Mr. President Dotes On His Wife Crazily

Chapter 667

667 A hungry wolf lurking in the dark

“Miss Fang, is what your Qianqian said true?” Lou Yucheng was so excited that his voice changed.


Fang qingci pursed her lips, and a smug smile appeared in her eyes.

“Naturally, it’s the real Zhenzhen.”

Lou Yucheng was very happy and quickly reached out to hold Fang qingci tightly.

Fang qingci shivered a little when he suddenly hugged her back.

Although he was wearing clothes, she could still feel his muscles.

Lou Yucheng’s figure must be extremely good.

The two of them stayed in the private room and discussed for two hours before coming out.

Those who didn’t know better would think that the two of them had been in there for two hours.

When Fang qingci left, her face was full of spring, completely different from the livid face she had when she was angry with Lan Xiao.

After the car with Fang qingci left, assistant Qiao drove the car and stopped in front of Lou Yucheng.

Lou Yucheng’s face slowly turned from joy to ice-cold.

A trace of hatred flashed in his eyes. He quickly got into the car, took off his suit jacket, took off his tie, and unbuttoned his sleeves.

“Send me back to my apartment, Yingluo.”

Assistant Qiao was shocked. Why did President Lou come back to the apartment at this time?

However, he didn’t dare to ask too much. Seeing Lou Yucheng’s ashen face, he quickly started the car and drove to Lou Yucheng’s apartment as fast as he could.

As soon as the car was parked in the underground parking lot, Lou Yucheng immediately opened the door and got out of the car.

Assistant Qiao quickly turned off the engine and got out of the car.

The two of them took the elevator all the way up to the 13th floor. When they reached the door, Lou Yucheng threw his coat at the door and asked assistant Qiao to wait for him at the door.

He opened the door, entered the room, and rushed into the bathroom without looking back.

Ten minutes later, Lou Yucheng came out in a bathrobe.

“Take the coats in the bathroom and the door and throw them away, ran ran.”

Assistant Qiao was stunned for a moment before he reacted. He couldn’t help but sigh in his heart. President Lou hated Fang qingci so much that he would wash away anything that was stained with her scent.

He hated her, but for some reason, he had to get close to her.

President Lou was making things too difficult for him.

However, assistant Qiao knew that he had always been like this.

Love and all that, they were not as important as the power he had in mind.

Assistant Qiao didn’t dare to delay. He quickly took Lou Yucheng’s clothes out of his room and went downstairs to throw them away.

This suit was worth hundreds of thousands of Yuan.

Sigh, it’s such a pity to throw it away just like that.

However, this amount of money was nothing to President Lou.

Lou Yucheng took a dry towel and dried his hair as he walked back to his bedroom.

He took out some men’s cologne that he had not used for a long time and sprayed it on himself.

He didn’t stop until he could no longer smell the disgusting smell on Fang qingci.

After drying his hair, he changed into a suit.

He had just changed his clothes and put on his shoes.

Assistant Qiao returned.

Lou Yucheng was wearing an expensive watch on his wrist. He raised his head and looked at assistant Qiao. He asked in a low voice,”How’s Wen Muchu doing?”

Assistant Qiao immediately replied.

“We’ve just entered the third checkpoint. However, this checkpoint took a long time, almost a month. There were only six people in the competition. The instructor requested that they could last for a month before they could win. No matter how many people survive in the end, they can all pass the test.”

Lou Yucheng’s eyes slightly narrowed as he coldly asked.

“Can you find out the details of the competition?”

Assistant Qiao shook his head. this is highly confidential. Only that Shen congyun knows what the checkpoint is about. No one else knows about it. We can’t even find out the location.

Lou Yucheng nodded slightly. This had always been how the fierce dragon Selection was conducted.

It was the same in the past, no one could guess what the specific content of the level was.

Only the participants would know.

However, based on the ratio of 100 to 1, everyone knew how strict the selection of the fierce dragon was.

“Did you say hello to those few? “If necessary, kill Wen Muchu!” Lou Yucheng’s eyes were filled with killing intent as he asked in a low voice.

Assistant Qiao adjusted his expression and nodded slightly.

President Lou, don’t worry. I’ve already given them instructions. They said that they’ll act according to the situation.

alright, Qianqian, send someone to keep an eye on the situation there. If there are any unexpected situations, report to me at any time, Qianqian. Lou Yucheng put on his watch and walked out of the door.

Assistant Qiao closed the door and followed Lou Yucheng’s footsteps.

The two of them went downstairs and got into the car.

Lou Yucheng then ordered,”I want you to do a few things. You must do it flawlessly and not let anyone find out about us.”

alright, President Lou. Don’t worry, ran ran, ” assistant Qiao replied in a low voice.

Lou Yucheng leaned closer to assistant Qiao and whispered in his ear.

A trace of surprise flashed through assistant Qiao’s eyes. He looked at Lou Yucheng and hesitantly asked,”President Lou, are you sure you want to do this? With miss Lan’s personality, she should hate you, Yingluo.”

Lou Yucheng leaned back in his chair and slowly closed his eyes.

“I don’t like her, and she’s already had a change of heart for me. If she wants to hate me, then let her. Since you can’t keep her heart, you can keep her as a person too. Yingluo, you don’t have to worry, just do as I say Yingluo.”

“It’s Yingluo, I know.” Assistant Qiao shut his mouth and did not say anything else.

However, he had a premonition that if miss LAN really hated President Lou, President Lou would regret it one day.

After that, Lou Yucheng went to the company and continued to deal with the company’s business.

Ever since Liu Shan’s incident, LAN Shanhua had been more concerned about the company’s Affairs than before.

Whether it was eating, drinking, or living, they were all in the company.

He was the first to go to work and the last to get off work every day.

It was as if work was the only thing he could be busy with in his life.

It was as if the string in his heart would snap if he stopped for even a moment.

In the beginning, Lou Yucheng tried to persuade him.

In the end, he knew that LAN Shanhua would not listen to him, so he did not try to persuade him anymore.

According to LAN Shanhua’s way of working, he would exhaust himself one day.

This was a good thing for louyu city …

Hence, Lou Yucheng tried to persuade him a few times, but he didn’t do it again. He didn’t inform Lan Xiao or even LAN xingbo.

LAN xingbo had been coming to the company more frequently during this period.

Apart from classes, he would come to the company to familiarize himself with the company’s business as long as he had a break.

LAN Shanhua had taught LAN xingbo step by step, as if he was nurturing him as the future heir.

However, it was obvious that LAN xingbo was still too young and it was very difficult for him to learn.

LAN xingbo probably wouldn’t be able to hold his own for every three to four years.

Lou Yucheng sat in his office and smiled.

He was not in a hurry. He still had three to four years to plan.

In three to four years, the LAN Corporation would probably become an empty shell.

Lou Yucheng’s eyes shot out a cold light.

The light seemed to be glowing green, like a hungry wolf lurking in the dark.

[ there’s always love in a thousand mountains and ten thousand rivers. Can’t you cast a monthly vote? my dear friends, please. ]

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