My Ferocious Tigress Wife

Chapter 829 - Chapter 829: Chapter 829-Disaster

Chapter 829: Chapter 829-Disaster

For the sake of her son, Mrs. Yuan would go through a mountain of knives and a sea of fire without hesitation.

Perhaps he wouldn’t understand if this thought was used on a child, but Xie Yan had a forty-year -old soul. Who wouldn’t understand? How could he not?

He understood the value of this.

Xie Xian hugged Xie Yan, and the father and son cried like they were in tears.

Xiao Baoxin had seen it with her own eyes-if Xie Xian hadn’t ordered Youmei to drag her away in the blink of an eye, she would have already been unable to control the family of three and cried together.

“.. There’s also Seventh Madame and Grandmother.” Xiao Baoxin realized it

later and added more.

“Oh, mother can rest assured.” Thinking about it carefully, no matter how many people there were, no one would be able to enter Madam Yuan’s heart.

“I will also protect the children in my stomach and let them grow up healthily.” Xie Xian listened from the side. If he wasn’t afraid that his emotions would affect her, he really wanted to pat her head. He knew too well what his mother was thinking and what she was thinking about.

It was not appropriate to say anything else in the mourning hall, so Xie Xian urged her to go back not long after.

“Don’t keep kneeling here. Tianhan, your stomach can’t take it.”

The two of them looked at each other without saying anything.

“Your health hasn’t been very good recently. You have to be more careful when you go out. Don’t let me worry, and don’t let mother worry.”Xiao Baoxin said,”Grandmother, I’m here. We’ll be fine.””

The Xie family was probably the only family that brought a doctor with them to carry the coffin back to the ancestral grave.

Mother Xie had already discussed this with Doctor Wei and asked Doctor Wei Jr. to accompany her. After that, the Xie family’s collection of books is at your disposal.

The reason why the aristocratic families had not declined for a hundred years was that they monopolized all aspects of resources, education resources, and material sources.

Xie Xian’s proposal to compile and collect books had been met with heavy resistance from the beginning. Now that Prince Huaiyang had been torn apart because of his conspiracy and rebellion, it was likely that this delay would be

far away.

Since they could get the Xie family’s promise, the Wei family would definitely agree to it. Moreover, there was no time limit. They could take whatever they wanted and copy whatever they wanted.

Even if Xie Xian had the intention of sharing the book collection with the world, now that he was worried, it would be difficult to even think about it. If he made a slight move, who knew how many people would be waiting to criticize him.

Who are you trying to squeeze out by announcing the Xie family’s collection to the world? What benefits are you trying to gain by taking this opportunity?

His biological mother was dead, yet he was still not honest. He was so unfilial!

You don’t even want to die.

The Wei Clan had promised to take a look at the Xie Clan’s collection, which was undoubtedly more attractive than their money. Regardless of what would happen in the future, at least they would be the first to see it, and they would be able to share their knowledge.

This was something that he didn’t even dare to think about in the past.

Every family’s collection of books could be exchanged and read, so they had to have a considerable friendship, especially some rare books.

And the Xie Clan’s condition was any collection of books, so it could not be said that they did not have any duplicate books.

Doctor Little Wei had been counting the days with his fingers. If it wasn t for Xie Xian’s mother’s death, he wouldn’t have been able to wait so long if he hadn’t urged him to invite her properly and was easily beaten to death.

There was a saying that the spirits of aristocratic families were suspended. The Xie family still had the Grand Madam, so the number of Madam Yuan’s spirits could not exceed seven times. In addition, there were uncles and brothers in the family, so three times seven was already the right time.

On the eighth day of the tenth month, it was drizzling early in the morning. Xie Xian left Jiankang City with the help of the spirits. There were at least two hundred people in the mighty team, including the servants and guards.

Sikong Xiao, in order to prevent anyone from taking the opportunity to add insult to injury, specially selected more than ten confidants from the army and helped them inside.

