Mr. President Dotes On His Wife Crazily

Chapter 1142

1142 I did nothing wrong

No one responded to Jiang Hai’s words, let alone Qiao Feng’s.


The people outside didn’t even dare to talk to Qiao Feng.

The fear in Qiao Feng’s heart slowly rose.

Usually, her words carried a lot of weight in this house.

None of the Jiang family’s servants dared to disobey her.

But today, all of these servants had become deaf.

She looked at Jianghai helplessly.

The couple looked at each other, and their eyes flickered with surprise.

In just half a month’s time, did the old man really hand the Jiang family over to Jiang beiming?

How could Yingluo do this?

Fear began to grow in Jiang Hai’s heart.

Just then, he heard footsteps coming from outside.

Brother Jiang’s voice was heard.

“I’ve brought Grandpa here. Let’s settle our past grudges today.”

Jiang hai looked up and saw brother Jiang helping old master Jiang into the study.

Ye Meng told the two men to leave and closed the door.

The moment the study room door closed, some people’s hearts suddenly trembled.

Jiang hai glared at brother Jiang as he pointed at Jiang He, who was tied up, and said to old master Jiang.

“Dad, look, look at what Jiang beiming has done. Could it be that you’re just going to let him mess around and hurt the innocent?”

Old master Jiang sat on the sofa not far away. He did not even look at Jiang hai. He had long been disappointed in his son.

He only said to brother Jiang,”you can deal with it however you want.” Today, it’s time to properly settle the grudges that our Jiang family has accumulated over the years.”

Brother Jiang nodded at old master Jiang. His clear eyes landed on Jiang He.

For some reason, Jiang He felt a chill run down his spine.

“Yingluo, why are you looking at me? Quickly let me go Yingluo!”

Brother Jiang snorted and looked at ye Meng.

“Search his body.”

Ye Meng stepped forward and began searching Jiang He’s body.

Jiang He was tied up and could not struggle free.

He could only roar in panic, ” “Get lost, don’t touch my Yingluo.”

Qiao Feng wanted to rush up to stop him, but brother Jiang stopped her.

He looked down at the woman and chuckled. “Didn’t you want to know why I had him tied up? Just watch quietly, I’ll definitely give you a satisfactory answer.”

Qiao Feng’s expression changed. She could almost immediately guess that Jiang He must have done something bad.

Jiang hai pulled Qiao Feng and took a few steps back from brother Jiang.

“Fine, I want to see what you can find,” he gritted his teeth and said in a low voice.

Qiao Feng’s body couldn’t help but tremble.

She looked at Jiang He with a complicated expression.

The guilt on Jiang He’s face could not be concealed.

“Mom, save me, Yingluo!”

Qiao Feng really wanted to save her son, but in the end, she was powerless.

It didn’t take long for ye Meng to find a packet of powder in Jiang He’s pocket.

Jiang He’s expression changed drastically. He yelled in disgust, ” “What is this? Who put it in my pocket? Dad, Jiang beiming must have sent someone to secretly stuff this into my pocket to frame me. ”

Even though Jiang He was not Jiang Hai’s biological son, he had watched the child grow up day by day.

He loved Jiang He more than he loved his own son.

His face darkened when he heard Jiang He’s words. He glared at brother Jiang in anger.

if you want to deal with Jiang He, just say it. Why do you have to resort to such tricks? If the Jiang family really can’t tolerate this mother and son, then I’ll immediately take them and leave the Jiang family.”

Qiao Feng’s expression changed, a trace of surprise flashing through her eyes.

Leave the Jiang family?

If they really left the Jiang family, they would be nothing.

She tugged at Jiang Hai’s sleeve anxiously.

Jiang He was shocked as well. He did not expect Jiang hai to say that.

“Dad, I didn’t do anything wrong. Why should I leave the Jiang family? Since my mother is already married to you, we’re already part of the Jiang family. My big brother, he can’t find me an eyesore and slander me without distinguishing between right and wrong.”

“Yes, this is clearly slander. We’re a family, why make things so embarrassing? “Wu Wu Wu Wu,” Qiao Feng echoed.

How could brother Jiang not see through the mother and son’s plan?

From the very beginning, Qiao Feng had not entered the Jiang family because she loved Jianghai.

What she had her eyes on was nothing more than the position of the Jiang family’s First Lady.

The Jiang family could bring her too much wealth and status. How could this mother and son bear to leave the Jiang family?

The most naive person in the world was none other than his extremely stupid father.

Old master Jiang chuckled softly, ignoring the mother and son’s panic. He looked at Jiang hai indifferently.

“Did you hear that? They wouldn’t be happy if you wanted to take them away from the Jiang family. Jiang hai, once you leave the Jiang family, you’re nothing. Do you think that they will follow you to suffer? Yingluo, since you want to leave, I, as your father, will definitely fulfill your wish.”

Jiang Hai’s eyes widened in shock and disbelief as he stared at master Jiang.

“Dad nudged me, I didn’t mean it that way nudging”

He had only said that to prove Jiang He’s innocence.

He didn’t want to leave the Jiang family.

He had grown up with a golden spoon in his mouth. If he left the Jiang family, he would have nothing.

Why would old master Jiang care about him? what did he mean?

He had long been disappointed in this son of his.

“No matter what you mean, since you’ve already said it, then a man should keep his word. However, before you leave, there are some things that we must make clear. “Beiming, what have you found out? tell me everything!” Master Jiang looked at brother Jiang and motioned for him to continue.

Brother Jiang glanced at the three of them coldly and then looked at ye Meng.

Ye Meng naturally understood what brother Jiang meant and clapped his hands.

The next moment, the door of the study opened, and two Men in Black came in with some documents.

Ye Meng took the document and walked to master Jiang.

old master, I’ve been following brother Jiang’s orders to investigate how many heinous things Jiang He has done over the years using the Jiang family’s reputation. All the sins he had committed were in this file. Old man, take a look and you’ll know the exact truth.”

Jiang He’s face was pale. His eyes were filled with panic and fear.

no, I didn’t do that. Jiang beiming was the one who slandered me.

Master Jiang’s eyes were dark as he reached out to take it.

He opened the folder and looked at the information and pictures on it.

There were witnesses and physical evidence. Even if he didn’t want to believe it, it was all in front of him.

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