Mr. President Dotes On His Wife Crazily

Chapter 992

992 I have a way for you to get Lan Xiao

Lan Xiao looked down at the flowers in his arms and smiled helplessly.


So this was her Chuchu’s doing.

He was really Black-bellied, to actually let song Hefeng call her great aunt in front of everyone …

Tsk, tsk. Jealous men are crazy.

When it came to taking revenge, it was really frightening.

To be honest, she really sympathized with song Hefeng.

This young man had probably been abused quite badly.

The crowd surrounding them gradually dispersed after song Hefeng left.

Lan Xiao held the flowers and walked out of the school.

Just as she walked out of the school gate, she saw her Chuchu leaning against a car parked by the side of the road, waiting for her with her arms crossed and a smile on her face.

Lan Xiao raised her eyebrows slightly. She walked in front of him and stuffed the flowers into his arms.

“Yingluo, you’re too bad. Why did you force him to call me great aunt in front of me? Tell me, Yingluo, what method did you use?”

Wen Muchu looked at the flower and threw it into the trash can beside him.

After that, he ignored the gossiping gazes of the people around him and pulled Lan Xiao’s hand, bringing her into the car.

The car started and Lan Xiao snuggled in his arms.

“Why don’t you tell me, what method did you use to force song Hefeng? Yingluo, look at his expression, he must have suffered a huge blow, Yingluo.”

Gu CI, who was driving in the front, agreed.

Wasn’t that so? this blow should be quite big.

This young master Song was probably starting to doubt his life.

Wen Muchu’s eyes narrowed as he replied with a cold smile.

“I didn’t force him. He did this of his own will.”

Gu CI’s mouth twitched. Voluntary?

Hehe, she must have fallen into his trap voluntarily, right?

Lan Xiao obviously didn’t believe it.

However, no matter how she asked …

Wen Muchu refused to tell the truth.

Not to mention Gu CI. When Lan Xiao asked him, he shook his head and said he didn’t know anything.

What a joke, he dared to disobey Mr. Wen junior, did he think that his life was too long?

Haha, he wasn’t that stupid.


After song Hefeng left the school, his heart was like dead ashes.

The chauffeur followed behind him, not daring to call out to him.

The young master’s eyes were bloodshot after he had called out to her a few times. He looked so terrifying that it was as if he was about to kill someone.

I don’t dare to offend you, I don’t dare to offend you.

Therefore, the driver could only follow them at a distance that was neither too close nor too far.

Yang Liu-er had been at the back the whole time, so she asked the driver to follow song Hefeng.

When they were further away from the school, the pedestrians and cars on the road gradually decreased.

She quickly told the driver to stop the car, then she opened the door and got out of the car, running to song Hefeng.

“Young master Song, I wonder if I have time to talk to you?” She asked song Hefeng with a bright smile.

Song Hefeng furrowed his brows and turned to look at her. A hint of disgust flashed past his eyes.

“Get lost!”

Yang Liu-er’s expression changed when she heard song Hefeng’s merciless scolding.

The smile on her lips instantly froze.

She clenched her fists, her heart aching from anger.

This was the first time in her life that she had received such cold treatment.

Song Hefeng, what’s with the arrogance? isn’t it just because he’s the son of the song family?

“Young master Song, I know you’re angry, so I don’t blame you for your rudeness. But are you sure you don’t want to talk to me? I have a way for you to get Lan Xiao, but you’re not willing to spend time to talk to me in detail?” Yang Liu-er suppressed the anger in her heart and forced out a smile.

Song Hefeng’s eyes trembled. He stopped in his tracks and looked at Yang Liu-er suspiciously.

“What do you mean by that?”

Yang Liu-er saw that he was slightly moved, and she could not help but smile.

He Yingluo had been so arrogant just now, but now she still had to yield to her.

“Young master Song, it’s not convenient to talk here. Why don’t we go to a nearby cafĂ© and have a detailed chat?” Yang Liu-er suggested as she glanced at a coffee shop not far away.

Song Hefeng’s eyes flickered, and he was looking forward to it.

He hesitated for a while, then nodded.

The two of them went to the coffee shop and found a very private booth seat.

After ordering coffee, Yang Liu-er started the conversation.

“Young master Song, everyone in our school knows that you like Lan Xiao. I really can’t figure it out. Young master Song is such a good person. He has good looks and a good family background. If it were any other girl, she would have accepted you and be with you. I really don’t know what’s so high and mighty about this Lan Xiao. She rejected young master Song so ruthlessly. Isn’t she trying to embarrass you on purpose?”

“Young master Song, in my opinion, you’re just too polite to her and too gentlemanly. In my opinion, if a woman doesn’t listen and obey, then you need to use force to control Yingluo. Since she doesn’t take the soft approach, then you might as well use force.”

Song Hefeng furrowed his brows slightly and shot Yang Liu-er an unhappy glance.

“So, what do you mean?”

Yang Liu-er thought that song Hefeng had listened to her and did not notice that his expression had changed.

She quickly struck while the iron was hot and said,”what I mean is, why don’t you do something to make Lan Xiao your woman?” Once a woman becomes yours, her heart will probably slowly lean towards you. Young master Song, haven’t you heard of this saying? If you want to get a woman, you must first take her body. A girl’s feelings for her first man are always special.”

Song Hefeng’s eyes suddenly turned cold. He clenched the coffee cup tightly, and his whole body exuded a cold aura.

He did not say anything and just stared at Yang Liu-er quietly.

When Yang Liu-er saw that he was still not speaking, she thought that young master Song was hesitating.

Therefore, she quickly continued to add fuel to the fire.

“Young master Song, this Lan Xiao doesn’t know what’s good for her. You should use force to make her suffer. When she really knows how powerful you are, I guarantee that she won’t dare to disobey you. At that time, wouldn’t you be the one to say whatever you want? When you get a woman like Lan Xiao, you can just play with her and forget about it. Please don’t give your heart to her. She’s not worthy of any man’s love. I think that boyfriend of hers was probably also kept in the dark by her. Lan Xiao, she’s just a fickle woman who’s fickle at first sight and is used to seducing men.”

Yang Liu-er had not finished her last sentence.

All of a sudden, her vision went black, and a cup of warm coffee was splashed at her.

Yang Liu-er was dumbfounded.

She widened her eyes and looked at song Hefeng in disbelief.

Song Hefeng grabbed the empty cup and threw it on the table.

With a bang, the coffee cup spun on the table and fell to the ground.

The sound of the cup falling was very loud, and Yang Liu-er was so frightened that her body suddenly trembled.

A wave of panic slowly rose in her heart.

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