My Husband, Warm The Bed


Qin Yingu said seriously with a young face: Mom, I'm not

little cute, little cute, little cute and little cute. Qin lran called him several times.

Qin Yin helplessly lowered his head and ate.

As the saying goes, villains and women are hard to raise. The two women in their family, depending on their father's love, are domineering every day. No one can provoke them.

At the end of September, the temperature in Linhai City was already relatively low.

Especially at night, the temperature is a few degrees lower than that of the day. The cool wind is whizzing, which means that winter is coming soon.

But some people just like do not know cold, still busy in the night, a moment can not stop.

For example, President Qin, he has something to do tonight, so he set out with his adopted son Qin Yinze and special help Liu Yong.

One of the shirts he still wears when he goes out is that he has been dressed in a simple way these years - white shirt with black trousers.

Tonight, he's still dressed like this, but it always seems that he's not the same as before.

He sat in the car, still silent, all year round high cold, today's high cold seems to be mixed with serious and some melancholy that is hard to see in him.

President Qin, it's Liu Yong who has been acting as a temporary driver these days.

But Qin Yue didn't hear that. He was in a daze. Liu Yong had been with him for several decades and saw his master and son in such a state.

Liu Yong, the general manager of Qin, made another tentative shout.

Liu Yong, can I manage too much? Qin Yue suddenly asked.

He listened to Jane's advice and understood that children's feelings should be dealt with by themselves. Adults couldn't help it, but he still wanted to interfere.

Qin lelan is his daughter, the only daughter in his life. It is impossible for him to watch his daughter fall in love with a man and do nothing.

Mr. Qin, you have come. Liu Yong has no courage to advise them on the matters that their president has decided.

Let's go. Qin Yue gets out of the car. Qin Yinze has arrived earlier.

Dad, who are we going to meet? Qin Yinze's heart had already guessed who they came to see, but he was reluctant to admit it.

Their father would like to see the man, that is to say, he compromised and supported Qin lelan's decision.

See you, you will know. Qin Yue took the lead in going to the guild hall. Qin Yinze and Liu Yong followed him.

Mr. President, Mr. Qin is here. Lin Jiacheng's eyes are sharp. He saw three people from Qinyue at the first time.

After all the entertainment tonight, Quan Nanzhai, the president of a country, waited here half an hour earlier.

He had never been so nervous, even in the presidential election, that his palms were sweating.

Just because the person he's going to see tonight is the father of the girl he cares about.

Quan Nanzhai took a breath quietly and rushed to meet him: Uncle Qin, how do you do?

before, Quan Nanzhai spent some time in the Qin family, but in order to hide his identity, he never spoke to Qin Yue, and naturally did not address Qin Yue.

Today, when Qin Yue asked him to meet him, he seriously thought about the issue of addressing him. He still thought it would be better to regard him as an elder.

Because Quan Nanzhai knew that the reason why Qin and Yue asked him today must have something to do with his precious daughter.

Qin Yue looks at the young man in front of him. He is dignified, brave, steady and introverted. In him, Qin Yue can see his own shadow.

OK. Qin and Yue still cherish words like gold.

Uncle Qin, this way, please. Quan Nanzhai led Qin Yue into their reserved elegant room.

Qin Yue was not polite to him. He walked in front of Quan Nan Zhai. Qin Yinze and Liu Yong naturally followed him. Quan Nan Zhai fell behind all of them.

Sit down. Qin Yue sat down first, and then pointed to the opposite position. His expression was calm as usual, which made people unable to see what he thought.

Quan Nan Zhai nodded and sat down opposite to Qin Yue. Qin Yinze sat down on the left side of Qin Yue. Liu Yong stood behind Qin Yue.

Mr. President, you should know what President Qin asked you to do. As soon as Quan Nanzhai sat down, Liu Yong spoke instead of Qin Yue.

Yes, I know. Quan said.

At that time, Qin lelan was young and could not remember what he looked like, but the elders of the Qin family should not forget that, and Qin Yue always knew his real identity.

Now that you know, I'll go straight to the point. Of course, it's Liu Yong who speaks for their President Gao Leng.

Please say. Quan Nan, Zhai Kedao, came to see Qin Yue today. It was just to see Qin lelan's parents. He was not the president of state a.

What do you mean to our Miss? Liu Yong is very direct to throw out the question that the master wants to know.

I like her and want to keep her by my side. That's the feeling. Now that he likes it, Quan Nanzhai doesn't cover it up and answers directly.

You like her and want to keep her by your side, but you dare not tell her your true identity. It was Qin Yue who said this.

His voice was heavy and his eyes were burning. He fixed his eyes on the man in front of him. He didn't want to let go of any subtle changes in his expression.

If Quan Nanzhai conceals anything, or has other intentions, Qin Yue will forcibly bring her back to New York, even if it makes Qin lelan hate him.

I will let her know my identity at the right time. This is the biggest helpless thing for Quan Nanzhai in his life.

He had no choice. Qin Yue asked Qin Yinze to check. He knew that Quan Nanzhai wanted to protect Qin lelan. Today, he mainly looked at Quan Nanzhai's attitude.

Is one year enough? Qin Yue is such a cold sentence again, he asked nonsense, but Quan Nanzhai understood.

He thought that Qin Yue wanted to stop Qin leran from being with him, but now he offered him opportunities and time.

In a year, it may not be so easy for him to finish those things around him, but in order to be able to be with Qin lelan as soon as possible, he will try his best to finish them.

What? A year is not enough? Quan Nan Zhai didn't answer. Qin Yue asked. The eyes under the golden mirror frame sank slightly, which was obviously not satisfied.

Enough. These two words, Quan Nanzhai's words are extremely heavy, and he seems to mark many marks in his heart in this way.

Qin Yue frowned: do you have anything else to say?

Quan Nanzhai is also not very good at sweet talk. Instead of saying some promises, he should show them with practical actions.

So he shook his head directly: Uncle Qin, I have nothing else to say.

Qin Yue was even more dissatisfied. He sneered: you didn't want to tell me?

Quan Nanzhai understood Qin Yue's intentions and knew that he was worried about his daughter, so even if he didn't want to say something nice, he solemnly said: I will handle my own affairs well and never fail her in my life.

Enough to live up to her? Qin Yue picked up his eyebrows, and the more he looked at the man, the more dissatisfied he was. He came to the door himself, and the man was still cold. Did he want to put the presidential airs in front of him?

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