My Husband, Warm The Bed


"Qin Yinze, what kind of me am I and what's the relationship with you?" Qin leiran glared at him, opened the door and got out of the car.

Regardless of the snowflakes still floating in the sky, she stepped aside and sat on the big stone, overlooking the snowflakes falling in the distance.

"We are both parents' children. Do you think your business has anything to do with me?" Qin Yinze also got out of the car, walked to Qin leran's side and sat down, reached out and patted her shoulder, "but have you heard such a story?"

"I don't want to hear you tell me a story." From childhood, the stories that Qin Yinze told her were very bloody. She scared her twice when she was a child, and she never wanted to listen to him again.

Qin leran didn't want to listen, Qin Yinze didn't shut up, but continued: "people often say that when girls choose their objects, they prefer to choose a man who loves more of themselves, and never choose a man who loves more of them, otherwise, their life will definitely suffer from losses in the future."

"Qin Yinze, don't talk about things in front of me. I tell you, brother lie loves me so much that he won't be like you think. " Qin Yinze didn't name who to talk about. Qin lelan instinctively put her strong brother in the seat. In the end, she is still too uncertain about their feelings.

She believed that Quan Nanzhai liked her and loved her, but she felt that there were too many people and things in his heart to treat her wholeheartedly, and what she wanted was his wholeheartedness.

"Did I say he didn't hurt you?" Qin Yinze chuckled and said, "however, you can't wait to explain. That's proof that you have no bottom in mind."

Qin leran: "I......"

It's too bad to be stabbed in the ribs by someone. I want to kick this man to the cliff, so no one can see what she thinks.

Qin Yinze followed Qin lelan to look into the distance, sighed a long time, then said: "but, can you confirm your feelings for Quan Nanzhai? Are you sure what Quan Nanzhai's feelings for you are? "

Qin lelan is stunned and takes back his eyes and looks at him: "Qin Yinze, you can say what you want, or I don't know what you are talking about."

Qin Yinze smiled and said: "you are so smart, how can you not understand what I want to say. Don't shy away. Face it. "

Yes, she just knew what Qin Yinze wanted to say, so she tried to avoid and pretended not to understand.

Because the question Qin Yinze asked stabbed her in the softest rib, which was the thing she was most afraid of.

She was afraid that her brother loved her because he still felt that she was the three-year-old at the beginning and worried that he had more affection for her than love.

And what about her?

Sometimes she would also think, is she dependent on or really in love with her brother lie?

She will also think whether she wants to be her brother's life partner, or whether she wants to find the big boy who can protect her when she was a child to stay with her?

Knowing that Qin leran's inner contradictions are incomparable, Qin Yinze then said, "however, think about what kind of feelings you really have for him."

"I want to marry him and be his wife." Qin leiran bit his teeth and said firmly.

To marry brother lie as his wife and stay with him forever is her idea from childhood and her purpose of coming to him all the way.

Now that she has found brother lie and intends to give herself to him, she is hesitant and uncertain.

Qin Yinze added, "you don't have to stress it to me. You feel your heart and ask yourself. It's far more important to persuade yourself than others."

, Qin Yin se, if you are very busy, help dad to share more work. For a man like you, hard work is more attractive than gossiping every day. " Qin leran didn't want to put his heart naked in front of Qin Yinze. The conversation changed the topic.

Qin Yinze smiled, did not speak again, quietly accompanied Qin lelan to sit on the edge of the cliff, watching the white snowflakes flying all over the sky.

When they came, it was already dark. After sitting for a while, it was all dark. If the lights were not on, nothing could be seen around them.

But in such an environment, Qin lelan didn't say that he would go back, Qin Yinze didn't urge him, he just sat by her side and accompanied her - even if it lasted forever, he would.

The sudden ringing of the telephone broke the loneliness in the mountains.

Although he was very upset and confused, Qin took out his mobile phone and answered, "hello..."

The man on the other end of the phone didn't speak.

Because the people there didn't speak, Qin leran took his cell phone and looked at the phone number. He was sure it was brother lie's number. He asked again, "brother lie, is that you?"

There is still no one talking on the other end of the phone.

Not long ago, he asked her to stay away from him and said he would not let him hear her voice again. Now, he is on the phone and doesn't talk. What is he trying to do?

The grievances in his heart ferment little by little. At last, they expand so much that Qin lelan can no longer suppress them. The grievances burst out and become anger.

"Quan Nanzhai, what do you want to do if you don't speak?" she shouted at her cell phone

The man there still didn't say a word.

Qin leran is waiting for him, waiting for him to speak, but after waiting for a long time, she still hasn't. She bit her lips hard and said, "Quan Nanzhai, I don't want to live such an obscure life with you anymore. Let's break up."

"Break up?" At last, the voice on the other end of the phone was cold, like the voice of a demon from the depths of hell.

"Yes! Break up! I don't like you any more! Never! " Finish saying, Qin Le ran snapped to hang up the phone.

Whether she is childish or childish, in a word, she just doesn't want to let herself be so oppressive.

The phone broke, cut off the contact with the other party, looked at the dark mobile phone screen, Qin leran's nose was sour, tears could not help but come out of his eyes.

As soon as Qin leran raised his hand, he dropped his mobile phone off the cliff, looked up and forced back his tears. "Qin leran, what are you crying for? It's just a man. Is it worth crying?"

Qin Yinze said, "isn't it worth crying so much?"

Qin lelan yelled at him, "I want you to take care of it."

Qin Yinze took a paper towel to wipe her tears. "I don't care about you. Are you going to blow a cold wind here all night?"

Qin lelan: "..."

Qin Yinze forces Qin leran and pats the remaining snowflakes on her head and back: "let's go back. No matter what, you can't make fun of your body. "

Yes, Qin Yinze is right. Her body is given by her parents. How can she not cherish her body for a man.

However, just as she looked back, she saw a tall figure standing behind them. /p

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