My Husband, Warm The Bed


Unexpectedly, just a knock on a man did not have much effect, he said with a stiff head: "Chang Li, you are also a smart man. How can you benefit from helping the Qin family if you don't live a free life well? "

Chang Li sneered: "we haven't thought about the benefits of helping the Qin family. We only know that we are willing to help even if we post backwards. "

The two brothers of Chang's family are only 22 years old. Ten years ago, they were 12 years old children. Some things can't be remembered. But for Qin Yue, the benefactor of saving lives, they can't forget either their mother or their brothers.

If it wasn't for Qin Yue's help, the three of their parents and children would not live up to now. Their family knew how to be grateful, so they decided to repay Qin Yue with the rest of their lives.

"Paste backwards?" The man is still persuading, "with the fame of your mother and son, there are countless people who want to ask you for help at a high price. Why do you feel so aggrieved?"

"Then I can also tell you that the three of us, the mother and the son of Chang's family, are not rich enough to be employed." Chang Li said such a sentence, and raised his gun again.

After the handlebars were knocked off, the man struggled twice and finally passed out.

Chang Li stabbed him in the head with a gun, then looked at Qin lelan and asked, "Miss, what should I do with this man?"

Qin leran raised his foot and kicked him hard on the man. In his beautiful eyes, he flashed a cold and cruel idea: "he thinks so much about women's advantages, so he can't take advantage of women any more."

Hearing Qin leran's saying that, Chang Li felt a severe pain in a very important part of his body, and looked at Qin leran in surprise.

In such a way, such a vicious way of punishment does not look like the kind and lovely lady in his impression will say and do it.

Qin leran picked up his eyebrows: "didn't you hear me clearly?"

Chang Li immediately replied, "yes. I'll do as you tell me. "

Tinkling bell

When the phone rang, Qin lelan saw that it was Qin Xiaobao. When he answered, he heard Qin Xiaobao's voice: "but, are you out of danger?"

"Well, little aunt, I'm fine." "Qin Le ran nodded," little aunt, you and little leave end also have nothing to do

Although she knew that someone had saved them, Qin lelan still needed to hear Qin Xiaobao's confirmation, so she could rest assured.

"We're all right..." Qin Xiaobao suddenly stopped, took a deep breath, calmed his mood, "fortunately, you are OK. If you have something, how can I tell your parents? "

As soon as Qin leran left, Qin Xiaobao regretted it.

The three of them are in danger at the same time. In theory, it's better to walk two or two than to be caught. But in any case, she shouldn't leave Qin lelan to take risks.

If there is any accident happened to Qin leran, his beloved wife and daughter's Wooden brother is afraid that he will try to blow up country a.

Thank goodness!

Qin Xiaobao hands together, closed his eyes and read a sentence in silence.

I'm glad Qin leran is OK.

"Don't worry, little aunt. The people around you should be the ones arranged by brother lie. We will all be OK. " Qin leran was also greatly relieved.

Thank goodness, her little aunt and little divorce are OK.


The driver didn't say a word all the time. He drove steadily to the North Palace. Many people wanted to go in and have a look, but many people just couldn't get in.

The driver drove all the way through the security check, and finally stopped the car steadily, and asked Qin lelan to get off the car: "Miss Qin, Mr. President asked me to ask you to go to the rest room for a while. He'll meet someone outside and come back to see you later. "

Qin leran looked around, but he didn't see Qin Xiaobao and Zhan Li. He was worried: "what about Zhan's wife and Zhan's young master? Are they not here? "

The driver said respectfully, "Miss Qin, not everyone here can come in at will. But don't worry, our people will send Mrs. Zhan and little master Zhan to the commander in peace. "

The driver is Qiao min, who is Quan Nanzhai's personal driver. When we met with Quan Nanzhai quietly before, Qin leran didn't see him. Qin leran believed what he said.

Qin lelan nodded, "please take good care of them."

The VIP lounge in the North Palace is really called the VIP lounge. Even though Qin leran was born in a family like Qin's, he thought it was very luxurious.

It's not how luxurious the decoration is, but the intention of deliberate decoration and every article in the house and the small hanging on the wall are handmade boutiques. It's no exaggeration to say that the price is even high.

Qin leran looked over carefully. It seems that these places, which are used to receive foreign guests in many times, are all specially showing the national characteristics of state a.

She did not know that this lounge was not used to entertain guests, but Quan Nanzhai's lounge in the North Palace.

Quan Nanzhai is the country's top leader, but he doesn't love luxury, so the staff who helped him build the rest room carefully designed such a room.

A single thing in the room can be sold. Any one of them is not worth a lot of money, but the whole set can be used as decoration together. That's priceless.

Qin lelan looked at it for a while, and saw a book on the shelf called "give your heart to me".

This name has the flavor of romance at first sight. Why does the reception place put such books? Shouldn't it be political?

Because of curiosity, Qin leran reached for the book, opened it, and saw the preface of the home page - if you love me, give your heart to me!

It's a love story.

Qin leran continues to turn down. After reading a few pages, he finds that the hero in the book is blind accidentally and wants to give up the heroine. It is the heroine who uses her love to let the heroine out of the shadow and get together again.

It's really a touching story, but Qin leran is not touched because she thinks that no matter what the reason is, as long as you really love someone, you can't easily give up the one you like.

You give up, you think you have no psychological burden, so do you think about each other? Have you ever thought about what she would do if she lost you?

If you think about each other, you will not give up each other easily.

Close the novel, Qin lelan and so on, waiting for eyelids and lower eyelids to fight, her waiting brother has not come to see her.

Half lying on the sofa, she closed her eyes and thought dully. In brother lie's heart, work and his people are always the first. When can he put her first?

Although this idea is very bad, she likes brother lie and can't help but hope that she is more important in his heart. /p

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