Mr. President Dotes On His Wife Crazily

Chapter 1140

1140 Chapter 1141-forced into a corner

“If it wasn’t for the fact that you’re my son, I’m afraid you would have spent the rest of your life in prison, right? Go, face the wall for ten years in prison. I don’t want to see you ever again.”


Fang shengtao looked up at Fang Yugu in shock.

His eyes were wide open as he looked at him in disbelief.

“Dad, what did you say? You want to put me in jail and put me in jail for ten years?”

“You should know that if it wasn’t for the Fang family’s blood flowing in your veins, you would have been sentenced to life in prison. I’ve already forgiven you enough for ten years, Yingluo. Go, Yingluo, don’t make things worse between us.” Fang Yugu sighed and replied.

Fang shengtao took a long time before he slowly reacted.

A trace of hatred flashed through his eyes as he stared at Fang Yugu.

dad, I’m your son, your eldest son. How can you be so cruel to me? ”

Fang Yugu didn’t want to look at him again. He leaned on his walking stick and was about to leave.

Who knew that Fang shengtao knew that he had no way back.

He was also forced into a desperate situation.

Since he, his father, was so vicious to him, he didn’t need to care about the kinship between father and son.

He Yingluo was actually so cruel to him for an outsider.

He would no longer treat him as his father.

He laughed coldly and suddenly got up from the ground. He took out a dagger from his pocket and stabbed it towards Fang Yugu’s neck.

This was a fatal spot. Once the dagger was inserted, there was no turning back.

“Go to hell. If you die, the Fang family will belong to me, the eldest son, Zhenzhen.”

Fang Tian’s heart skipped a beat, and he quickly stepped forward to stop her.

He grabbed Fang shengtao’s arm, and Fang shengtao’s arm trembled. The dagger tilted, and Fang Yugu’s back was ruthlessly cut.

Instantly, blood filled the air!

Fang che lifted his leg and kicked Fang shengtao’s chest.

The Butler, who had sent Fang qingci away, ran into the living room at this time.

He had naturally seen the shocking scene that had just happened.

His face was pale as he rushed forward to support Fang Yugu’s tottering body.

“Old man, Yingluo.”

No one had thought that Fang shengtao would be so heartless. He had actually disregarded the relationship between father and son and was so ruthless as to lay his hands on his own father.

Fang Yugu didn’t expect this either. He endured the pain and slowly turned around.

you Yingluo, you unfilial son Yingluo! he shouted these words and fainted from the pain.

The Butler was frightened and called the servant in a panic.

The Fang family’s old residence instantly fell into chaos.

They immediately sent the injured Fang Yugu to a nearby hospital.

As for Fang che, he personally grabbed Fang shengtao and brought him to the police station.

Without any mercy, he handed over the evidence of Fang shengtao’s corruption and the assassination of old master Fang to the police.

The police immediately took Fang shengtao into prison.

When Fang shengtao left, he was still shouting and shouting, saying that he would kill Fang Yugu, the old man who would not die-

Everyone thought that Fang shengtao had really gone crazy.

Fang che lowered his eyes and focused on his hands that were covered in blood.

He raised his head to look at Fang shengtao’s departing back and sneered,”Uncle, you brought all this upon yourself. You can’t blame Grandpa Jian Jia.”

In fact, Fang qingci and her Father’s plan for this auction was more than this.

Their plan was to first slander Lan Xiao so that Fang Yugu would no longer trust him and ruin his reputation.

At that time, Lan Xiao and Wen Muchu’s relationship would definitely be estranged.

By then, Jiang He would drug brother Jiang without a word.

Under Jiang He’s instigations, brother Jiang, who was in a daze …

They felt that brother Jiang would definitely protect Lan Xiao and take her away from the auction tonight.

Once the two of them left, there would be guards outside who would knock them out and send them to a hotel room.

Brother Jiang had been drugged, so his vigilance was naturally very weak.

In addition, when facing the girl that he had liked for a long time, he would definitely lose his mind and be unable to control himself. He would become more mature with Lan Xiao.

At that time, they would arrange for reporters to go to the hotel to catch them in the act of adultery.

Lan Xiao and brother Jiang’s affair was exposed to the world.

Wen Muchu would definitely dump Lan Xiao and cut off all ties with her.

Lan Xiao’s reputation was ruined, and Fang Yugu severed their master-disciple relationship …

Lan Xiao had truly fallen to the bottom.

They had planned well, but they never expected that all their plans would be foiled one by one.

Jiang He saw that Fang qingci and her father had failed, so he was smart enough to stop.

He thought he could escape.

He didn’t know that he had been targeted by brother Jiang’s group of wolves.

The auction was not over yet, so Jiang He sneaked out of the auction hall during the chaos.

However, she did not expect him to just get into his sports car.

There was actually a living person sitting in the front passenger seat.

Jiang He was shocked. He yelled at the man angrily, ” “Who are you, Yingluo? when did you get in my car?”

Ye Meng turned his head slowly to look at Jiang He with a warm smile.

“Young master Jiang, I’m here on the orders of my brother Jiang. I’ve been waiting for you for a long time, I’m here!”

Jiang He’s expression changed when he saw ye Meng’s face. He immediately pushed the door open and tried to escape.

However, just as he got out of the car.

A cudgel hit his back hard.

Jiang He staggered a few steps after being hit by the stick. His knees hit the ground hard.

When ye Meng heard the sound of Jiang He hitting the ground, he was in pain for Jiang He.

Jiang He was in so much pain that his face turned pale.

He fell to the ground and stared at ye Meng, who was slowly walking out of the car.

“What do you want to do? I, Yingluo, am the young master of the Jiang family. How can you hit me like this?”

Hearing this, ye Meng’s lips curved up slightly and he sneered.

“Hehe, the young master of the Jiang family? I’m sorry, but in my subconscious mind, I only think that my brother Jiang is the young master of the Jiang family. And you, Who Do You Think You Are? Yingluo doesn’t even have the blood of the Jiang family flowing in her, and you dare to call yourself the young master of the Jiang family? He Yingluo, what a big piece of gold is she sticking on her face.”

Jiang He’s knees hurt, and he was sweating profusely.

That blow seemed to have shattered the bones in his knees.

He gritted his teeth and looked at ye Meng indignantly.”That bastard Jiang beiming, what is he trying to do? I advise you to let me go immediately. Otherwise, my father will never let Jiang beiming go.”

Ye Meng couldn’t be bothered to waste time talking to him.

He asked his two lackeys to stuff Jiang He back into the back of the car.

He sat alone in the back, restraining Jiang He’s hands and feet.

The other man got into the driver’s seat and started the car.

Jiang He shouted at ye Meng, who was sitting in the passenger seat with his eyes closed.

“Where are you taking me? You’re just Jiang beiming’s Lackey, what are you so smug about? I’m warning you, let me go immediately, or else I’ll make you pay for it. ”

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