Mr. President Dotes On His Wife Crazily

Chapter 663

663 You’ve been tortured by Lan Xiao

Fang qingci was going crazy. She wanted to tear this bitch’s face apart.


She had never been slapped in the face so many times before.

Other than Lan Xiao, other than Lan Xiao, no one else dared to treat her like this?

Fang qingci’s heart was filled with hatred.

She clenched her fists and growled in a low voice.

“Lan Xiao, you motherless b * tch, you actually dare to hit me? Look at me, if I don’t tear you apart, I’ll tear you apart.”

Fang qingci seemed to be mad. She raised her hand and was about to grab Lan Xiao’s hair.

Lan Xiao took a step back and avoided her touch. Her eyes were cold.

She pursed her lips and said through gritted teeth, ” “Fang qingci, do you think one slap is not enough? do you want me to slap you again?”

Lan Xiao’s mother was her Achilles ‘heel.

No one could touch her bottom line.

Fang qingci was hurt by her cold eyes. She stopped walking.

Lan Xiao took a step forward and suddenly grabbed Fang qingci’s wrist.

remember, don’t let me hear you insult my mother again. Otherwise, I won’t let you off so easily, Hanhan.

“Lan Xiao, Yingluo, you’re too arrogant and too much. You said that I don’t have the quality and self-restraint of a lady from a big family, then what about you? Didn’t you still hit me? In terms of self-restraint, you’re much more virtuous than me. ” Fang qingci covered her painful cheek and roared with hatred.

LAN Xiaoxiao laughed,”haha, I never said that. I’m a very cultured and well-mannered person.” What’s the use of having good self-restraint and character? if someone were to insult you right in front of your eyes, poking your nose and humiliating you, could you bear not to attack and face the person who insulted you with a smile? I’m sorry, I can’t do any of those gentlemanly and Noble lady things. I only know that if people don’t offend me, I won’t offend them, but if people offend me, I will return it ten times.”

Fang qingci was infuriated by Lan Xiao’s words.

It seemed that in the end, she was the one who had been causing trouble. Did she deserve to be beaten up?

“What a sharp tongue. Lan Xiao, you’re good, Yingluo.”

Lan Xiao raised his eyebrows slightly and smiled.

“Of course I’m good. I don’t need miss Fang’s reminder. If you want to go crazy, please send it elsewhere. You’re here to bring me breakfast, so please remember your duty, Zhenzhen.”

After Lan Xiao finished speaking, he flung her wrist away fiercely.

Fang qingci staggered a few steps and almost fell.

She held onto the wall in a panic, her eyes filled with hatred as she glared at Lan Xiao.

“Lan Xiao, just you wait, Yingluo. I won’t let you off, Yingluo!”

Lan Xiao didn’t raise her eyebrows and quietly stared at Fang qingci.

The corners of her lips curled up slightly and she smiled faintly.

“I’d really like to know how you won’t let go of the law enforcer, miss Fang. You were the one who spoke rudely first, and I found it ear-piercing, and I really can’t stand your constant insults. I remember I warned you not to provoke me. I don’t take the initiative to cause trouble, but I’m not afraid of trouble.”


“If you dare to speak rudely to me again and call me a slut, I will still beat you up every time I hear you. “Miss Fang, remember this. When you bring me breakfast tomorrow, do it obediently. I don’t want to hear any unnecessary words.” Otherwise, if I hear any unpleasant or harsh words, I’ll beat you up without hesitation.”

Fang qingci looked at her smile and felt that it was not a smile, but a knife that was stabbing at her.

Her heart was filled with unwillingness, but she also knew that now was not a good time to go against Lan Xiao.

He gritted his teeth so hard that he almost broke them. He swallowed all his grievances.

“Lan Xiao, don’t be too smug. I’ll wait and see how you’ll cry today. I remember clearly what you did to me. I will not let you off easily. Do you think you can successfully become my grandfather’s disciple today? I definitely won’t let you be so smug, just you wait Yingluo!”

Fang qingci didn’t wait for Lan Xiao’s response. She turned around coldly and left.

She avoided the crowd and quickly walked to the school gate.

A car drove over and stopped in front of her. Fang qingci opened the door and sat in.

She took out a mirror and looked at her stinging cheek. That side of her face was a little red and swollen. Her originally bright and beautiful face now had a little flaw.

Fang qingci was furious, gritting her teeth and cursing.

“Lan Xiao, you b * tch. I’ll definitely make you regret this.”

Just as she finished cursing, her phone rang slowly.

Fang qingci took out her phone in a bad mood. Seeing that it was an unfamiliar number, she impatiently hung up.

After about a minute, the phone rang again, and it was the same number.

Fang qingci didn’t want to answer him and hung up again.

When it rang for the third time, Fang qingci’s patience had reached its limit.

She had already suffered at Lan Xiao’s hands, and now the anger in her chest couldn’t help but rise.

Her eyes were burning with anger. She picked up the phone and cursed angrily.

“Which blind thing is calling me over and over again to disturb me? Didn’t you see that I rejected the call twice? Are you blind or is there something wrong with your head?”

The other end of the phone was silent.

Fang qingci frowned and continued to curse,”why are you a mute?” Since you’re mute and can’t speak, I advise you not to call and harass me again. I don’t have the time nor the energy to waste time with a low-level thing like you.”

A man’s laughter came from the other end of the phone, ” miss Fang, you’re really angry. Wanwan, you’re scaring me so much that I don’t dare to speak.

A trace of surprise flashed through Fang qingci’s eyes. The man’s voice was pleasant and familiar, but she couldn’t tell who he was.

“Who are you? What the hell does my anger have to do with you? If you have something to say, then say it. If not, then get lost, Yingluo, don’t bother me Yingluo again.”

“Miss Fang, it seems that you’ve been tortured by Lan Xiao. That girl’s temper is getting more and more fiery by the day.” The man was not angry. Instead, he continued to chuckle.

Fang qingci was shocked and asked in a low voice,”Yingluo, Who are you? how do you know that I’m angry because of Lan Xiao?”

“Miss Fang, why don’t we meet up and have a detailed chat? There are some things that can’t be explained clearly over the phone, what do you think?” The man suggested in a low voice.

Fang qingci’s eyes turned slightly,’meet and chat? What can we talk about?”

The man’s pleasant and magnetic laughter came from the other end of the phone again.

“Haha, miss Fang, there’s a lot we can talk about, and I’m guessing you’ll be very interested in it, haha.”

“Is it related to Lan Xiao? If it’s about her, I’ll go. If it’s not about her, then I’m not going. You must know that my time is very precious, and I don’t have time to waste with a nameless junior like you.” Fang qingci snorted coldly, her attitude extremely arrogant.

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