After Xie Xian left and Xiao Baoxin offered incense in the middle of the night,

he did not say a single word.

Xiao Baoxin sent the people away. He looked at the departing team from afar and saw that there was no trace of them. Only when the last person disappeared from his sight did he turn around and return to the Xie Manor’s mam gate.

She felt empty in her heart.

“Don’t think too much. Take good care of your body.”Xie Wan sent Mrs. Yuan away and wiped away her tears. “The thing that Ah Niang is most concerned about should be the twins in your stomach…”

She suddenly said,”I don’t know if it’s Little Lang or Little Miss.””

An inappropriate sentence lingered on her lips for a while before she swallowed it back down. If Ah Niang could watch them grow up, how good would it be?

“Doctor Xue can’t guarantee it either.”

The two sisters-in-law were pacing in the corridor, both wearing mourning clothes.

“I don’t know when Brother will be back. I can’t be more assured that Grandmother can let sister-in-law stay in Yi An Hall. Although there’s nothing dirty in our residence, but… I also have to guard against being on a leash It’s hard to guarantee that the hearts of the people are bad, or that someone has bribed their servants…”

Xie Wan was as clear as a mirror. It was true that Xie Xian was powerful in the court, but he had also offended the interests of many people.

When he was in his prime, no one dared to go against him head-on, nor did they dare to risk their family’s destruction to mess with the Xie family. However, the stupid Prince of Huaiyang had appeared and pulled his brother down from under him. Those who had hated him in the past had no scruples. Perhaps they would hit him when he was down and target Xiao Baoxin. When Xiao Baoxin was not pregnant, Xie Wan was confident even if she told the truth and threw her into a tiger’s den.

The problem now was that she had twins, so she had to be extra careful.

“I heard that Yuan Chen ran away. It’s been almost a month, but he didn t say anything. There was also a lot of searching outside Jiankang City. It was as if he had disappeared from the face of the earth.”Xie Wan whispered.

“I keep feeling that it’s a disaster.”

“I’m afraid so.” Xiao Baoxin sighed.

The entire Yuan family had been beheaded. She did not believe that Yuan Chen would hide in the mountains and forests for the rest of his life. She was really terrified.

He was a ruthless person. He could kill his aunt with the Prince of Huaiyang. After the matter failed, he ran for his life without even telling his parents. Yuan Chen was not someone who would stop at nothing, let alone avenge his parents.

He was afraid that even if he was not caught, he would still be tormented.

“It’s Zhong Yan, the master of Zhong Clan who used to be the minister of justice, who takes the place of elder brother’s servant. The elder brother-in- law of Xu Clan is the minister of the Ministry of Revenue.”

Xiao Baoxin had never heard of these things before. Xie Xian was completely focused on Madam Yuan’ s funeral and did not have much time to communicate with her.

Most of the time, he even reduced the time he saw her to avoid affecting her mood. Even when he rested at night, he would sleep in separate rooms. He knew how deep his grief was. He did not dare to get too close to her.

It wasn’t that Eldest Lady Xie hadn’t been here before, but they didn’t have any intimate conversations and were all blocked by Xie Xian.

“Brother-in-law is only twenty-seven or twenty-eight this year?”Xiao Baoxin asked.

Xie Xian was an unusual person, and he had helped Emperor Yong Ping rise to the throne in a coup. Generally speaking, he was definitely very capable to become the Minister of Revenue at the age of 27 or 28.

Like a star in the sky Xie Wan did not pay too much attention to it.

The two sisters-in-law talked as they walked. They walked from the residence door to Yi An Hall. Xie Wan did not dare to hold Xiao Baoxin’s hand. Mother Xie had sent down a message. Xiao Baoxin had twins and told them not to hold hands and roll up their sleeves without knowing the severity of the situation. It was fine if they fell, but they would also burden her great-great-grandson.

His words were rather impolite.

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