Mr. President Dotes On His Wife Crazily

Chapter 968

968 Fang qingci, that troublesome thing

Jiang He raised his hand and wiped the tears from her face.


His eyes were filled with a dark light of pity.

“Be good, let’s not cry anymore. It’s not worth it to make you cry over such a small matter. As for you, it’s enough that you’re pretty. Why did you fight with Lan Xiao?”

“You’re really one-track minded. Don’t you know how to think of other ways? Aiyaya, you deserve to be defeated by her again and again. You should use your beauty as a weapon. Just because you’re not smart enough, it doesn’t mean others can’t.”

Fang qingci bit her lip and looked at Jiang He with a hint of resentment.

What was wrong with this Jiang He? every word he said was like a knife, cutting her heart fiercely. She was about to die from anger, alright?

Was he trying to help her or was he just being sarcastic?

“Jiang He Qianqian, what do you mean by this? Are you here to mock me?”

Seeing that Fang qingci was angry, Jiang He quickly reached out and pulled her into his arms to comfort her.

He had been thinking about Fang qingci’s body for so long.

No matter what he said, he had to sleep with Fang qingci.

Otherwise, he wouldn’t be willing to accept this, he would be extremely unwilling.

“Be good, Yingluo. You’ve really misunderstood me. I didn’t mean to mock you,” he said softly. Although my words are a little unpleasant to hear, it’s just like that medicine. Good medicine tastes bitter. I’m just thinking about how I can help you.”

Fang qingci bit her lip, her eyes full of resentment.

“How are you going to help me?”

there’s no hurry. You have to show me your sincerity first, then I can think about how to deal with Lan Xiao, ” Jiang He leaned close to Fang qingci’s ear and said in a meaningful and flirtatious way.

Fang qingci’s eyes flickered, and she gritted her teeth in hatred.

She knew that Jiang He was a bad person. He was always trying to take advantage of her …

Fang qingci pushed him away angrily. Seeing that the car had stopped outside, she quickly opened the door and got out.

Jiang He sat in the car and rolled down the window slowly. He looked at the back of Fang qingci, who was about to leave in anger, and said in a faint voice, ”

“Qing Ci, Zhenzhen, don’t blame me for not warning you. With your intelligence, you will only fail if you want to fight with Lan Xiao, Zhenzhen.”

Fang qingci’s face turned pale with anger. She stopped and turned around to glare at Jiang He.

“Yingluo, why do you sound so annoying?”

He was always poking at her wounds, telling himself over and over again that she really couldn’t win against Lan Xiao.

The thing she hated the most in her life was people saying that she was inferior to Lan Xiao.

She wasn’t convinced, and she was even more unwilling.

I’m just telling the truth. That’s how things are, ” Jiang He shrugged helplessly and smiled bitterly at her.

Fang qingci puffed up her cheeks and turned to leave.

She was really angry today.

She had thought that she could use that incident to punish Lan Xiao and avenge herself.

Who knew that in the end, he would go for wool and come home shorn.

What bad luck.

Sitting in the car, Jiang He stared at Fang qingci’s figure, which slowly disappeared from his sight.

The smile on his face slowly faded.

A sharp and cold glint flashed in his eyes, and then his lips curled into a cold smile.

you’re obviously stupid, but you think you’re extraordinary. Hehe hehe, I don’t believe that there will be a day when you don’t kneel in front of me and beg me for help.


Lan Xiao was in the shop handling some matters.

She had left Tiger to handle all the matters of the jewelry store.

The jewelry store had to be redecorated and changed its name.

There was also the jewelry store that needed to recruit some new employees.

Lan Xiao asked ah Hu to talk to old he about these trivial matters. If necessary, he could ask old he to come to Ling city.

Tiger responded to them one by one and immediately got busy.

Lan Xiao stayed in the jewelry store. In the blink of an eye, the sky had turned dark.

It was only until Wen Muchu called that she suddenly realized that the sky had turned dark.

“Where is it?” Wen Muchu’s voice was heard from the other end of the phone.

Lan Xiao stood up and glanced at the dark night sky outside. She quickly sent her address to Wen Muchu.

About twenty minutes later, Wen Muchu came over and picked Lan Xiao up.

The two of them went to a Chinese restaurant nearby for dinner.

During the meal, Lan Xiao told Wen Muchu about everything that happened today.

Wen Muchu’s face darkened when he heard that.

Fang qingci thought to herself, she really doesn’t want to give up.

It seemed that Fang Yugu’s punishment for her last time was too light.

That night, Wen Muchu retrieved a surveillance video and got Gu CI to find Fang Yugu’s contact information. He then sent the video to Fang Yugu.

Fang family’s old mansion.

Fang Yugu had just finished his dinner when he heard his phone ring.

He picked it up and saw Fang qingci and Jiang He sneakily entering Jin Shiyuan’s jewelry store.

He clearly remembered that the jewelry store had been given to Lan Xiao.

Fang Yugu frowned slightly. Since the shop was Lan Xiao’s, why would Fang qingci go there? Moreover, it was a mysterious Wufu.

Fang Yugu held back his doubts and finished watching the video.

After watching the video, he was already burning with anger.

He threw the phone to the ground, startling the Butler who was about to push open the study door.

“Old man, what’s wrong?”

Fang Yugu’s face was ashen, and his eyes were burning with a fierce light.

He looked at the Butler and coldly ordered,”go to Xuanji and bring that troublesome Fang qingci back to the old mansion.”

The Butler’s heart skipped a beat.

He had rarely seen the old master so angry. Everyone in the Fang family, regardless of gender or age, listened to and doted on Fang qingci.

The Butler had been working for the Fang family for decades and watched Fang qingci grow up.

He naturally loved Fang qingci. Seeing that the old man was so angry, he left the study nervously and called Fang qingci.

At that time, Fang qingci was in a bad mood. She was drinking in a bar with several girls.

She left her phone on the bar counter and went to the dance floor.

So, when the Butler called, she didn’t hear it at all.

The housekeeper called her more than ten times, but Fang qingci didn’t answer.

The Butler’s forehead was covered in sweat, and his heart was beating fast.

At this moment, footsteps could be heard from the hall on the first floor.

The Butler’s face lit up, thinking that miss Fang had returned to visit the old master.

Unexpectedly, when he ran to the top of the stairs to take a look, he saw that it was the Fang family’s first master and first Madam.

The Fang family’s eldest son was Fang Yugu’s eldest son, and also Fang qingci’s father. He was about forty years old this year, and his name was Fang shengtao.

“Master, young Madam, you’re here?”

Fang shengtao took off his coat and glanced at the Butler with a suspicious look.

“Butler, what’s wrong? why do you look so pale?”

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