Mr. President Dotes On His Wife Crazily

Chapter 945

945 How can I let my goddess bend down to pick it up?

Lan Xiao carefully estimated that this bracelet was worth at most tens of thousands …


However, this girl had actually extorted a few hundred thousand Yuan from her?

Lan Xiao narrowed his eyes slightly. Did she look like a fool, like an unlucky person who was bullied and bullied at will without knowing how to resist?

The surrounding pedestrians stopped in their tracks when they saw this scene.

Seeing that more and more people were paying attention to her, the girl became more and more fearless.

Seeing that Lan Xiao didn’t speak for a long time, her eyes turned red and she started to cry.

“Are you trying to cheat? Neither an apology nor compensation? Everyone, please be my judge. Is there still such an arrogant and rude person in this world?”

This girl’s name was Chen Yuan. She was actually sent by Yang Liu-er to deliberately make things difficult for Lan Xiao.

She was also a first-year student, and she met Yang Liu-er on her first day at school.

In the process of chatting with Yang Liu-er, he accidentally found out that Yang Liu-er’s aunt was actually Madam Bai.

In order to build a good relationship with Yang Liu-er and to have a foothold in Jin Jing, Chen Yuan had to wait until she found out that the man yang Liu-er fell in love with at first sight had a girlfriend.

She volunteered to embarrass Lan Xiao and help Yang Liu-er vent her anger.

Just now, it wasn’t lan Xiao who bumped into her. She had bumped into Lan Xiao on purpose.

So now, she only hoped to make the matter bigger.

It would be best if he could make Lan Xiao pay.

According to Yang Liu-er, this Lan Xiao was a country bumpkin from who knew how many big cities.

He probably didn’t have much money and only got into Jin Jing University because of his grades.

How could a country girl with no family background and no background be worthy of snatching a man from Yang Liu-er, a lady from a big family?

He, he, he didn’t even know how much he was worth.

She was going to embarrass Lan Xiao today.

She wanted to let herself know what kind of thing she was.

A hint of gloominess flashed in Chen Zhao’s eyes. He then sobbed softly and continued to cry, ” “You’re too much. You didn’t apologize after you hit me, and you didn’t say a word after you broke my Jade. As expected of an ignorant, rude, and boorish person.”

Although Chen Yuan was pretty, she was also a rare beauty.

And now, her eyes were red, and she was crying pitifully.

Many straight men who were watching the show began to seek justice for this girl.

They all looked at Lan Xiao with condemnation and were about to reprimand him, but who knew that the moment they saw Lan Xiao, their words got stuck in their throats.

Oh my God, I thought that the girl who was crying on the ground was already a rare beauty.

Who knew that the girl who was standing there without saying a word was even more beautiful?

This face, this temperament, this figure.

He would definitely kill the girl on the ground in seconds.

The girl’s skin was as white as snow, and her facial features were as exquisite as a doll.

Her eyes and brows were like limpid autumn waters.

Just a light glance was enough to make one sink into it.

And her long black hair …

Nowadays, many girls liked to dye their hair and permed their hair, so many beautiful girls in the school, including their School Belle, Fang qingci, inevitably dyed their long hair dark red.

However, this girl’s hair was not decorated at all.

Her hair was black and shiny, and it was soft and scattered over her shoulders.

It made her skin look even whiter.

The contrast between black and white made people feel a kind of breathtaking beauty for no reason.

Many of the straight men were just mesmerized by her beauty.

A green light flashed in their eyes, and their hearts began to stir.

The few men immediately started whispering to each other.

“Who’s this beauty? How come I’ve never seen him before?”

“I don’t know. I don’t know him either.”

she should be a freshman. There are many beautiful girls in our school this year. I heard that there’s a girl called Yang Liu-er who looks pretty good too. She’s very good at dancing.

what Yang Liu-er? I don’t think she’s as pretty as this beauty in front of me.

“Yeah, I think our school’s beauty queen is going to change. With this face, she could easily beat School Belle Fang in seconds, right? Moreover, it’s all natural.”

“Yeah, did you see that? she didn’t even put on makeup. She’s so beautiful without any makeup, who can compare to her?”

“Yes, yes, her skin is so white and bright, Yingluo.”

look at her eyelashes. They’re so long and thick. She doesn’t even need any mascara.

“That’s right, this is a true beauty. It’s not the kind of appearance that you’ve made with makeup.”

Many of the boys around them were full of admiration and emotion for Lan Xiao’s appearance.

Lan Xiao’s eyes were cold, and her expression didn’t change at all.

She didn’t care what these people thought of her.

She just calmly stared at the girl on the ground, whose expression was gradually changing.

Chen Yuan’s expression turned ugly as she watched the situation slowly go out of control.

She had thought that she would be able to get the boys ‘support by crying a little with red eyes.

Who knew that these good-for-nothing boys would actually start to comment on their looks?

Moreover, they were praising Lan Xiao so much that he was almost a goddess.

Chen Xiao was filled with hatred. She looked up at Lan Xiao and realized that compared to Lan Xiao, she was in a very embarrassing situation.

LAN Xiaoxiao laughed and looked at the boy in front of her.

“Please make way, I want to pick up my phone Yingluo.”

When the boy saw Lan Xiao talking to him, his face immediately turned red with excitement.

Many of the boys around him looked at him with envy.

how can you let your goddess bend down to pick it up? I’ll help you pick it up Yingluo. the boy was extremely excited as he quickly lowered his head and picked up Lan Xiao’s phone.

Lan Xiao raised his eyebrows slightly and thanked the boy with a strange expression.

Then, she reached out and took the phone.

The boy was so excited that he replied in a trembling voice, ” you’re welcome. My teacher taught us that we should help each other. It’s just a small matter.

Lan Xiao smiled at him.

The boy was dumbfounded. This girl was too beautiful.

Especially with this smile, everything around him seemed to have lost its color.

such a beautiful girl. I don’t believe she’s such a rude person.

yeah, that guy just picked up her phone for her, and she even said thank you.

“Yeah, he’s clearly very polite.”

For a moment, everyone’s eyes could not help but look at Chen Yuan.

Chen Yuan’s face turned pale. She bit her lip and was about to explain.

However, she heard Lan Xiao, who had been silent all this while, slowly squat down.

fellow student, let’s not talk about how much your bracelet is worth. Do you know how much my phone is worth? ”

Lan Xiao held up the phone that had been broken into two and handed it to Chen Yuan.

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