My Husband, Warm The Bed


well, you are right, our president Qin is always right. Jane went around behind him and beat his shoulder for him. Mr. Qin, I think my daughter can't sleep these days.

Qin Yue said hard: no idea.

She said simply: your daughter, the most like you, stubborn. If you don't pay attention to her, then don't think she will pay attention to you these days.

Qin Yue's face sank again, and the blue tendons on his forehead jumped.

Jane continued: our daughter is ours. If you are willing to let her suffer, then you should ignore her.

These days, how much does this man think of his daughter? As a pillow man, how can he not know? Just don't think that the father and daughter are very stubborn, and no one is willing to contact first.

Qin Yue turned it over and still didn't answer.

Qin Yue, when did you see Ozawa's feelings for ran. Jianran always remembers that Mr. Qin's EQ in her family is extremely low. How can she see Xiaoze's affection for Ranran in advance.

Because I'm a man. His EQ is not high, but his IQ is high. A man's eyes can't deceive a woman. Of course, children living under his eyes can't escape his eyes.

Forget it. Let the children deal with their own affairs. We can only guide the elders a little.

Jane sighed. Thinking of the phone call to Qin Yinze today, the child is so smart and sensible. He must be able to understand his parents' good intentions.

Love is both voluntary, absolutely not one side can be forced to blossom and bear fruit.

The weather in Linhai is very good. The average temperature of a year is about 20 degrees.

Also because it is a city close to the sea. There is often a sea breeze blowing over it. The air quality is good, and the air in the early morning still has a fresh fragrance.

Qin leiran turns over lazily, hides in the quilt to continue to shout big sleep.

Think of last night, strong brother can accompany her side, can accompany her into blink, when she is asleep, lips are slightly up.

This sleep, a sleep and sleep for several hours, she still did not wake up, it is on the side of the buzzing cell phone woke her up.

She grabs her head and reaches for her mobile phone for a long time. It's uncle Liu Yong's phone.

Liu Yong is her father's special help. Wherever her father goes, Liu Yong will go.

Qin leran is very clear that on the surface of the phone call, it was Liu Yong, but in fact, it was probably inspired by her father.

Last night, her father called her. She didn't answer her phone, but also hung up his phone. I think my father must be angry with her, so he is too lazy to call her in person.

Obviously, she didn't answer my father's phone. Now I can't see my father's number. She's sad again.

After thinking about it, Qin leran took it: uncle Liu, how are you.

She tried to make her voice sound pleasant. She talked to uncle Liu like when she was a child. Uncle Liu hurt her, so she might help her to say nice things in front of her father.

Miss, Qin always wants to see your voice of Liu Yong floating to Qin lelan's ear.

Dad wants to see me? Qin lelan knew that uncle Liu's call to her was definitely inspired by her father, but when she heard that her father wanted to see her, she still had a cold back, but now I am in country a, it's not convenient to go back.

Liu Yong said: Miss, President Qin is downstairs.

What? Hearing Liu Yong's words, Qin leran tumbled out of bed, pulled open the curtains and saw a limited edition Bentley car parked in front of their courtyard.

That kind of car is her father's iconic ride.

For so many years, she has never seen her father drive a car other than Bentley. It can be seen how dedicated his heart is, not only for people, but also for car clothes and so on.

Ah ah --

her father, this speed is always amazing. When I called her yesterday, I was probably still in New York, and I flew to Linhai City of country a in one night.

It seems that this time, dad is really angry, he will catch her back, what to do? What should I do?

Qin lelan was so anxious that he didn't know what to do?

Miss, are you coming down to see President Qin or president Qin going up to see you? Liu Yong's voice reached Qin lelan's ear again from the phone.

My uncle Liu, how did you come in? Yesterday, when the driver drove her into this area, he went through security checks again and again, saying that ordinary people can't come in here. How did her father come in?

Miss, what do you think is the place that Qin always wants to go but can't? Liu Yong asked back a question, which was a little like saying that you little girl really don't know your father.

As expected, she despised her father. Even the heads of state of many countries would give some face to her father and come to this place. For her father, it's not a problem at all.


I'll go down now. Qin leran hung up the phone and hurriedly went back to the room to see if there was any other way out except for the gate.

He was very disappointed by the fact that she didn't find another exit to escape after several turns, so now she can only risk being caught and tangled up to see her father.

The limited version of Bentley was parked at the gate. It was only ten meters away from the main house to the gate, but Qin leran dragged it for ten minutes to get to the side of the car.

Liu Yong got out of the car and waited a long time ago. When he saw Qin lelan, he said with a smile, "Miss, you are here.".

Uncle Liu early Qin happily said.

Early? Liu Yong looked up at the sky and said, "today's sun is moving so fast. It's so early that he climbed into the sky.".

Liu Yong's words are not early. It's already noon. President Qin has dealt with many important matters in the morning. He doesn't know how many zeros have been paid in the bank account. A certain acquisition plan is in progress. Qin leran doesn't know what Liu Yong means, but she has been used to it all these years.

Miss, Qin is always in the car. Liu Yong points to the back of the car and gives Qin leran a look, telling her that her father may still be angry.

Qin leiran nodded, walked to the car, opened the door: Dad.

Qin Yue, wearing a white shirt and black trousers, sat in the back of the car with a piece in his hand. He was looking down and reading it. He didn't answer or answer.

He shouldn't have heard his father's voice, Qin lelan called again, but her father still didn't lift his head, as if he didn't hear her calling him at all.

My father, Qin lelan, climbed into the car and sat next to Qin Yue. He rubbed his little head against Qin Yue's side. Dad, are you going to ignore me for the rest of your life?

Qin Yue still looks at the things in his hands, and he still ignores his coquettish daughter.

Dad, do you really ignore it? Qin lelan knew that he had done too much this time, which made his father angry, but he didn't expect that he would really ignore her.

Qin Yue still didn't respond to her. It seems that in his eyes, there are only things in his hands, and he can't see her daughter.

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