Mr. President Dotes On His Wife Crazily

Chapter 886

886 I’ll listen to miss LAN

Wang Xuan instantly felt as if she had fallen into an ice cave.


She shook her head slightly. How could she not tease him?

Lan Xiao had clearly helped her to delete all the pictures. She didn’t believe that Li Yan still had Yingluo.

Wang Xuan gritted her teeth and glared at Li Yan. Li Yan, don’t slander me with nonsense. If you have the ability, go and expose it. Don’t blame me for taking you to court for defamation.

Li Yan shrugged his shoulders and sneered.

“Sue me? Wang Xuan, do you believe that I’ll kill you before you even Sue me?”

Wang Xuan’s body trembled. She did not understand what Li Yan meant.

“Yingluo, what do you mean?”

Li Yan chuckled as he walked closer to Wang Xuan.

Wang Xuan slowly stepped back. A very bad premonition emerged from the bottom of her heart.

“What are you doing, Qianqian?”

“What do you think? What am I doing? That gentleman was right, you’ve already made up your mind not to divorce me. Instead of wasting my time with you, I might as well end you myself, so that you won’t ruin my happy life in the future.” Li Yan’s eyes flashed with a cold light. As he spoke, he reached out his hand and tried to strangle Wang Xuan.

Wang Xuan’s eyes were wide open as she looked at Li Yan in disbelief.

“Are you going to kill me?”

Li Yan didn’t answer. The woman behind him laughed.”Old woman, you guessed it right. As long as we kill you, brother Yan and I will have no more worries and will be together forever. Previously, brother Yan also hesitated not to kill you, but Yingluo, you forced us. You’re not willing to divorce brother Yan properly, and you’re even more unwilling to leave the marriage with nothing. We have no other choice but to kill you without anyone knowing. If you’re no longer in this world, everything you own will belong to brother Yan, right?”

Wang Xuan’s face was deathly pale, and her entire body was trembling violently.

At this moment, Li Yan had already grabbed her neck.

She raised her hand and grabbed his wrist, struggling violently.

“No, Li Yan, you can’t do this to me!”

I originally wanted to part with you on good terms, but you just won’t let me go. Wang Xuan, then don’t blame me for being cruel, huhu. Li Yan narrowed his eyes, and a cold glint flashed in his eyes. He increased the strength of his palm.

Wang Xuan’s strength was naturally not as strong as Li Yan’s. Her neck was held in his palm, and she could not break free at all.

He strangled her as if he was strangling a little chick. He only needed to exert a little more strength and her neck would be broken.

wuwuwuwuwu. she cried and struggled in despair. She didn’t understand why God was so cruel to her.

The man she loved had not only betrayed her and hurt her, but now he even wanted to take her life.

He wanted to kill her just because she refused to divorce him and leave the marriage with nothing?

Ha, what did she do wrong? why did she have to end up in such a tragic state?

Li Yan’s eyes were bloodshot, and a strong murderous aura surrounded him.

All the love and affection he had for Wang Xuan in the past had disappeared completely.

Currently, all he could think about was killing Wang Xuan.

Everything would be over once he killed Wang Xuan.

As Li Yan thought of this, he increased the strength of his hand.

Wang Xuan sobbed and felt her breathing become thin. She almost blacked out.

Hopelessness, pain, and mental breakdown, all of them surged up.

She seemed to see the god of death waving at her.

However, she was not willing to accept this. She was not willing to die like this.

On what basis could those who did wrong get away with it and live a happy life?

Why did she, an innocent victim, end up in such a tragic end?

She hated, she was angry, she wanted to kill Li Yan, this scum.

However, it was all too late now.

She was about to die. Even if she was unwilling, no one would come to her rescue at this time.

Wang Xuan closed her eyes and chuckled in despair. She was waiting for death to come.

She hoped that in her next life, she would never meet Li Yan again.

If the heavens were willing to give her another chance, she would definitely torture Li Yan until he was better off dead.

As Wang Xuan was waiting for death in despair, she suddenly heard a loud bang.

The voice seemed to have come from the living room door.

When Li Yan heard the loud noise, his expression changed. He looked at the door and said, ” “Who’s scared?”

Someone was clearly smashing the door just now.

The woman who was waiting for Wang Xuan’s death heard the loud noise and quickly hid behind Li Yan.

Li Yan shook off Wang Xuan, grabbed the woman’s wrist, put his arm around her shoulder, and retreated with her in full alert …

Wang Xuan was thrown off by Li Yan and she fell to the ground.

She was like a fish that had left the water and was almost out of breath, but was suddenly thrown back into the water. She panted heavily and gasped for breath.

After being in a daze for a while, she finally realized that she wasn’t dead.

The next moment, there was another loud bang.

The door was kicked open from the outside.

The door trembled as if it was about to fall to the ground.

There were a few people standing at the door, but Wang Xuan couldn’t see who they were.

However, in the next second, she heard a familiar voice.

“Li Yan, you’re really a bastard. You betrayed Wang Xuan and your marriage. You actually wanted to kill Wang Xuan just because you’re powerful and because of that little bit of money?”

Wang Xuan’s eyes welled up with tears.

She called out in a hoarse voice, ” “Miss LAN Zhenzhen”

Lan Xiao walked into the room and came to Wang Xuan’s side with pity in her eyes. She squatted down and personally helped Wang Xuan up.

“Don’t be sad. It’s not worth it to cry for a scumbag. He’s not worthy of your tears. You still have a bright future ahead of you. You shouldn’t ruin yourself for such a bastard.”

Wang Xuan nodded her head firmly while sobbing. She had just experienced a life and death situation. She cherished her life more than anyone else, and she cherished herself more than anyone else.

no matter what miss LAN does, I will listen to miss LAN. Li Yan and I will cut off all ties from now on. There will be no more contact between us.

Lan Xiao pursed his lips and patted her shoulder.

“Alright, leave this matter to me. I will definitely seek justice for you, Zhenzhen!”

Li Yan frowned and looked at Lan Xiao’s beautiful little face. He shouted angrily.

“Yingluo, Who are you? This is my house, who allowed you to barge in like this? Be careful, I’ll Sue you for trespassing, all of you get out, all of you get out!”

In the face of Li Yan’s angry roar, Lan Xiao’s lips curved into a sneer, and the light in her eyes was extremely cold.

She stood up slowly and walked to Li Yan and the woman.

“This is your house? As far as I know, Wang Xuan bought this house in full. You only paid for the renovation, right? Besides, you were the one who cheated on me and betrayed your family. If this goes to court, you’ll definitely be the one to leave the family with nothing.”

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