Mr. President Dotes On His Wife Crazily

Chapter 864

864 You’re really a good daughter

“Tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, LAN Muya, you’re really a good daughter. Dad’s life is hanging by a thread. It’s fine if you don’t stay by dad’s side and serve him, but you’re still in the mood to get engaged with Lou Yucheng? Dad raised a dog, and the dog knew how to be grateful. He’s raised your daughter like a noble for more than ten years, but you treat her like this. LAN Muya, has your conscience been eaten by a dog?” Lan Xiao asked in a cold and mocking tone.


The anger in LAN Muya’s heart could not help but burst out.

She gritted her teeth and glared at Lan Xiao with some resentment.

Clearly, she should have been patient and suppressed her temper so that she could fight with Lan Jing and Zhou Xuan.

However, Lan Xiao’s words were clearly meant to pick a bone with her.

If she didn’t fight back, these dreadful remarks would be enough to drown her in spittle.

“My sister, LAN Yingluo, how can you say that about us? What did I do wrong? What did brother Yu Cheng do wrong? In order to protect the company, in order to not let father and our ancestors ‘hard work be destroyed. These days, brother Yucheng and I have been under a lot of pressure in the dark to support the LAN group. In order to prevent the company from falling into the hands of others, I’m getting engaged to brother Yucheng tonight. I hope that brother Yucheng can successfully become the acting president as a member of the LAN family.”


“What are we doing this for? isn’t it for the LAN family and for father? Sister, you just came back and don’t know anything. The moment you came back, you said such harsh words to me. Big sister, put yourself in my shoes. You should know how hurtful your words are.” LAN Muya’s eyes gradually reddened as she spoke, and tears began to fall.

Lan Xiao’s brows raised slightly and he couldn’t help but sneer.

She raised her hand and clapped a few times.

“Very exciting. Younger sister’s eloquence is getting better and better.”

LAN Muya’s face turned pale with anger.”You’re so silly!”

“Hehe, what a high-sounding reason. LAN Muya, I hope you won’t be slapped in the face by what you said later.” Lan Xiao laughed and mocked.

“What do you mean?” LAN Muya’s face changed.

Lan Xiao ignored their ugly expressions and glanced at the other people in the room.

Finally, her gaze fell on Lou Yu city.

She turned to Lou Yucheng and smiled, ” “Brother Yucheng, I think I heard you guys say that you’re going to call the police to arrest Xing Bo?”

Lou Yucheng’s face darkened. Ever since Lan Xiao appeared, he had a feeling that she didn’t come back for nothing.

It seemed that some things had gradually deviated from their original trajectory.

Xiaoxiao, you’ve misunderstood, Xiaoxiao. Yaya and I didn’t want to call the police to arrest xingbo. It’s just that xingbo just came back and smashed a lot of things on the scene. These customers were all scared by xingbo, and he even hit Yaya just now. Yaya’s nose was bleeding from his beating.”

“Those customers couldn’t stand it, so they called the police when we weren’t paying attention. Don’t worry, this is our family’s matter. How can we let the police come? I’ll call the police station now and tell them not to come, so that they won’t waste their time and come here for nothing.”

Lou Yucheng said as he took out his phone to call the police.

Lan Xiao took a step forward and her eyes met Lou Yucheng’s. She pursed her lips and smiled.

“There’s no need to cancel it. The two police officers standing at the door are already here. Brother Yucheng, didn’t you see them?”

Lou Yucheng raised his eyes and glanced at the two police officers who were standing at the door with solemn expressions. He smiled bitterly and patted his forehead.

“Look at me, I’m really confused. I didn’t even see the two police officers, Wanwan.”

Lou Yucheng walked towards the two police officers and bowed in apology.

“I’m sorry, officers. We’ve troubled you to make an extra trip, ran ran. We’re fine now. This is just a small matter. We really shouldn’t have troubled you to make an extra trip. Ran ran, we’ll drop the case. We won’t call the police anymore. You can go back, officers.”

Lan Xiao turned around and walked towards louyu city. He asked with a warm smile.

“Brother Yucheng, are you sure you want to withdraw the case of xingbo beating up LAN Muya?”

LAN Muya’s expression was a little ugly. She secretly tugged at Lou Yucheng’s sleeve.

Lou Yucheng raised his hand and patted the back of her hand, indicating for her to calm down.

He also smiled gently at Lan Xiao.

I’m sure. This is a family matter. I shouldn’t have called the police.

Lan Xiao’s eyes flashed with a sly smile as she nodded slightly,”Alright, since brother Yu Cheng is so righteous, then I’ll thank you on behalf of Xing Bo. Xingbo, hurry up and thank brother Yucheng!”

LAN xingbo pouted and mumbled a thank you unwillingly.

The main thing was that he gave his sister face and only promised her.

He did not regret beating LAN Muya up at all.

Lan Xiao smiled at the two police officers. police officers, since the person involved has voluntarily closed the case, there shouldn’t be any more problems with this matter, right? ”

The two police officers glanced fearfully at Wen Muchu who was standing at the side in silence.

They immediately nodded in response to Lan Xiao’s question.

yes, there won’t be any more problems in the future. Since they withdrew the case, we won’t accept it anymore.

“Oh, Yingluo, if that’s the case, that’s great.” Lan Xiao had a bright smile.

Lou Yucheng’s brows furrowed and the light in his eyes dimmed.

LAN Muya also understood Lan Xiao’s unspoken words.

As expected, Lan Xiao’s voice rang out again in the next moment, but it was like a sudden clap of thunder that exploded in the surroundings.

since they’re not going to Sue xingbo anymore, I can’t let the two police officers make a wasted trip, Qianqian. I have some evidence here that I’d like to pass to the police. I’d like you to take a look and see if this evidence can prove that LAN Muya hired a killer.

LAN Muya’s expression changed drastically, and she looked at Lan Xiao with wide eyes.

“What did you say?”

Lan Xiao ignored LAN Muya and continued to smile at the police. She took out her phone from her pocket and handed it to the police.

“Officer, there’s a confession video of Heibao, a member of XY, in here. In the video, Heibao described the entire process of LAN Muya spending a hundred million to hire a killer in detail. Mr. Police, why don’t you take it back and take a closer look to see if you can be convicted of the crime of hiring an assassin to kill someone?”

The two police officers took the phone very carefully.

don’t worry, Ms. LAN. If the video is true, we will definitely enforce the law impartially. We will not tolerate any criminal.

The surrounding people all sucked in a breath of cold air.

Their eyes were filled with shock and disbelief.

He spent a hundred million Yuan to hire someone from XY to kill someone?

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