Mr. President Dotes On His Wife Crazily

Chapter 830

830 Don’t be fooled by them

West wind secretly cursed at her and chased after her.


Wang Kun didn’t go in. He stood at the door and curled his lips into a smile.

West wind didn’t dare to do anything to ah Shuang under the Black Panther’s watch.

He was here waiting for Lan Xiao and Wen Muchu to come over. Today was the day to meet the big boss of country T, Papu. This was an extremely important matter.

Ah Shuang entered the house with red eyes. She glanced at the Black Panther timidly, then rushed to the bathroom and closed the door immediately.

Heibao’s brows furrowed slightly. He had vaguely heard Kun Wang’s question.

A trace of displeasure rose in his heart.

Coincidentally, west wind also walked in at this time. Black Panther saw west wind and frowned even more.

West wind glanced around the room, but he didn’t see a ‘Shuang.

In fact, he was afraid that ah Shuang would slander Heibao, so he just glanced at him.

However, Black Panther didn’t think that way. Instead, he wondered if west wind really had feelings for ah Shuang.

Otherwise, why would he look around the moment he entered?

Black Panther’s face immediately darkened. He threw away the chopsticks in his hand and looked at west wind coldly.

“What’s going on between you and ah Shuang?”

West wind’s heart skipped a beat. He knew that b * tch ah Shuang must have said something.

He was extremely vexed and even more resentful of Wang Kun, who had appeared out of nowhere. Not only had he ruined his plans, but he had also placed him on the fire to barbeque.

West wind wiped the sweat off his forehead and hurried over to the Black Panther. He explained in a low voice, ” “Brother Bao, you’ve misunderstood. There’s nothing going on between me and ah Shuang. This is all Wang Kun and ah Shuang’s fault. Don’t listen to their nonsense, brother Bao. I’ve always been loyal to you.”

Heibao snorted and asked in a low voice,”nonsense?” I didn’t hear them talking nonsense. Why don’t you tell me what happened?”

This question made west wind speechless.

“Brother Bao, I’m sorry.”

Heibao’s heart was in a mess. He didn’t want to see west wind at all.

He waved his hand and said coldly, ” west wind, you better remember this. Ah Shuang is my woman. I don’t care what you’re thinking. You’re not allowed to touch her. If there’s nothing else, you can go down first and quickly pack up so that we can receive Papu. If nothing unexpected happens, he will arrive at noon. You should behave yourself and don’t cause any more trouble for me. I’ve already dealt with a lie and I don’t want to lose another right arm like you. I hope you won’t disappoint me again.”

West wind’s heart sank. He suddenly realized that if he still didn’t tell Black Panther about ah Shuang’s poisoning, he was afraid that Black Panther would not believe him.

Therefore, he blurted out in a hurry.

“Brother Bao, it’s not what you think. Ah Shuang, Qianqian, has been holding a grudge against you for a long time. It wasn’t ah lie who poisoned you last time. It was her who poisoned Qianqian.”

Black Panther’s eyes were completely dark. He stared at west wind and asked word by word,”What did you just say?”

A hint of joy flashed through west wind’s eyes. Did brother Bao believe him?

Even if he didn’t believe her, he would definitely suspect her.

It was better to strike the iron while it was hot and take advantage of this time to get Wen Muchu involved.

“Brother Bao, everything I’ve said is true. Ah Shuang was the one who poisoned you last time, but Wen Muchu chose to let her go and pinned the crime on ah lie, who had lost his tongue and could not defend himself. In fact, ah Shuang and Wen Muchu have been secretly plotting against you for a long time. They’ve been working together to prepare for the right time to deal with you. Wen Muchu’s identity is very suspicious. Brother Bao, you must not let him handle Papu’s matter.”

After west wind finished speaking, ah Shuang pushed open the bathroom door and looked at west wind in disbelief.

Her lips trembled as she covered her face and started to sob.

“You look down on west wind, how can you be so despicable? I refused to obey you, so you’re using such despicable means to force me to do so?”

“What nonsense are you spouting?” West wind didn’t see ah Shuang just now and thought she had gone out. He never expected that she had been in the bathroom the whole time.

So she heard everything that was said?

So, in order not to let Black Panther misunderstand, she used this humiliated look to accuse him instead?

Hateful, this was simply too hateful.

West wind’s face was livid.

A ‘Shuang wailed in grief and then knelt down in front of the Black Panther.

“Brother Bao, what did I do wrong? For so many years, I’ve worked hard by brother Bao’s side and served you dutifully. If I wanted to harm you, why would I wait until today? why would I use poison to harm you? If I hated you, I would have put that slow-acting poison in your food a long time ago. If I wanted you to die, brother Bao, you would have been unable to wake up from your injuries.”


“There are so many ways to keep a low profile, but I won’t use them. Am I stupid or crazy to poison you, brother Bao? If you’re poisoned, you’ll be the first to bear the brunt, and I won’t be able to escape. Am I so stupid that I’ll throw my life in? Brother Bao, ask yourself, how have I treated you all these years? Apart from my initial resistance to you, I gradually submitted to fate and let go of the hatred in my heart.”


“I know, brother Bao, that’s why you’re willing to give up everything to snatch me over because you like me. So, after such a long time, I’ve gradually fallen in love with you. Since I’ve fallen in love with you, how can I harm you? Not to mention, west wind said that Wen Muchu and I have joined forces to plot against you. If we wanted you to die, the antidote wouldn’t have appeared. We could have hidden the antidote. Then, brother Bao, would you still be able to wake up?”


Heibao’s eyes reddened with emotion. He grabbed his walking stick and stood up, grabbing ahshuang’s arm.

“Get up, don’t be like this. I believe you. I believe you won’t harm me. I also believe that Wen Muchu’s loyalty to me is absolutely right. Qianqian, if you want me to die, you could have just refused to hand over the antidote. Why did you have to save me?”

West wind sucked in a breath of cold air. A cold intent slowly rose from the bottom.

He widened his eyes and looked at the Black Panther. He roared in a hoarse voice, ” “Brother Bao, how can you trust them? They’re all trying to harm you and the suspicious people in our base. Brother Bao, wake up. Don’t be fooled by them.”

Ah Shuang quickly wiped away her tears and stood up. Afraid that Black Panther would fall, she quickly helped him up and carefully let him sit on the sofa.

That careful action warmed Heibao’s heart.

He held back the warmth in his eyes and looked up coldly at west wind.

“West wind, I’m not a fool, nor am I an idiot. I have eyes and a heart. I can feel who is good to me and who has bad intentions towards me. I’m not afraid to tell you the truth. Ever since ah lie betrayed me and drugged me to frame Wen Muchu, I’ve never really believed you.”

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