My Husband, Warm The Bed


But... But... Qin Yinze's eyes are not on Ji Rou's face at all, but where her fingertips touch his swimming trunks.

He looked at her, with a light that Ji Rou couldn't detect under his calm face, but he said coldly, "do you want it?"

"Want to..." Ji Rou nods hard, nods and suddenly finds that she's going to be wrong, and shakes her head hard. "Qin Yinze, don't think about it. I just want to go ashore. It doesn't mean anything else to you."

I've lost my body. I don't know where to put it. Ji Rou wants to let go, but this is her only leverage point. Obviously Qin Yinze doesn't mean to save her. Once she let go, she will be flooded.

On the one hand is life, on the other hand is face. Between life and face, Ji Rou realistically chooses to protect life. After all, if life is gone, what's the use of face.

"Am I thinking about it, or does Mrs. Qin's practice make people think about it?" He watched her clasp the fingers of his swimsuit and slowly told a truth in an evil way.

"Yes. I admit that it's not right for me to pull your swimsuit, but you think I want to. I was forced by you to save my life. " Jirou pulls a little harder, and the swimsuit has good elasticity. "Then you let me go ashore, and I won't pull your swimsuit."

Ji Rou wants to be coquettish with him, but Qin Yinze doesn't eat her, and continues to look at her coldly: "let go of your hand."

Ji Rou shakes her head: "no loosening."

Qin Yinze: "let go."

"Not loose." Ji Rou bit her lips and blinked her big black eyes. "Qin Da Shao, you are a big man. Why do you have a quarrel with a little girl of mine?"

To be honest, Jirou didn't know where to offend him, how to get to his swimming pool, and was tortured by his abnormal methods.

"Let go." Qin Yinze is still such a word.

She was so low spirited. The man still refused to let her go. Ji Rou cursed him again in her heart, but she still had to put on a flattering smile: "Qin Da Shao, didn't you say that you are responsible for my life, never thought of killing me? Now I will give you a chance to prove that what you said is true, not to deceive me. "

At this time, her brain can still rotate flexibly, thinking of using what he said to stop his mouth, but he didn't intend to forgive her lightly: "since you don't believe it, you should think I didn't say it."

"I believe. I believe now Wuwuwu...... " As long as he let her ashore, as for his words, she believed or not, he did not know.

"It's too late." Just under Ji Rou's gaze, Qin Yinze simply took off his only covering swimwear, turned over and swam to the pool side.

"You..." Jirou still holds his black swimming trunks in her hand, but she still hasn't got rid of the nightmare of being flooded.

How could she think that Qin Yinze, the son of a bitch, would take off his pants and swim to the pool naked And landed.

However, Ji Rou can't save her swimming trunks from floating in the water. She has no time to enjoy Qin's body-building.

She waved her hands and scratched at random. At last, she caught a rod, which took her to the shore. She took the escalator to the shore.

After landing, she was so tired that she fell beside the swimming pool and breathed fresh air. If she was not so close to death, she would not know the horror of death.

Today, Jirou is really experiencing the fear of death. If that rod is extended later, her life will be lost.

For a long time, Jirou slowly opened her eyes and saw the man standing beside her with a bath towel: "think about what you have done these days."

Just now she almost drowned. He even asked her what she did wrong. Even if she ran back to minluo city first, did he hurt her like this?

Jirou turns over and sits up, points at him and scolds: "son of a bitch, I do what I care about you! Don't use my name in the spouse column of your marriage certificate as an excuse. Even if the marriage certificate is legal and valid, I am an independent individual. Whatever I want to do is my freedom. You can't control it. "

"You are right." Qin Yinze doesn't retort, just looks at her with a smile. In this hot day, Ji Rou is just a gooseflesh he can look up to.

Jirou's momentum suddenly weakened a lot, and suddenly he stammered: "difficult, isn't it? I'll tell you, you'd better take me wherever you bring me, or I'll sue you for your ruin. "

Qin Yinze squatted down, reached out and stroked her head gently: "OK, I'll wait for you to sue me. If necessary, I can help you find a lawyer. I must let you win. "

His voice is very gentle, even the movement of touching Jirou's head is very gentle, but Jirou is afraid: "Qin Yinze, what do you mean?"

Qin Yinze suddenly smiled, fingertips lightly point her forehead: "Mrs. Qin, is my meaning not obvious enough?"

The more gentle he is, the more unconventional he is in playing cards, the more difficult Ji Rou's heart is: "you What do you want to do? I'll tell you, you don't need to be weird. You need to talk. "

Qin Yinze's long fingers gently moved down, moved to her pink and elastic face, and gently pinched: "not what I want to do, but what you want to do."

Ji Rou: "..."

This man is terrible! He is so gentle to her, but she can feel murderous from him.

Jirou suddenly regrets running back to Jiangbei. But she has to sell all kinds of medicine in the world, but there is no regret medicine she wants to buy at the moment.

"Why don't you talk?" Qin Yinze's fingers continue to move down, staying on her pink lip, "isn't this little mouth very able to say?"

Ji Rou trembled and said, "Qin Yinze, if you kill me, I will become a fierce ghost to avenge you."

"You're so cute and adorable. How can I kill you?" That's what he said, but suddenly he caught her in the back of her head and pushed her to him.

He lowered his head and took a sharp bite on her lips, breaking her lips. The red blood slowly flowed out of her wound.

Ji Rou: "..."

She was petrified.

"If you don't sue me, please clean up my study and let's have a good talk." He still has a lot of accounts to do with her.

With that, Qin Yinze pushes Jirou to himself again, kisses the blood on her lips gently, and then gets up and leaves gracefully, leaving Jirou in a mess.

For a long time, Ji Rucai relieved himself from the threat: "Qin Yinze, you..."

She was so angry and angry, but she couldn't help it. She had to send him to bully her, or she would die even worse. Look at the late night welfare movies, please pay attention to WeChat official account: okdytt/p

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