Mr. President Dotes On His Wife Crazily

Chapter 972

972 Be careful, she might make you a cuckold

Yang Liu-er held her phone and sent Wen Muchu a long text message.


[ Hi, Yingluo, are you Lan Xiao’s boyfriend? Perhaps you don’t remember who I am, but it’s okay. I know that you accompanied Lan Xiao to the school to complete the admission procedures on the first day of school. To be honest, I’m quite envious of Lan Xiao for having such an outstanding boyfriend like you. However, since you’re already taken, I can’t do something like snatching someone else’s love away. ]

[ I originally wanted to help you two and never wanted to disturb you. After all, I can see that you love Lan Xiao a lot. It’s a pity that you love Lan Xiao so much, but she’s (it’s hard to explain in a few words) I don’t know what to say, you’d better look at the picture. If you have any questions, just send me a message and I’ll tell you everything I know. I hope you won’t be too sad after you find out the truth. If you’re sad, I won’t feel good either, ]

This text message was quite long. Yang Liu-er checked it several times before she pressed the send button with great care.

After sending the message, she clutched her phone and waited for Wen Muchu’s reply.

On the other side, they continued to watch Lan Xiao and song Hefeng, who were surrounded by the crowd.

A mocking smile flashed past her eyes.

This time, Lan Yingying was afraid that Wen Muchu would not be able to tolerate her.

What a slut who attracts bees and butterflies, how could she be worthy of being the future Madam President?

In order to raise that three million Yuan, she had really shed a layer of skin these two days.

She had sold all her accessories, expensive bags, clothes, and shoes, and only managed to gather about a million Yuan.

She really couldn’t gather the remaining two million.

Helplessly, she could only borrow money from her cousin, Bai Chengjun.

Bai Chengjun had loved her since she was a child, so he casually asked and lent her two million Yuan.

It wasn’t easy to get the two million.

For this money, she had been touched all over by her cousin.

After she grew up, she gradually understood Bai Chengjun’s Secret feelings for her.

Every time, when her aunt was not around.

This cousin always touched her.

He looked like a gentleman, but he was actually a wolf in sheep’s clothing.

This time, she was in his hands.

She could already imagine how Bai Chengjun would be able to control her in the future.

When she thought of this, Yang Liu-er was filled with resentment.

She did not like this cousin of hers, but … Because she had asked him for help this time, she had no choice but to continue to be entangled with him.

She also knew that nothing would happen to their cousins.

As for Bai Chengjun, he was just playing with her because she was pretty.

The person who had caused this situation and put her in deep trouble was none other than Lan Xiao.

She hated this woman to the core.

Ever since Wen Muchu entered the presidential palace, he had truly become a low-profile bodyguard.

Not many people in the President’s House knew about Wen Muchu’s identity. Even Bai huien and old Mr. Wen had never seen Wen Muchu.

Wen zhihuai’s office building was not a place that anyone could enter.

Hence, Wen Muchu stayed in the presidential palace for a few days but did not meet the two of them.

For the past few days, he had been following Wen zhihuai around to ensure his safety.

Every time he went out, han Yuting would personally guard him.

Wen zhihuai’s trust in han Yueting could be said to be greater than everyone else’s.

Wen Muchu took the opportunity to rest and was sitting in the resting room with his eyes closed.

However, his phone suddenly rang.

He opened his eyes and took out his phone.

Although he knew that Lan Xiao wouldn’t send him a message when he was working, he still had some hope in his heart.

He pursed his lips slightly and unlocked his phone.

What she saw was a picture of Lan Xiao and another man being intimate.

The man was tall and handsome, and he was holding a huge bouquet of roses in his arms.

The man’s smile was even more radiant than a flower, and his eyes were filled with deep affection.

Wen Muchu’s brows furrowed.

He flipped through almost all of the photos, and the more he flipped, the angrier he got.

Who was the blind one who dared to steal his girlfriend?

Less than a minute later, another text message popped up in his line of sight.

He read the contents of the short message word for word.

His eyes were deep and he really couldn’t remember who the person who sent him the text message was.

He flipped through the pages and typed a few words to send.

[ Who are you? ]

Yang Liu-er did not expect Wen Muchu to reply to her message so quickly. She quickly lowered her head and replied.

[ Hello, I’m lan Xiao’s classmate Yingluo. I’m sorry to have texted you so presumptuously. I really can’t stand Lan Xiao treating you like this. [ she’s clearly two-timing me. She already has a boyfriend, but she’s not in a relationship with other boys. Yingluo, I didn’t want you to be kept in the dark and be deceived by Lan Xiao, so I took the liberty to send you a text message. I hope you don’t mind. ]

Wen Muchu’s eyes flashed with a sharp cold glint. The hostility that had just emerged on his face flashed past.

He did not reply to Yang Liu-er’s message.

Yang Liu ‘er waited for a while. Seeing that Wen Muchu did not make any move, she could not hold it in anymore. She was afraid that Wen Muchu would not believe her, so she sent a few more text messages over.

[ let me tell you, ever since Lan Xiao entered the school, she’s been attracting bees and butterflies everywhere. The boys in our class and the boys in other classes have all been seduced by her. Now, many people call her a goddess and claim that whoever becomes her boyfriend will be their big brother. ]

[ Lan Xiao doesn’t know how to restrain herself at all. She doesn’t know how to avoid it either. She’s always pulling and tugging at those boys. It’s so ambiguous. Wen Muchu, you have to be careful. Be careful that she doesn’t make you a cuckold. ]

[ song Hefeng is the young master of the song family. Everyone in the song family dotes on him. [ I guess it’s hard for ordinary girls to resist the temptation of his background. ]

[ Wen Muchu, don’t be too sad. ] There were plenty of fish in the sea. It was not worth it for such a shameless woman. [ you’re so outstanding. Why should you be sad for such a fickle woman? ]

[ you’re not replying to my messages. I’m really worried that Nezha will get rid of it and reply to my messages, okay? ]

Yang Liu-er sent four text messages in a row, but Wen Muchu did not reply to her.

She couldn’t help but feel anxious and sent the last message.

What did Wen Muchu mean by this? why was he completely silent?

If this happened to anyone else, wouldn’t they have broken up in anger?

Why was it that when Wen Muchu threw the stone into the water, it did not cause any waves at all?

Yang Liu-er was puzzled. She bit her lip unwillingly and wanted to look up to see the situation between Lan Xiao and song Hefeng. Who knew that when she looked up …

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