Mr. President Dotes On His Wife Crazily

Chapter 895

895 Don’t be stubborn

He raised his head and saw that the dagger had Cut the Rope.


His expression froze as he stood at the entrance of the cave.

With a snap, the rope was cut.

A cry of surprise came from below.

Lou Yucheng hurriedly turned around and looked down.

At this moment, where were Lan Xiao and Wen Muchu?

Lou Yucheng’s pupils shrunk rapidly.

He lifted his foot and was about to jump down again.

Assistant Qiao quickly grabbed Lou Yucheng’s arm and said, ” “President Lou, can you stop being so stubborn? As long as Lan Xiao is dead, all the evidence of your crimes will be gone. This was the best way to get things done once and for all, and it was even safer than killing Wang Xuan. There’s obviously the most convenient way, so why do you have to give up what’s near and seek what’s far away, and take many detours?”

Lou Yucheng’s face was gloomy as he turned around and glared at assistant Qiao. He clenched his fist and smashed it on assistant Qiao’s face.

Assistant Qiao was caught off guard and received a punch from Lou Yucheng.

The corner of his mouth was bleeding, but he was not angry. He smiled at Lou Yucheng.

“President Lou, if hitting me can calm you down, then hit me a few more times. Anyway, Lan Xiao and Wen Muchu have already fallen in. They can’t possibly be alive.”

Lou Yucheng gritted his teeth and approached assistant Qiao. He raised his hand and grabbed assistant Qiao’s neck.

“What if I have to kill you to calm down?”

Although assistant Qiao’s lips were bleeding, he still smiled. “If I can calm you down, I won’t be afraid even if I die. Anyway, my life belongs to President Lou. If President Lou wants it, you can take it. ”

As assistant Qiao spoke, he slowly closed his eyes, letting Lou Yucheng do whatever he wanted.

Lou Yucheng’s entire body exuded a cold and murderous aura.

He clenched his fist and gave assistant Qiao another hard punch.

Assistant Qiao knelt on the ground after being hit by him.

The blood that was originally dripping from the corner of his mouth was now flowing even more violently.

President Lou, face the reality. Lan Xiao is dead. Ran ran is dead. Assistant Qiao wiped the corner of his mouth and smiled evilly.

shut up! You shut up! Lou Yucheng shouted at assistant Qiao.

He suddenly turned around, clenched his fist, and smashed the stone wall beside him again.

A heart-piercing pain came from his palm.

He didn’t even frown.

But how could this kind of pain overcome the pain in her heart?

“President Lou, now that Lan Xiao is dead, our predicament will be solved. We must leave this place as soon as possible. From what I know, Wen Muchu is not a simple man. I reckon that someone will come down to look for him soon. we have to leave right now, ” assistant Qiao endured the pain and stood up shakily. He looked at Lou Yucheng and suggested.

Lou Yucheng’s eyes were extremely cold. He stared at assistant Qiao and coldly smiled.

“Do you know what I hate the most in my life?”

Assistant Qiao furrowed his brows and said,”President Lou, what’s wrong?”

“What I hate the most is someone betraying me and deceiving me. Assistant Qiao, you’ve crossed my bottom line, do you know that?” Lou Yucheng sneered and his eyes were filled with hostility.

Assistant Qiao’s body trembled. President Lou, ” he said, ” I’m doing all this for your own good.

“But Yingluo, you really disobeyed my orders, didn’t you?” Lou Yucheng slowly wiped the blood on the back of his hand and asked with a smile.

After hearing Lou Yucheng’s question, assistant Qiao instantly fell silent.

“President Lou, you, you, you …”

“Perhaps I should consider whether I should continue to keep you by my side. It doesn’t matter if a person is stupid or stupid. The key is that if he wants me, he will follow my orders. You shouldn’t have acted on your own and used my authority to do things against my will. Qiao yuxun, I’m sure you understand what I’m saying?” Lou Yucheng stared at assistant Qiao and said word by word.

Qiao Yu. After so many years, this was the first time President Lou had called him by his full name seriously.

One could imagine that he had touched the reverse scale of Lou Yu city and had completely angered him.

Assistant Qiao was scared witless. At this moment, he started to panic.

He finally understood Lou Yucheng’s meaning.

Lou Yucheng was angry because he wasn’t the one who killed Lan Xiao.

He had touched the bottom line of Lou Yu city.

He didn’t need someone who didn’t listen to his orders, dared to disobey his orders and wishes, and did things that were contrary to his will.

Even though he was loyal to Lou Yu city.

Lou Yu city would definitely not allow such a person who threatened his position to exist.

Assistant Qiao was so shocked that he broke out in cold sweat.

He begged in a trembling voice.

“President Lou, my life is yours. If you chase me away, I don’t know where I’m going. President Lou, perhaps I was wrong in this matter. I shouldn’t have disobeyed your orders. Please don’t chase me away.”

Lou Yucheng walked step by step to the front of assistant Qiao. He reached out his hand and gently patted his cheek.

“Are you really going to admit your mistake?”

“I know I’m wrong, I’m wrong.” Assistant Qiao nodded quickly. President Lou, I won’t make decisions on my own anymore. Please give me a chance.”

Lou Yucheng’s calloused thumb gently rubbed against the wound on the corner of assistant Qiao’s mouth.

“Since you’ve realized your mistake, I’ll give you another chance on account of your many years of loyalty. But remember, there won’t be a second chance. Next time, if I find out that you’re acting on the surface, you’ll act on your own. Qiao Yu, you’re dead meat, do you know that?”

Assistant Qiao’s heart trembled slightly, and his scalp went numb.

This was the first time he had seen President Lou in such a hostile and cold state.

He couldn’t help but swallow his saliva and hurriedly nodded.

Lou Yucheng turned around and no longer looked at assistant Qiao. Instead, he looked at the bottom of the cave and the dark void.

“Immediately send someone down to save Lan Xiao. Remember, if he’s alive, I want to see him. If he’s dead, I want to see his corpse. I only want Lan Yingying!”

Whether Lan Xiao was alive or dead, he had to find her.

Assistant Qiao’s eyes flashed with a trace of surprise.

President Lou still wanted to find Lan Xiao?

However, he also knew that Lan Xiao had no chance of survival after falling.

Since President Lou wanted to look for it, he would get someone to look for it.

What he found was just a corpse.

When Lou Yucheng sent people to look for Lan Xiao, Bai shaoqi had also arrived in a helicopter.

He met up with Gu CI, who was standing guard at the same spot.

Gu CI told Bai shaogan the entire situation.

Bai shaogan’s entire expression became serious and heavy.

Wen Muchu’s life and death was of great importance. Nothing must happen to him.

Bai Shaojie had brought quite a number of Special Forces over, and everyone said that they were one in a hundred.

In addition, their equipment was all military supplies, many of which could not be bought on the market.

Gu CI only heard Bai Shaojie’s order. A dozen well-trained Special Forces soldiers put on all their equipment in a few seconds. Each of them had a safety rope tied around their waists, and they quickly slid into the thorny undergrowth.

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