My Husband, Warm The Bed


This stupid girl, in order to eat, is really flexible.

If you suddenly think of something, Qin Yinze looks up at Ji Rou, who knows that she is looking at him.

Her flattering smile was in front of his eyes. She looked very cute. He couldn't help but reach out and knead it. But his hand hasn't been raised yet. She said, "master Qin, are you satisfied with the letter of repentance I wrote this time?"

If it's just the contents of the repentance book, without looking at the truth behind the incident, Qin Yinze is quite satisfied with the repentance book, but now he is not satisfied.

He looked at the pink face she magnified in front of his eyes, smiled and said, "do you think I should be satisfied or not with your letter of repentance?"

"I think Qin Dawang, how dare I presume what you mean?" What's wrong with this man? If you have something to say, let her guess what? She's not a roundworm in his stomach. How can I guess.

Mingming wants to get angry, but Jirou still keeps an elegant, decent and flattering smile. All she has to endure is worth it for the delicious brine beef.

Even she can think of Qin Yinze's face as beef, so no matter how much he goes too far with her, she can't get angry with him. After all, she likes beef.

I didn't know that Ji Rou took him as a piece of beef, and he continued slowly: "then you can guess at will. I don't blame you if you guessed wrong. If you guessed right, you will be rewarded."

"What are the rewards?" Wait for him to answer, Ji Rou said for him, "then reward two pig hands. It's better to stew them with soybeans. They are soft and not greasy."

Qin Yinze: ""

he doesn't speak. Ji Rou realizes that she seems to have made a mistake in the order before and after. After all, she has to guess right before there is a reward. She laughs with her: "you let me guess, I think you should be satisfied."

She did not say that he was satisfied with the letter of repentance. She also observed carefully. If he was not satisfied, he would have changed his face long ago, and would not have told her so much.

"Do you think I should be satisfied?" Qin Yinze picked up the eyebrows and said, "I only know after reading your letter of repentance that you pretended to be someone else's girlfriend."

"You didn't know?" God, he didn't know. She foolishly didn't fight her own way. Is this the legendary way to lift a stone and hit her foot?

"Should I know?" Qin Yinze knew that the reason why she would admit her mistake was because she knew that he knew it. If she didn't know that he knew it, she would not realize that it was a mistake.

He tried on her bottom with only a little trial.

"No, I know you don't, so I'm honest." Ji Ruhao regrets that she thinks Qin Yinze has known about her pretending to be someone else's girlfriend for a long time.

She wanted to snatch the letter of repentance and delete the memory from his mind, pretending that nothing had happened.

"Well." He gave a light snort. He didn't know whether to believe what she said or not. Just when Ji Rou was worried, he asked again, "I'm mistaken for someone else when I'm drunk. Who is that other person?" At the same time, Qin Yinze's long fingers pointed at other people's words, "think about it, speak slowly, I have time to listen to you."

"It's someone else." Ji Rou doesn't know who that other person is, maybe he is a handsome man, maybe her brother Feng who thinks about it day and night. Anyway, she won't tell him.

"Well?" Qin Yinze gently raised his eyebrows, obviously not so satisfied with Ji Rou's answer.

Under Qin Yinze's gaze, Ji Rou's stomach grunted twice. She quickly said, "Qin Dashao, you see my stomach is so hungry, can you let me eat some beef to fill my stomach first and let me eat enough? Let's talk slowly."

"Talk to me about the terms?" Qin Yinze gets up and moves on.

"No." Jirou reached out and held him. "Don't go, I said. I said it well. There is no one else at all. You are the only one from the beginning to the end. "

Qin Yinze: "only me?"

Jirou nods: "yes, you are the only one. When you came last night, I saw a handsome guy. That handsome guy is you. "

What she saw was him, what she read was her brother Feng, and what she thought was her brother Feng. However, she said that "other people" was him in front of him.

Knowing that it was such a result, Qin Yinze was still a little annoyed. His eyes were a little dark, and he asked, "what did you say to Dai Li?"

"Ah, you don't know?" Jirou wants to cry very much. She wants to let go and cry for him. The man doesn't know, but she doesn't ask for help.

Qin Yinze encouraged her: "talk about it."

"I" Jirou regretted, and she didn't say it for a long time. She hesitated for a long time. "In fact, nothing happened. She asked me for your phone number, and I told her quietly."

She gave Ji Rou his phone number. Qin Yinze knew it. Ji Rou found this excuse and couldn't let him have more control.

Qin Yinze: "what else?"

"No more." What he doesn't know, kill her, and she won't say any more. Otherwise, she doesn't know how to get killed by him in the future.

"No more?" Qin Yinze looked at her like a smile.

"Really not." Ji Rou is a little guilty in his eyes, but fortunately, she sticks to it this time and doesn't stop fighting.

"Well, well done." He said that Jirou was relieved. The son of a bitch finally didn't bother him with this matter.

"But how do you think I should punish you for playing someone else's girlfriend behind my back?" He looked at her with a smile, as if he was really listening to her.

Jirou is going crazy. "What do you mean?"

Qin Yinze: "that's what you hear."

Jirou shook her fist and said, "I've said that I won't do this again. Why are you still holding on to this matter?"

Qin Yinze added, "it's a good attitude to admit mistakes."

Ji Rou thought that things had changed, excited: "then I can go to eat beef?"

"Beef?" Qin Yinze suddenly smiled, "you are right, so you will be fined not to eat beef tonight."

As soon as she heard that she couldn't eat beef, Ji Rou didn't think much about it. She started to beat him angrily: "Qin Yinze, do you want to die

Qin Yinze easily grasped Ji Rou's fist and nodded seriously: "I'm looking for death." /p

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