My Husband, Warm The Bed


"Miss Ji, you are back." Qiaoyi greeted her with a smile and took the bag for Jirou. "I must be tired after a day's class."

"Well..." Ji Rou closes her eyes and her heart is so tired that she doesn't want to say anything. Let her play a dead body quietly.

Qiaoyi put away her bag and went back to Jirou's side: "Miss Ji, the kitchen is ready for dinner. Would you like to have some first?"

Hearing something to eat, Ji Rou's eyes brightened: "aunt Qiao, tell me quickly, what delicious food is prepared in the kitchen?"

Looking at Jirou's urgent small appearance, Qiaoyi said with a smile, "the kitchen is prepared according to your orders. I think it's all miss Ji's favorite food."

Qiaoyi has also been working beside Qin Yinze for three years. She has never seen their master get interested in anything other than work.

Jirou is a special girl, a very special existence. If there is no accident in qiaoyixin's mind, Jirou may become their hostess.

Therefore, Qiaoyi thinks of ways to be better for Jirou, so that Jirou can quickly integrate into this strange home for her.

"Qin Yinze asked the kitchen to prepare it?" Hearing Qin Yinze's three words, Ji Rou only felt that her head was thundered. Qin Yinze that cheap man would like to starve her, how could he let people prepare what she likes to eat.

"Yes." Qiaoyi doesn't know Jirou's mind. She also wants to say more good words in front of her for her master.

"I don't want to eat what he has prepared." Jirou gets up from the sofa and staggers upstairs with a feeble pace.

She thought, she must protest, must protest, with hunger strike to the end But it's her who is starving. Why is she so stupid?

She shouldn't fast. She should find a way to get what she wants.

In order to roast chicken, braised meat and all the meat food, Ji Rou is going to write another "letter of repentance", hoping to satisfy Qin Yinze's great pervert and let her go.

Today, at school, I learned from the mouths of the prince and the monkey that some things happened after being drunk last night. Ji Rou guessed that those should be the key points for Qin Yinze to ask her to write a letter of repentance.

So Jirou decided to give it a try.

So she found the paper and pen, and wrote the letter of repentance as sincerely as last night. Dear Lord Qin, you may still be angry with me. I apologize to you here. I really do. I know I'm wrong. I'm terribly wrong. I am wrong that I should not be drunk and vomit you, let alone kiss you. If you have a large number of adults, you can forgive me.

After writing, Ji Rou takes out her mobile phone to take a picture and sends it to Qin Yinze, hoping that he can forgive her after seeing the letter of repentance.

Even if she didn't do anything wrong, but in front of the people who are stronger than her, she only has to admit the mistake, otherwise she will only be bullied.

Qin Yinze had just returned to the villa when he received a text message from Ji rou. He saw that it was her number and his lips were slightly raised. However, when he opened the text message and saw the content, his face suddenly sank.


This woman, originally in her view, was drunk and kissed him, it was a mistake!

Qin Yinze's mood is getting worse and worse, and his face is very gloomy and frightening.

He turned off his cell phone when he didn't see the message from her.

Ji Rou stands in the window of the room and sees Qin Yinze coming back. She rushes downstairs immediately. Before he enters the room, she meets him: "Qin Dashao, you are back!"

She smiled with a sweet smile and voice. It's nice to say how much she flattered him. Qin Yinze didn't even look at her. She went straight to the house after missing her.

Qin Yinze was still indifferent. Didn't she see the letter of repentance she sent him? Ji Rou immediately followed: "Qin Dashao, did you receive the text message I sent you?"

Tell him about texting again, damned woman!

Qin Yinze went on, still ignoring Ji rou.

In order to eat, to roast chicken legs, to braised pork, Ji Rou tolerated, endured and tolerated, and continued to follow him: "what's the matter with you, Qin Dashao? Who made you so unhappy? "

Qin Yinze still manages her. He steps upstairs. Ji Rou follows him closely: "Qin Dashao, I'm wrong. I'm really wrong. Last night, you asked me to write a letter of repentance. I didn't remember what I had done wrong because of the broken piece. Today, after I woke up, I seriously thought about it. My mistake is not to be drunk and vomit you, not to be drunk and kiss you

Hearing this, Qin Yinze finally stopped.

Ji Rou was secretly happy. Finally, she found the key to the problem. Finally, she could let him down. Finally, she could eat roasted chicken legs and stewed pig hands.

However, just when Ji Rou was happy, Qin Yinze suddenly made a voice that was cold and distant: "since you take the initiative to mention the matter of repentance, think about what you did wrong, and continue to write."

"Didn't I write it all? What else do you want me to write? " Damn it, after working hard for a long time, I was denied a word by this cheap man.

Qin Yinze sneers: "ha..."

"Try again..." Before the threat was finished, Ji Rou gave Qin Yinze a fierce look, and she swallowed it back.

"Go back to your room and write. You can't go to sleep without finishing tonight." Leaving the cruel words behind, Qin Yinze turned around and left.

"What do you want?" Jirou bit her teeth and looked at the big back of the cheap man. She wanted to rush forward, push him down and step on his feet.


Back in the room, Ji Rou angrily tore the newly written letter of repentance into pieces: "son of a bitch, do you want me to write it? Don't I sleep if you don't let me sleep? "

She would not listen to him.

Ji Rou took a bath and went to bed. Soon she fell asleep. In her dream, she missed the roast chicken leg for several days, the braised pig hand she liked, and the fat but not greasy braised pork

Ji Rou takes chopsticks and picks up a piece of braised pork with golden color and sends it to her mouth. Seeing that it is about to be sent to her mouth, the braised pork in front of her eyes is robbed.

She suddenly opened her eyes, saw Qin Yinze's enlarged cold face, and was looking at her gloomily: "what about the letter of repentance you wrote?"

"Hungry! I'm so hungry! " Ji Rou pursed her lips and pulled at his corners pitifully. "I didn't eat at noon or at night. I felt so hungry that I was almost empty."

Qin Yinze and this cheap abnormal man get along for a while, Jirou still has a little understanding of him.

She knows that if she comes to be tough, he will be tougher than her. She has no way to deal with him. As long as she plays coquetry with him properly, he will follow her, for example, last night. /p

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