Mr. President Dotes On His Wife Crazily

Chapter 981

981 Unable to bear any children for the Wen family

How could she not feel Wen Muchu’s dislike and hostility towards her?


However, even if he did not like it, there were some things that she still had to remind him of.

Mu Chu, when your grandfather comes later, I hope that you can keep a distance from this lady, Qianqian. Otherwise, I’m afraid that the old man will lose his temper and destroy this shop.

Old master Wen had already planned everything for Wen Muchu before he met him.

If Wen Muchu wanted to be the president, the first thing he had to do was to find a lady from a wealthy family of equal social status as his wife.

Wen Muchu’s eyes narrowed slightly when he heard this.

A cold glint flashed across his eyes.

He raised his eyes slightly and swept a cold glance at Bai huien.

“Are you warning me?”

Bai huien quickly shook her head and explained anxiously,”I’m not trying to trick you, Mu Chu. Don’t misunderstand what I mean. Yingluo, your grandfather, Yingluo, he might have some plans for your future, Yingluo ”

A plan? Lan Xiao raised his eyebrows slightly-what did this plan have to do with her?

Wen Muchu furrowed his brows as the murderous aura around him dispersed.

“Does he have the right to interfere with my future? Other than the Wen family’s blood flowing in my veins, everything else doesn’t belong to the Wen family. I’ll make my own decisions for my future, Yingluo. I don’t need anyone else to plan for me, Yingluo.”

A trace of panic flashed through Bai huien’s eyes.”No, I didn’t mean that, Yingluo.”

Wen Muchu frowned. He really didn’t want to talk to this woman anymore.

Lan Xiao held Wen Muchu’s hand and said, ” “Chuchu, I suddenly don’t feel like eating the food in this restaurant anymore. Let’s go to another one, Yingluo.”

Wen Muchu immediately nodded and pulled Lan Xiao out of the shop.

When Bai huien saw that Wen Muchu was about to leave again, she was so anxious that her entire face turned pale.

She hurriedly chased after him, but when she was going down the steps, she slipped and fell hard to the ground.

A heart-piercing pain came from her ankle.

She took a deep breath and her eyes turned red from the pain.

Wen Muchu didn’t even spare her a glance as he pulled Lan Xiao along and drove off.

Bai huien looked in the direction of Wen Muchu’s departure and sobbed softly.

The bodyguard immediately walked over and asked nervously, ” “Madam, how did you fall? I’ll call Mr. President right away, Yingying!”

“Don’t bother him if it’s not a big deal. He’s very busy with many things, and I don’t want him to worry about me. ” Bai Hui ‘en’s eyes were red as she tried to stop him.

The bodyguard’s eyes were filled with anger. He gritted his teeth and said in a low voice,”This Mr. Wen junior is too much. How can he treat you like this? No matter what, you’re still his stepmother, Yingluo.”

Bai Hui ‘en was shocked. She quickly looked at the bodyguard and scolded him in a low voice.

“What are you talking about? I fell because I wasn’t careful, what does it have to do with Mu Chu? I’m warning you, you can say these things in front of me, don’t tell anyone else. Especially the old man, you must not tell him Yingluo!”

The bodyguard was unwilling, but he could not disobey Bai huien, so he agreed silently.

Bai huien rubbed her aching ankle and tried to stand up. However, at this moment, old Mr. Wen’s car stopped by the roadside.

Old Mr. Wen got out of the car as soon as the car stopped.

Such Swift movements didn’t seem like that of a 70-year-old man at all …

His eyes were burning as he walked toward Bai huien with his walking stick.

“Huien, where’s my grandson? where’s Mu Chu?”

Bai huien stood up on her tiptoes and smiled apologetically at old Mr. Wen while enduring the pain in her foot.

“Dad, I’m sorry. It’s all my fault. I couldn’t stop Mu Chu. He’s gone, he’s gone, he’s gone, he’s gone!”

Upon hearing this, the smile on old Mr. Wen’s face froze.

His eyes immediately darkened as he looked at Bai huien with extreme displeasure.

“He left? Didn’t I tell you to stop him and not let him go? Did you even hear my orders? Huien, you’ve really disappointed me this time.”

Bai Hui ‘en’s face paled. She lowered her eyes and moved her lips, but she did not say anything.

Old Mr. Wen’s expression was extremely ugly and his eyes were filled with anger. The more he looked at Bai huien, the angrier he became.

“Tell me, did you let my grandson go on purpose? You’re afraid that I’ll ignore you after I have a grandson, so you let him go, right? Hui ‘en, I used to think that you were a sensible person who knew when to advance and when to retreat. Why are you so muddled today? Ever since you married into the Wen family for so many years, have you ever given birth to a child for the Wen family? If you can give birth to a son, do I still need to miss my grandson so much?”

The tears that Bai Hui ‘en had been holding back in her eyes suddenly flowed down.

Old Mr. Wen’s words were like a stab to her wound.

It was painful and piercing.

“Father, I didn’t. I know I’m useless. I didn’t bear a child for the Wen family. That’s why I hope more than anyone that Mu Chu can return to the Wen family. All these years, I can’t wait for a child. I only hope that the Wen family can have a successor.”

Old Mr. Wen snorted coldly at the sight of her tears.

He was so angry that he felt a little dizzy and staggered a few steps back.

Bai huien hurriedly raised his hand to support old Mr. Wen.

Old Mr. Wen was still angry and did not want her to touch him at all. He raised his hand and pushed Bai huien away.

“Don’t touch me! I won’t let this matter rest if you don’t let me see my grandson!”

Bai huien’s ankle was already injured. After being pushed by old Mr. Wen, she fell backward.

She screamed in pain.

When the bodyguards saw this, they quickly stepped forward and supported Bai huien.

Bai huien’s legs were weak, and the pain was like being stabbed by needles.

Although she had the help of the bodyguards, she could not stand straight and fell to the ground …

She almost fainted from the fall.

She couldn’t hold it in anymore. She fell to the ground, bit her lip, and cried out.

Old Mr. Wen was slightly taken aback and frowned in frustration.

“What are you doing? I just gave you a light push, did you have to lose your balance and fall?”

Bai huien looked up at old Mr. Wen with her red and swollen eyes.

However, she didn’t explain anything and kept taking the blame.

“Dad, I’m sorry. It’s all my fault. I’m so useless. I didn’t manage to stop Mu Chu, I actually let him go so easily. I’m sorry, I made you happy for nothing Yingluo, it’s all my fault.” Bai Hui ‘en sobbed like a Pear Blossom bathed in rain, her voice sorrowfully admitting her mistake.

The bodyguard standing at the side could not stand it any longer. He looked up at old Mr. Wen and felt indignant for Bai huien.

“Old master, this matter is not Madam’s fault at all. Madam, in order to stop little Mr. Wen, she twisted her ankle.”

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