Mr. President Dotes On His Wife Crazily

Chapter 1127

1127 Chapter 1128-riding the wind

Fang Yugu was overjoyed. With jormis ‘support, Lan Xiao would definitely rise to a higher level in the future.


It would be difficult for this disciple of his not to succeed.

Fang qingci watched from the side, gritting her teeth in jealousy.

Lan Xiao, Lan Xiao, what right did she have to gain the love of so many people?

It wasn’t easy for her father to invite jormis, but he was actually her mother’s friend. This was too infuriating!

Today, she must completely destroy Lan Xiao’s reputation.

Fang shengtao was already on the stage, holding a microphone and greeting everyone.

“Ladies and gentlemen, good evening! I’m Fang shengtao, the organizer of tonight’s auction. Thank you for taking time out of your busy schedule to attend this auction. I promise that all the proceeds from tonight’s auction will be donated to charity.”

Fang shengtao’s words immediately caused a commotion and many whispers.

ah, the Fang family is indeed the Fang family. All their earnings from the auction are donated to charity organizations. The Fang family is really different from those businessmen.

“Of course. Don’t you see whose hands the Fang family is in now? Old master Fang’s contributions to society were greater than the four great families. For so many years, the Fang family has always been doing charity at every auction, and they’ve always been good people.”

yes, yes. I hope that the Fang family’s future successor will be like him, doing good for the country, the people, and making contributions.

“I reckon that the successor of the Fang family will mostly be passed on to his new disciple. None of the other members of the Fang family are proficient in the field of jewelry. If the Fang family were to hand it over to the Fang family, then the Fang family’s jewelry business would just wait for the sunset.”

“Didn’t you say that miss Fang qingci has been an expert in jewelry since she was a child? Is she not qualified enough?”

“Oh Yingluo, don’t you know? This miss Fang had made a bet with Lan Xiao in Ling city. She had lost miserably, and it was simply too tragic to look at. How could old Fang hand the Fang family over to her to manage?”

“So, the successor of the Fang family, to a very large extent, could be Lan Xiao without a doubt.”

“Tsk, tsk, letting a person with a different surname inherit the family business, I guess the Fang family won’t agree?”

of course, they won’t agree so easily. I think a great show is about to start.

Fang qingci’s face turned pale with anger as she listened.

If Lan Xiao wanted to take the Fang family away, he was simply courting death.

She would definitely not let Lan Xiao have his way.

Fang shengtao naturally heard the whispers of the people below, and his expression was somewhat unsightly.

However, he still maintained a calm expression.

He smiled and began to formally introduce jormis to everyone.

“Everyone, the Fang family has invited a very important guest tonight. Let’s give a round of applause to Mr. Jormis from Country M.”

A round of applause sounded from the audience.

Fang qingci smiled and invited jormis to give a speech on stage.

Jomax did not refuse. He slowly stood up and straightened his suit jacket.

He walked up to the stage, and Fang shengtao handed the microphone to jormis.

Jomas smiled and greeted everyone.

“Good evening, everyone. I’m jormis. This time, she was very honored to be invited by the Fang Corporation to attend the auction tonight. It is said that tonight’s auction item has a very high collectible value. If I see something good later, I won’t be soft-hearted either. Everyone, do your best and strive to get something good.”

There was a hint of humor in his words, which made everyone burst into laughter.

The atmosphere in the hall was still quite lively.

Wen Muchu came to Lan Xiao’s side and sat down, holding his hand.

He moved closer to her and said in a low voice, ” “Fang qingci is up to something tonight. Be careful of Qianqian.”

Lan Xiao narrowed his eyes and turned to smile at him. “Don’t worry, I knew she wouldn’t let it go. I also want to see what she’s up to.”

As they were talking, Fang qingci walked toward Lan Xiao with a smile on her face.

With a warm smile on her face, she said to Lan Xiao, ” “Lan Xiao, Grandpa donated a valuable item to be auctioned tonight. Grandpa said that he doesn’t trust anyone else, so he wants you to go to the warehouse personally and take out his collection for the auction later.”

Lan Xiao smiled and nodded.

“Alright, then I’ll go and help master get his collection,”

Fang qingci handed the key to Lan Xiao. Fang Yugu looked at Lan Xiao with a smile and some anticipation.

“There’s no need to be nervous. You’ve seen the collection and you’ll first test its value. Then, according to your judgment, you’ll post the price and introduction. I’m asking you to appraise this collection, so don’t forget to put your name on it when the time comes.”

Lan Xiao nodded and took the key.

After leaving the auction venue, she asked Zong Cheng to accompany her to the warehouse.

Zong Yi didn’t ask much and quietly followed behind Lan Xiao.

Fang qingci narrowed her eyes and looked at Lan Xiao’s back as he left. Her lips curved into a cold smile.

Lan Xiao, just wait for your reputation to be ruined.

These auction items had already been placed in the warehouse.

Two guards were standing guard at the entrance of the warehouse.

When Lan Xiao arrived, there were many appraisers appraising other items.

When they saw Lan Xiao enter, they all looked at her with a hint of curiosity.

Many people greeted Lan Xiao enthusiastically.

This was Jade King’s disciple. If he could have a good relationship with her, he could more or less benefit from the Fang family.

There were quite a few people surrounding him. When Zong Yi saw this, he quickly stepped forward and protected Lan Xiao.

everyone, there are valuable treasures in the warehouse. Don’t crowd together in case you bump into something.

When many people heard this, they dispersed, seeking their own boredom.

There were only two people who did not leave. They were smiling, with a fawning smile.

“Miss LAN, let’s get to know each other, Yingluo.”

yeah, we’re just exchanging business cards. We won’t disturb you.

As the two of them spoke, they passed their business cards over Zong Yi to Lan Xiao.

Lan Xiao didn’t take it. She glanced at the name on their business card.

One of them was called Wang Qing, and the other was called Liu Feng.

They were all appraisers of the Fang family’s jewelry.

I’m sorry. If there’s a chance, we’ll meet again in the future. Let’s get down to business first. Lan Xiao walked past them and followed the directions to the innermost part of the warehouse.

Wang Qing’s eyes darkened as he glanced at Liu Feng.

Liu Feng gave him a look, and the two of them didn’t say a word and quietly followed behind Lan Xiao.

Lan Xiao quickly found Fang Yugu’s collection.

The collection was kept in a box made of sandalwood. There was a wooden plaque on the box that read ” flying up with the wind “!

It was an exquisite ornament carved from Jade.

It came from the Qing Dynasty and was said to be one of Empress Dowager Cixi’s favorite jade carvings!

Its value could not be estimated.

Lan Xiao was slightly stunned and a trace of surprise flashed in his eyes.

She had never thought that Fang Yugu would actually donate such a precious jade carving to charity.

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