Mr. President Dotes On His Wife Crazily

Chapter 874

874 Secretary Feng, who is the person behind you?

Wen Muchu stared at his blue eyes with a smile on his face.


Now, when she mentioned Lou Yu city, she could not see any attachment to that person in her eyes. There was only endless coldness.

His heart trembled slightly, and his heart softened.

In the end, whether it was her heart or her body, she completely belonged to him.

He held her in his arms.

He rested his chin on the top of her head and his large palm held her soft little hand.

His heart was at peace.

At this moment, it was so peaceful. He wished that he could stay with her in this state.

Lan Xiao blinked and was a little confused. Why did the atmosphere suddenly change?

Weren’t they discussing how to deal with Lou Yu city?

Wen Muchu was trying to figure out what he was doing.

He seemed to be quite happy?

It seemed to be quite clingy.

She moved her little head and asked in a low voice, ” “What’s wrong with you?”

Wen Muchu shook his head and smiled gently.

it’s nothing. I’m just worried that you’ll have to spend at least a few billion to buy those shares. Do you have that much money? ”

Lan Xiao burst out laughing. So he was worried about this?

She wasn’t stupid enough to use her hard-earned money to fill the hole in Lou Yu city.

She wanted Lou Yucheng to spit out what he had eaten.

A sharp glint flashed across Lan Xiao’s eyes as she looked up at him with a bright smile.

“Would I be so stupid as to use my own money to fill this hole? My money is hard-earned. I can’t waste it like this.”

Wen Muchu raised his brows slightly. He had indeed thought that Lan Xiao would use his own money to buy those loose shares.

But now, listening to the meaning behind her words, it didn’t seem to be the case?

This little girl was so smart. She would come up with this idea every now and then. He couldn’t even tell what method she would use to deal with Lou Yu city.

“So?” He asked with a low laugh.

Lan Xiao narrowed his eyes and smiled slyly.

She blinked at Wen Muchu again.

that’s why I don’t plan on using my own money to buy shares. It’s a waste of money and not worth it.

“Then, ran ran, what did you use to slap Lou Yucheng’s face?” Wen Muchu raised his brows slightly and looked at Lan Xiao with interest.

Lan Xiao beckoned him over with her finger. Wen Muchu’s eyes flickered and he leaned in closer to her.

Her small hand pulled his ear, and her alluring lips came close to his ear.

In a low voice, she said word by word, ” of course. I’ll give him a taste of his own medicine. Chuchu, you’re free during this period of time. Let’s watch a good show, okay? ”

Wen Muchu could only feel a wave of hot air flowing around his ear.

The fragrance that belonged to her entered his nose.

It made his heart tremble.

He could not help but pull her into his arms.


The next morning, Lan Xiao contacted Secretary Feng through LAN xingbo.

She gave Secretary Feng a call and asked him to meet up with the LAN corporation’s finance department head, Wang Xuan, at the café opposite the company.

In the beginning, Wang Xuan found all sorts of excuses and reasons to refuse to meet Secretary Feng.

Lan Xiao immediately got Secretary Feng to tell Wang Xuan, ” tell her that if she doesn’t come, no one can save her. One day, she deserves to be sent to hell.

Although Secretary Feng had some doubts in his heart, his many years of working experience told him that miss LAN must be thinking of a way to help President LAN.

President LAN doted on this young miss more than he doted on young master LAN.

Therefore, he would definitely not be wrong to listen to the eldest miss.

Secretary Feng agreed and passed on Lan Xiao’s words to Wang Xuan word for word.

When Wang Xuan heard this, the phone in her hand fell to the ground with a thud.

She quickly picked up her phone and forced herself to calm down. She couldn’t let Lou Yucheng notice her abnormality.

Finally, it was noon.

Wang Xuan made use of mealtime to sneak out of the company and went to the café opposite the company.

When Secretary Feng saw her, she immediately appeared and led her to the room Lan Xiao was in.

The more Wang Xuan thought about it, the more she felt that something was amiss. When they were approaching the private room, she grabbed Secretary Feng’s arm.

“Secretary Feng, tell me the truth, who wants to see me? And who was it that asked you to pass on those words to me?”

Secretary Feng’s eyes scanned the surroundings.

Immediately after, he pursed his lips slightly and said in a low voice, ” “All you have to do is push open this door and you’ll be able to answer all the questions in your heart. Minister Wang, we’ve been colleagues for so many years. Trust me, there’s no harm in pushing this door open and going in.”

Wang Xuan was a little anxious, and her forehead was sweating.

“I can’t be away from the company for too long. Once the people from Lou Yu city find out, they will definitely suspect me. At that time, Qianqian will be in trouble.”

Lan Xiao had already heard Wang Xuan’s voice from the private room.

Seeing that Wang Xuan had not come in for a long time, she curled her lips into a faint smile. She picked up her phone and sent a message to Secretary Feng.

Of course, there was a picture attached to the message.

When Secretary Feng received the text message, his eyes flickered and a trace of surprise flashed past his eyes.

Never in his dreams would he have thought that Wang Xuan was actually an open-minded person in private?

He suppressed the shock in his eyes and raised his hand to push up his gold-rimmed glasses.

Without any hesitation, he handed the phone to Wang Xuan.

Minister Wang, take a look at the photos first before you decide if you want to continue wasting time here.

Wang Xuan didn’t pay much attention at first, but when she saw the photo on the phone, her entire face turned completely pale.

She quickly grabbed the phone and looked at Secretary Feng with red eyes. She growled in a low voice.

“Yingluo, how did you get this picture? Secretary Feng, who is the person behind you?”

Secretary Feng sighed slightly and pushed the door open.

“If you want to know, you can go in and solve your doubts.”

He pushed Wang Xuan’s back.

Wang Xuan staggered into the private room.

The next moment, Secretary Feng closed the door from the outside.

Wang Xuan was so shocked that her entire body was trembling. She suddenly raised her head and looked into the private room.

She saw Lan Xiao in a light blue dress sitting at a glass table in the middle of the room.

“Miss LAN?” Wang Xuan’s eyes were filled with surprise. You were looking for me?”

Lan Xiao’s lips curved into a smile. She picked up her coffee and took a sip. Then, she raised her hand and invited Wang Xuan to take a seat.

“Minister Wang, if there’s anything, let’s sit down and talk.”

The fear in Wang Xuan’s heart didn’t lessen even a little after seeing Lan Xiao.

On the contrary, she was even more uneasy.

She didn’t understand where Lan Xiao had found those photos.

Didn’t Lou Yucheng specifically ask someone to take those photos?

In this world, only Lou Yu city had those photos.

But, how did this photo end up in Lan Xiao’s hands?

Could it be that Lou Yucheng had disclosed her photos to the public?

Before Lan Xiao could say anything, Wang Xuan had scared himself half to death.

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