Mr. President Dotes On His Wife Crazily

Chapter 1148

1148 I will definitely return victorious

Even if the Fang family didn’t do any business in the future, just with this bonus, they wouldn’t have to worry about food and clothing. They wouldn’t be able to spend it all even if they squandered it for a few lifetimes.


“Grandpa is right. You earned all this by yourself. You don’t have to give the Fang family any dividends. The Fang family isn’t just sitting around and eating. However, he was not in the jewelry industry. Grandpa left us his assets. We won’t have to worry about money for a few lifetimes, aww, ” Fang che advised softly.

Lan Xiao smiled and shook her head.

She looked at the two of them and expressed her thoughts.

“If I give out the 10%, I can have less to worry about. I’m not worried about the rumors that I bewitched master to obtain the Fang family’s inheritance. Only with this many will I be able to block the people of the world, and only then will the people of the Fang family be willing to hand over the Fang family’s jewelry to me, Yingluo.”

Fang Yugu pondered for a while. At first, he didn’t agree.

But when he thought about Lan Xiao’s words, he felt that they made sense.

Therefore, he gently nodded.

“Alright, since you’ve decided, I’ll respect your decision. “Fang che, go back and make some preparations. In a few days, I’ll gather the Fang family and let them know in advance. I’ll also write a will for Lan Xiao to become the Fang family’s successor in front of everyone.”

Fang che nodded in agreement. Without further delay, he left the hospital and called the Fang family to inform them of the situation.

When the Fang family received the call, they all had different thoughts.

They had also heard that Fang shengtao had been dealt with and sent to the police station.

These few days, they had more or less received some news.

It seemed that old master Fang was really going to hand the Fang family’s jewelry over to his disciple to manage.

Three days later, Fang Yugu was discharged from the hospital and held a family meeting at the Fang family’s old mansion.

Lan Xiao accompanied Fang Yugu, and Fang Yugu officially introduced Lan Xiao to the Fang family.

He officially announced Lan Xiao’s identity in front of the Fang family.

Lan Xiao had officially become the Fang family’s future successor.

In the beginning, there were still many voices of opposition.

When Fang Yugu announced the financial situation, and Lan Xiao’s plan to give 10% of the jewelry’s profits as a bonus to the Fang family …

The voices of opposition gradually died down.

Fang che explained the pros and cons clearly to everyone.

With Lan Xiao’s ability, it was only a matter of time before he expanded the jewelry market to the entire world.

By then, 10% of the profit from jewelry would be an astronomical figure.

It was equivalent to them being able to get money without having to pay any cost.

Only a fool would not agree to such a great deal.

Therefore, the Fang family didn’t object at all and agreed with Fang Yugu’s decision.

From that day on, Lan Xiao would go to Fang Yugu’s place every Saturday and Sunday to learn about management, industrial chain, and other things.

Lan Xiao and Wen Muchu were very busy.

She was busy charging up her future career, while Wen Muchu was working hard to consolidate his political position.

In the past month, he had been on several missions.

He had completed every mission beautifully.

However, recently, members of XY had started to cause trouble in other second-tier cities.

Wen zhihuai had sent someone to handle this matter.

Who knew that all the people he sent had disappeared without exception.

Wen zhihuai sat in front of his desk, frowning slightly as he looked at the documents in his hands.

He had already sent three people over, and in less than five days, they had all disappeared.

No matter how many people were sent to investigate, they would not be able to find out where they had gone.

As for the base of XY, it was extremely elusive, and no one could find its location.

“There have been four bank robberies in Xiang city these days. Two burglaries, three murders, and five missing women.” Wen zhihuai sighed in a low voice, his eyes dark.

Seventh uncle’s face was filled with worry as he exchanged a glance with han Yuting.

Wen Muchu took the document and looked at it a few times before he finally made a decision.

“Let me go to Xiang city, Yingluo.”

Wen zhihuai looked up at Wen Muchu and rejected him without a second thought.

“No, we don’t know anything about the situation in the city. I can’t let you take the risk to go to the city!”

“Three people have already gone missing. If you don’t let me go to the fourth person, who else can I choose?” Wen Muchu’s eyes darkened as he stared at Wen zhihuai and asked.

Wen zhihuai was stunned and could not think of a suitable candidate for a long time.

However, if Wen Muchu were to go, he would not be at ease.

Suddenly, someone knocked on the door of the study.

Seventh uncle went to open the door, only to see Bai shaogan walking in.

He walked in front of Wen zhihuai and recommended himself, ” “Let me go, Zhenzhen. I’ll go and find out the truth first, Zhenzhen.”

Wen Muchu furrowed his brows, his face showing a trace of disapproval.

“You can’t go. The security of the Jin capital still needs your help. If you leave, who will be in charge of the Jin capital’s security?”

we can let Mr. Han take care of the security of Jin capital for the time being. I think no one is more suitable than me to go to Xiang city. Bai Shaojie clearly understood that Wen Muchu had high hopes for him. Now that the situation in Xiang city was unclear, Wen Muchu must not take the risk.

Other than Wen Muchu, he was the only one who could go and investigate.

Otherwise, anyone else would have been the fourth person to go missing.

Moreover, with the current situation in Xiang city, it was not advisable to delay any longer. Otherwise, it would only mess up the People’s hearts in Xiang city and make the people of XY even more arrogant.

Mr. President, the situation in Xiang city can not be delayed any longer. Otherwise, it’s easy for something big to happen. I hope you can seriously consider it, ” Bai shaogan continued to persuade him.

Wen zhihuai narrowed his eyes and looked at Bai shaogan.

“Are you confident?”

I’m not 100% sure, but I’m still 60 to 70% sure, ” Bai shaogan replied cautiously.

Wen zhihuai stood up and took out a cigarette.

After finishing the cigarette, he stubbed out the cigarette and threw it into the ashtray.

He slowly turned around and looked at Bai shaogan.

alright, I’ll send you to deal with Wanwan and Bai shaogan this time. You can only succeed, you can’t fail, do you understand? ”

Bai shaogan’s eyes lit up and he immediately gave Wen zhihuai a military salute.

it’s President Qianqian. I’ll definitely complete the mission.

“Yes, you can go back and prepare to leave now.” Wen zhihuai walked over and patted Bai Shaojie’s shoulder. “Shaojie, do your best. You must be careful, Mu Chu will still need your protection after this triumphant return.”

Bai Shaojie glanced at Wen Muchu, who did not look too good, and nodded at Wen zhihuai.

don’t worry, Sir. I will definitely return victorious.

“Yes, go back and prepare.” Wen zhihuai’s eyes flashed with admiration.

Bai Shaojie nodded and turned to leave the study.

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