Mr. President Dotes On His Wife Crazily

Chapter 682

682 LAN yingyingluo, your end of the world is coming

As soon as Fang qingci’s words fell, the people around her whispered in agreement.


that’s right. He’s already bullied miss Fang. What else can he not do? ”

this Lan Xiao is too much. Miss Fang lost and went to buy her breakfast as promised, but in the end, she ridiculed miss Fang like this. If it were me, I wouldn’t be able to take this lying down.

that’s right. Elder Fang is too much. Others are already bullying his own granddaughter, and he still wants to take this vicious woman as a disciple? ”

who knows? maybe elder Fang doesn’t know about this? ”

“I don’t think he knows Yingluo.”

Listening to the crowd’s whispers, Fang qingci cried even more sadly.

Fang Yugu looked at Fang qingci with a complicated expression. At this moment, he was at a loss. He had no idea what was real and what was fake.

Elder SU’s heart was also very complicated. He stammered for a long time before explaining to elder Fang.

“Brother Fang, I don’t think we can just rely on one side of the story. Lan Xiao looked at Lan Xiao. She was a person who drew a clear line between love and hate, but she wasn’t the one who started trouble first. If people don’t offend her, she won’t offend them. She never takes the initiative to cause trouble, Yingluo.”

Fang Yugu nodded slightly. He knew a thing or two about his granddaughter’s conduct.

Perhaps she had provoked Lan Xiao first and Lan Xiao had hit her. However, the injury on her face shouldn’t be so deep.

After all, it was just a slap. How much strength could a girl have? Even if it was a boy, the wound couldn’t have been so serious.

There must be something fishy about this.

“This matter is suspicious in every way. Let’s take a look first.” Fang Yugu concluded.

Elder su nodded in agreement.

From the moment the reporters appeared, they felt that someone was behind this. It was as if someone had laid a net and was deliberately trying to get Lan Xiao into it.

On the live stream, the bullet screen was also filled with comments scolding Lan Xiao.

Almost all of them were on Fang qingci’s side.

In short, she scolded Lan Xiao as viciously as she could.

Lan Xiao’s name became famous overnight in Ling city.

Fang qingci was still crying in a low voice. Many people were angry to see the beauty cry.

In an instant, the crowd was furious and all of them wanted to find Lan Xiao and confront her face to face.

Miss Fang was such a beautiful person, but look at what she had done to her.

How vicious must he be to hit someone with the intention of ruining their face?

Yuan Mei ‘er sighed, her voice was filled with endless resentment.

“This Lan Xiao is simply too much. He actually did this to miss Fang? Where’s the staff? hurry up and bring us the key to this lounge. We’d like to see this evil woman’s ugly face!”

After Yuan Mei ‘er said that, the others all agreed.

“This is too much. We can’t just let this matter go.”

yes, someone come. Since Lan Xiao is in this lounge, come quickly and open the door.

that’s right. Open the door. We want to see how Lan Xiao is going to explain this.

“If a person’s character is so bad, it’s not surprising that he slept with someone at such a young age.”

“This door is locked so tightly from the inside. They must be up to no good.”

One of the staff received Fang qingci’s signal. Without waiting for elder SU’s instructions, he took the key and squeezed to the door of the lounge.

“Everyone, calm down. I’ll open the door now.”

The crowd gave him some space.

The staff member inserted the key into the lock, and he turned it gently. With a click, the door slowly opened.

The crowd immediately fell silent.

Yuan Mei ‘er pushed the door open and took the lead. With a click, she turned on all the lights in the room.

The originally dark room was immediately lit up by the lights.

Yuan Meier was walking in front, so she immediately saw the men’s jacket that was thrown on the floor at the door.

“Is this Lou Yucheng’s jacket?” she immediately squatted down and picked it up.

Hearing her question, someone immediately echoed, ” yes, this is President Lou’s jacket. I just saw him wearing this jacket, Yingluo.

“Ah, it’s true. I have an impression of it too.”

so, Lou Yucheng and Lan Xiao are really having an argument here? ” Yuan Mei ‘er wanted to say something but stopped herself.

Everyone nodded in agreement.

Many people began to sneer.

“Hehe, I didn’t expect to see such a wonderful show at the Jade King’s disciple Recognition Banquet. So many people want to be Jade King’s disciple, but she doesn’t know how to cherish it. Under such an important situation, she actually did such a shameful thing. She’s really too much, Yingluo.”

“That’s right, this Lan Xiao is simply not worthy of being the Jade King’s disciple, Yingluo.”

“How can the Jade King’s disciple be such a person of such poor character?”

“That’s right. We’ll never allow such a person to become Jade King’s disciple.”

Then, everyone saw Lou Yucheng’s clothes move from the door to the living room and then to the bedroom door.

The pair of pants at the door made them completely certain that something terrible was happening in that room.

hey, that’s President Lou’s pants at the bedroom door.

“With his pants off, it’s obvious what’s going on in the room.”

In the end, just as they finished speaking …

From the bedroom, one or two ambiguous sounds could be heard.

Everyone’s face turned red in embarrassment. They couldn’t bear to kick open the bedroom door.

Most of the people who came to the banquet tonight were successful people above the age of 40. Their public image was that of a gentleman.

When they heard such a voice, all of them were extremely indignant.

“You’re too much. You don’t know shame.”

“How despicable.”

“Our Ling city actually has such a person? Isn’t this a great humiliation to our Ling city?”

“Yeah, I was hoping that the girls in our Ling city are really capable to become the disciples of the Jade King. I didn’t expect, hehe hehe hehe.”

Fang qingci stood behind Yuan Mei ‘er, listening to the crowd’s slander of Lan Xiao.

She squinted her eyes slightly, and her brows were filled with excitement and agitation.

She clenched her fists and was so happy that she was about to go crazy.

LAN yingyingyingluo, your world is about to end.

‘Just wait to be cursed and humiliated by the world …’

She had already experienced the feeling of falling from heaven to hell once thanks to Lan Xiao.

This time, Lan Xiao would also have a taste of the same despair and humiliation.

Lan Xiao’s reputation would be ruined and he would fall into hell.

She wanted to make Lan Xiao suffer a fate worse than death.

Fang qingci nudged Yuan Mei ‘er and ordered in a low voice.

continue. Kick the bedroom door open, Yingluo.

Yuan Meier did not move immediately. Instead, she turned her head and looked at brother Jiang, who was still leaning against the door frame next door.

“Miss Fang, go and kick open the bedroom door. I can do it myself. But you have to promise me one more thing, Yingluo.”

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