Mr. President Dotes On His Wife Crazily

Chapter 931

931 Young miss, you’re finally back

Madam President wasn’t just a title. The power and influence she held in her hands were incomparable to the past.


Everyone from the big four families knew that Wen zhunhuai wanted to support his son to become the next president.

In every presidential election, the previous president had almost half the power.

For example, back then, when Wen zhhuai was elected as the president, it was the previous president, fan Yuncheng, who strongly supported him. That was how he was able to go against the majority and, without the support of any family, was eventually elected as the next president.

Hence, many people in the upper-class circle of Jin capital had long assumed that Wen zhihuai’s long-lost only son would be the next president.

Therefore, they didn’t have much hope for the president’s position. They all set their sights on the position of Madam President.

In the past few days, there was a piece of news that the president’s son was about to return.

When the people from the four families heard the news, they all whispered to their daughters, telling them to be spirited and to take the president’s position.

Hence, countless forces began to secretly search for Wen Muchu’s whereabouts.

Fortunately, Wen Muchu did not disclose his identity.

Hence, until now, many people were still unaware that Wen zhunhuai’s son was Wen Muchu.

Even if those people were to investigate, it would just be a waste of effort.

A person who had not surfaced at all, even if they had three heads and six arms, it was impossible to find Wen Muchu.

This was also the reason why Wen Muchu had the foresight to request Wen zhihuai not to reveal his identity too early.


Bai Fuxin was summoned back to Jin capital by her mother early in the morning.

As soon as she got off the plane, she saw the Butler of the Bai family standing at the entrance of the passage, waiting for her with a smile.

Seeing Bai Fuxin, the Butler immediately stepped forward and took her luggage.

miss, you’re finally back. Madam was so worried that she couldn’t sleep all night. If you still didn’t come back, Madam would have gone to Ling city and personally brought you back.

Bai Fuxin sat in the car and leaned against the seat, rubbing her temples in exhaustion.

my mom, what is she up to this time? I already told her that I’m in the middle of an important project, but she keeps disturbing me. Uncle Yuan, can’t you help me talk to her? ”

The Butler helplessly looked back at Bai Fuxin and started the car while advising her in a low voice.

“Miss, Madam is doing this for your own good. Miss, you only care about the patient’s condition all day. Madam is afraid that you’ll spend too much time on these things and neglect your marriage.”

At the mention of marriage, Bai Fuxin’s head hurt even more. She crossed her arms, closed her eyes, and leaned back in her seat, not saying a word.

The Butler looked at her and shook his head with a bitter smile. This mother and daughter were really a pair of enemies.

One refused to be controlled, while the other insisted on being controlled.

The Bai family was going to be lively again.

However, Mrs. Bai still loved her daughter. She just wanted her daughter to marry well.

Half an hour later, the car stopped in the city center.

The residences of the four great families almost surrounded the Jin capital in all four directions.

The presidential palace was built in the middle of the four families.

Just like the current situation, the four families surrounded the presidential palace. It seemed like they were protecting it, but it was not an invisible threat.

If the four families joined forces, then the President’s House would become a puppet without any real power.

Hence, for so many years, Wen zhihuai had never relaxed the relationship between the four great families.

He would only be at ease if the four families had a bad relationship.

Even if there was nothing between the four families, he had to cause some trouble to break the balance between the four families.

All these years, the disputes and fights between the four great families had been endless.

Whether it was for business interests or the level of authority, they could always cause a huge commotion in the Jin capital.

This kind of earth-shaking and mountain-shaking was exactly what Wen zhihuai was looking forward to.

Hence, whenever there was a dispute between the four families, Wen zhihuai would act as a peacemaker and deal with it.

He didn’t offend any of the families, but he also didn’t side with anyone. He had maintained this balance for many years and knew that.

One day, it would not be able to continue.

There would be a day when this barrier would be torn apart.

The Bai family lived in the northernmost part of the Jin capital.

The Bai family was an aristocratic family. The courtyard of the Bai family’s Villa alone occupied an area of about a thousand square meters.

It took a few minutes to get to the main building by car.

When the guards of the Bai family saw the Butler driving over, they quickly opened the tall and hollow iron gate.

A few guards lined up neatly and saluted Bai Fuxin with their eyes.

Even though the Bai family was huge, every time Bai Fuxin came back, she would feel a little suffocated.

To her, this was a cage.

Once she entered this place, she was like a bird that had been locked up in a cage.

She loathed this feeling, but she had no choice but to succumb to this situation.

Who asked her to be the daughter of the Bai family, who asked her to bear the responsibility that ordinary people had to bear.

The rise and fall of the entire family depended on her. Sometimes, even if she wanted to retreat, she could not.

Bai Fuxin didn’t even open her eyes. Xuxu’s butler immediately drove the car into the courtyard.

The car passed by the courtyard full of green grass and flowers. About three minutes later, it stopped in front of the main building.

“Young lady has arrived in Chengcheng.”

Bai Fuxin slowly opened her eyes. There was a trace of confusion in her eyes as she looked out of the window at the villa area with European and American Buildings.

She stared at it in a daze for a while.

It was only when Madam Bai heard the sound of a car and came out with her people that Bai Fuxin opened the door and got out.

Madam Bai’s eyes lit up when she saw Bai Fuxin.

She quickly ran over and pulled Bai Fuxin into her arms, ” “Xinxin, you’re finally back. I’ve missed you so much when you weren’t around.”

Bai Fuxin raised her hand and patted Madam Bai’s shoulder.

“Mom, I missed you too.”

Madam Bai let go of Bai Fuxin and glared at her.

“You two-faced girl, if you really missed me, how could you bear not to come back to see mom for a month? If I hadn’t called you sick and urged you to come back, would you have been willing to come back?”

Bai Fuxin smiled helplessly and hugged Madam Bai’s arm.

“Mom, I’m just telling the truth. How am I not saying what I mean? I really miss you. Look, I’ve lost weight from thinking about you.”

Madam Bai sized Bai Fuxin up and sighed with heartache, ” “Ah, you’ve really lost weight. I’m warning you, don’t go anywhere for the next few days. Stay at home and take good care of your body. If you don’t get fat, you’re not allowed to run outside, Yingying.”

Bai Fuxin howled in grief, as if she had no more will to live.

“Mom, how could you do this to me? If you don’t let me out, what about my research and patients, Yingluo?”

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