Mr. President Dotes On His Wife Crazily

Chapter 1133

1133 Too thick-skinned

“Everyone, let’s not talk about how Mr. Fang slandered me just now. Let’s talk about the broken Jade statue on the ground first.” Lan Xiao’s eyes were calm as she scanned everyone’s faces.


Everyone was stunned again, not understanding what Lan Xiao meant.

Lan Xiao asked Zong Yi to pick up a fragment and bring it over.

Zong Yi didn’t say anything and picked up a relatively large piece of Jade from the ground.

Lan Xiao took it and placed it on the counter in front of Fang Yugu.

She took out a small flashlight and shone it on the piece of Jade.

The Jade pieces were green and crystal clear.

Those who knew the Jade would know that it was of glass grade at a glance.

Lan Xiao pursed her lips and looked at Fang Yugu. She replied in a low voice,”Master, this jade carving is a fake Kasaya. I know that the Jade carving you donated is definitely real. I just don’t know where the real Jade statue went, and who took a fake one to replace the good one.”

Lan Xiao’s words caused an uproar.

Some people did not believe it and began to cheer.

“No way, how could this jade carving be fake? The color of the Jade, the location, and everything else I see are all real.”

that’s right. How can elder Fang’s things be fake? ”

“Miss LAN, don’t tell me you’re trying to fool all of us here again?”

Fang shengtao’s face darkened. He had made this counterfeit to pass off as the real thing.

Many treasure experts had examined it, but no one said it was fake.

In the beginning, he wanted Wang Qing and Liu Feng to slander Lan Xiao and say that it was fake and that it was just an expedient measure.

He wanted to lure Lan Xiao out and reveal that she was harboring evil intentions and deliberately slandering Fang Yugu’s reputation.

He didn’t expect that this matter was almost over.

Lan Xiao actually brought up the same thing again?

What was she trying to do?

She really did have some real skills. Up until now, no one had identified it as a fake.

Fang shengtao was immediately unhappy. He looked at Fang Yugu with a bitter face and a bit of grievance.

“Father, look at what Lan Xiao is saying. You spent a lot of money to buy this, and now she’s saying it’s a fake? Isn’t she obviously trying to ruin your reputation? I told you she’s not a good person, but you didn’t believe me. Now, do you understand? She’s deliberately harming your Yingluo.”

Fang Yugu ignored Fang shengtao. His gaze fell on the Jade fragment.

He took Lan Xiao’s small flashlight and checked it for a long time.

Jormis, who had been silent all this time, also stepped forward and followed Fang Yugu to check the authenticity of the collection.

Zong Yi stood at the side, silently wiping away Lan Xiao’s sweat.

“Miss LAN, no matter how I see it, this jade carving is the real one.” But you insist that it’s a fake Kasaya. If you insist on slandering old Fang’s reputation, you won’t be able to wash away your accusations.”

It was obviously true, but she had to lie. Even if elder Fang trusted her, he had to think about it. What was she trying to do?

Or was it that she had simply made a mistake in the appraisal and made a mistake?

Fang qingci sneered, raised her eyebrows, and sneered.”Lan Xiao, I’m seriously suspecting your ulterior motives. I think there are only three reasons why you said that the Jade carving is real.”

Lan Xiao crossed his arms and looked at Fang qingci calmly.

“Oh? Then, miss Fang, why don’t you tell us the three reasons?”

Fang qingci narrowed her eyes, and a sharp and cold light shot out of them.

“First, you’re trying to slander my grandfather’s reputation and want to replace him! If you want to drag my grandfather down, you better get up early. second, you ordered someone to break the Jade statue, but you don’t want to compensate. That’s why you came up with such an absurd lie to avoid compensation. You have to know that this jade carving is the third most valuable jade carving in the Kasaya. Naturally, it’s because you’re not skilled enough that you made a mistake in your appraisal and made a mistake.”

Lan Xiao’s lips curled up and he sneered.

“Hehe hehe, what a pity. Miss Fang talked so much nonsense, but she didn’t get to the point. We can wait and see what my master and uncle jormis have to say.”

Fang qingci had been provoked by Lan Xiao. Lan Xiao actually said that Fang Yugu was her master and that jormis was her uncle?

It seemed that the two of them would side with her in the end, even though she was intimate with them?

This woman was really too thick-skinned and shameless!

Fang shengtao was not in the mood to listen to Lan Xiao and Fang qingci’s argument.

His entire focus was on observing the situation on Fang Yugu and jormis ‘side.

He prayed in his heart that they would not find out that it was a fake. Otherwise, he would be in trouble.

However, he had some confidence.

After all, this jade carving was really made of glass type jade.

He had hired a master sculptor, an old one with superb skills.

It could be said that other than being slightly older, it was not an antique from the Qing Dynasty.

However, no matter how one looked at it, it was a genuine item.

Moreover, the Jade statue was broken and was not a whole.

That would definitely be a huge obstacle to their appraisal work.

He had put in so much effort and effort to deal with Lan Xiao. He definitely couldn’t fail at the last step.

Everyone’s eyes fell on elder Fang and Jomax.

They began to discuss in low voices, discussing whether the Jade carving was real or fake.

“I think this jade carving is definitely real. This Jade is clearly of the glass type, and it’s even Emerald.”

yeah, look at this. This color and transparency are so beautiful.

it’s definitely the real deal. Lan Xiao is definitely trying to ruin elder Fang’s reputation.

“Elder Fang, don’t be so muddleheaded again. Don’t be deceived by her, Yingluo.”

Lan Xiao rolled his eyes angrily. They were all a bunch of blind trash.

Even if she did not trust anyone, she had to trust her Ye Xian ‘er.

Her Ye Xian ‘er was a true half-fairy.

How could she not believe the words of this half-immortal?

They were just waiting to be slapped in the face!

Fang Yugu and jormis watched it for about twenty minutes.

Finally, they raised their heads and looked at each other.

Jormis looked at Lan Xiao’s eyes, which were shining.

Lan Xiao’s lips curved into a smile. Look, a world-class master is still the best.

He must have noticed that it was a fake. Otherwise, he wouldn’t look at Lan Xiao with such admiration.

Fang shengtao didn’t see any difference in jormis’s eyes, so he quickly asked.

“Mr. Jormis, you’re very knowledgeable. I’m sure you’ve already made a judgment in your heart? Tell me, is this jade carving real or fake?”

Fang qingci held her breath and looked at jormis nervously.

She hoped that jormis would tell her that it was the real deal. That way, she would be able to slap Lan Xiao in the face.

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