finished, she should be brave and strong, and never let others separate them.

"I just don't feel at ease," said longyi

Listening to his angry voice, Shen Lingxi felt funny and couldn't help laughing out: "longyi, there are so many people here, can he take me away?"

Long Yi stares at her: "I say no, no, listen to me."

He has restored that kind of hegemonic pattern again. He is the only one in the world.

Shen Lingxi shook her head helplessly: "no, listen to me this time. You wait for me in the car. I'll see him. If he sees you around me, he won't show up. "

Both of them were stubborn. When no one wanted to take a step back, they couldn't argue out the result. At last, longyi gave up a step: "OK, you go."

He told her to go first, and then he would follow. Anyway, she didn't tell him not to follow her secretly.

"You are not allowed to follow me secretly." Shen Lingxi made up such a sentence in time, like a basin of cold water splashed on the head of Dragon Wing.

The expression of Dragon Wing's snigger suddenly solidified. Can this woman read mind skill?

"Of course I don't know mind reading." Shen Lingxi once again easily saw through his ideas, lips slightly Yang, smile between the eyebrows.

Just because he is longyi, the man she loves, she knows him, so as long as she uses snacks for him, she can see through his mind.

She understood her inner thoughts, and longyi was dissatisfied, but his heart was boiling and shouting. His Xiaoxi finally came back, and he would never have to defend the empty pillow every night.

Shen Lingxi pushed open the door and got out of the car, then turned back and smiled at him: "longyi, believe me, I can handle this matter."

She said that she was so confident because she had not seen the man she had met with, and did not know how the visual impact that man would bring to her.

Today, the temperature is low and the wind is strong. The moon tower is at the tuyere again. There are several cars scattered in the parking lot. Occasionally, we can see a couple close to each other passing by.

With fewer tourists, it's easier to find the target people, and they're also easier to be found by the target people. So after getting off, Shen Lingxi goes straight to the bottom of the tower.

The moon tower is a very famous scenic spot in Linhai City, but the tickets are not expensive, so there are twenty. After buying the tickets, Shen Lingxi enters the entrance of the tower.

The moon tower has five floors, 20 meters high. You can climb up the spiral solid wood stairs step by step. When you climb to the fifth floor, you can enjoy more scenery.

Where people are crowded at ordinary times, there are so few tourists today because of the weather.

When she went up the stairs one by one, Shen Lingxi only ran into two couples coming downstairs, as if she had chartered the venue here today.

When she panted to the fifth floor, she looked up and saw a man standing in front of her.

The man is tall and strong, standing upright like that, looking far away, with his back to her

This back is too similar to the back of the person she loves. If she didn't know longyi was waiting for her in the car, she would run to hold him.

"Xiaoxi......" As the familiar voice called her name, the man turned to her and said, "I'm waiting for you at last."

He smiled with her familiar smile, he looked at her with her familiar eyes, and he spoke to her in her familiar tone.

Before, when they dated and she was late, longyi looked back at her like this: "Xiaoxi, I finally wait for you."

But longyi will do one more thing. He will walk to her quickly and kiss her in his arms.

He would only let her go when he could kiss her so dizzy that he didn't even know her.

It's not only the sound image, the figure image, but also the face. Every little change of his expression is the same as that of longyi.

Shocked, incredible attack on Shen Lingxi's brain, let her stare at the man in front of her, for a while, she will forget any reaction.

Dragon Wing!

Dragon Wing!

Dragon Wing!

There were only two words in her mind, only her familiar face, only her familiar voice. She was about to forget that there was a "Dragon Wing" in the parking lot under the tower.

"Xiaoxi, I'm sorry! I'm late! I know you've been wronged these days, and I'll make it up to you in the future. " The man walked to Shen Lingxi and crossed.

When he was about to come to her side, Shen Lingxi finally had a little reaction. She immediately reached out and rubbed her eyes, then opened them to look at the man in front of her.

as like as two peas, as like as two peas, as like as two peas, the voice and walking posture are exactly the same.

It's so similar!

But Shen Lingxi knows that he is not her Dragon Wing.

At present, the disguise of this man is almost perfect. She can't find the flaw of this man until she is perfect, but she is sure that this man is not longyi.

If you want to ask her why and why, she can't give it.

If she is forced to give an answer, then she will give an extremely absurd answer - women's intuition!

This man is too perfect, perfect as a replica of dragon wings. Every word he says and every movement makes her feel that he is deliberately pretending.

She was sure he wasn't Dragon Wing.

The man began to pull Shen Lingxi into his arms and held her firmly. He whispered, "Xiaoxi, I'm back, aren't you happy?"

Knowing that this man is not longyi, Shen Lingxi did not struggle and nestled in his arms: "I am not unhappy, I am afraid I am too happy early. In this year's time, I have not had a hundred such dreams. Every time I wake up, you will be gone. "

She raised her head from his arms and looked at him affectionately. "Can I touch you? Let me know that you are not, but real. "

The man nodded, took Shen Lingxi's hand and asked her to touch her cheek: "Xiaoxi, do you feel it? I'm really back. " /p

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