Mr. President Dotes On His Wife Crazily

Chapter 1125

1125 The daughter of an old friend

He didn’t move at all, as if his entire person had become a puppet.


“Mr. Jormis, what’s wrong?” Fang Yugu called out suspiciously.

After Lan Xiao walked closer, he also noticed jormis’s abnormality.

She frowned slightly, her eyes full of confusion.

Jormis suddenly stood up and took a few steps towards Lan Xiao.

Lan Xiao jumped in shock. Seeing jormis ‘abnormal behavior, she looked at Fang Yugu in surprise.

Fang Yugu was also confused. He stood up and tugged at jormis ‘sleeve.

“Mr. Jormis, what’s wrong?”

It was as if jomas couldn’t hear anyone. He pressed down on Lan Xiao’s shoulder and pulled her into his arms.

Lan Xiao took in a breath of cold air and was about to reprimand Jomax for his rude behavior.

Who knew that her cheeks would suddenly be wet.

Lan Xiao was stunned. The next moment, jormis let go of Lan Xiao and stared at him with a pair of bright eyes.

“Yingluo, what’s your name?”

Lan Xiao was dumbfounded as he looked at jormis, who was almost out of control.

Not only was Lan Xiao surprised, but Fang Yugu was even more confused.

Fang qingci bit her lip and looked at the scene in front of her with hatred.

What had happened?

Why was jormis so excited to see Lan Xiao?

Not only did he hug Lan Xiao excitedly, but he was also crying tears of excitement?

Jomax’s actions shocked everyone.

Seeing that Lan Xiao didn’t answer, jomas’s face turned red with anxiety.

His voice trembled as he asked again,”little girl, how old are you today?” What’s your name?”

Fang Yugu responded quickly and answered for Lan Xiao.

“Mr. Jormis, her name is Lan Xiao and she’s eighteen this year. He’s the disciple I just accepted, Mr. Jormis. Why are you so excited to see Lan Xiao?”

Jomas’s eyes flickered with a hint of surprise.

He took a deep breath and looked at Lan Xiao with tears of joy.

“Lan Xiao, LAN Yingluo’s surname is LAN Yingluo, she’s 18 years old. That’s right, that’s right, it’s all in line with my guess Yingluo, Oh my God, you’ve actually grown so big, and you look so much like her Yingluo. This is really too unbelievable.”

Lan Xiao was speechless. Who was the “she” that Jomax was talking about?

“Mr. Jormis, I don’t understand. What do you mean? Did we know each other before?”

Jormis tried his best to calm himself down. He took a few deep breaths to calm himself down.

He let go of Lan Xiao and gave an apologetic smile.

“I’m sorry. I hope my actions don’t scare you. Yingluo, I was just too excited. Yingluo, don’t be afraid.”

As he spoke, he glanced at the ring on Lan Xiao’s little finger.

After seeing the ring, he was certain of Lan Xiao’s identity.

He had seen this ring eighteen years ago.

This time, it was definitely correct.

Jomas quickly pulled Lan Xiao to sit down and sized her up again.

The more he looked, the more amazed he was.

“Yes, it’s too similar.”

Lan Xiao couldn’t stand his warm attitude.

She turned her head and looked at the people around her.

However, he realized that everyone was dumbfounded.

They all looked at jormis in confusion.

Jormis knew that he had lost his composure just now.

He touched his nose and smiled awkwardly. “I’m sorry. I suddenly met an old friend’s daughter and lost control of my emotions. I’m sorry, I’m sorry, Yingluo.”

Only then did everyone slowly come to their senses. Oh, so they had met the daughter of an old friend.

In that case, this Lan Xiao wasn’t an ordinary person either.

Anyone who knew jormis must be an extraordinary person.

The way everyone looked at Lan Xiao changed again.

Mr. Wen Junior’s judgment was not bad.

If Lan Xiao were to become the future Madam President, they would be convinced.

After all, she was only 18 years old, but she had already become elder Fang’s disciple and opened so many jewelry stores. She was much more powerful than many people.

Fang qingci clenched her fists in anger.

She never expected Lan Xiao to be the daughter of Jomax’s old friend.

Wasn’t this too much of a coincidence?

Could it be that even the heavens were helping her?

Fang qingci was so angry that she pulled Fang shengtao’s sleeve.

Fang shengtao’s expression was not too good when he saw this.

Their plan hadn’t even started, and they had already encountered this accident.

This was bad news for them.

Fang shengtao gave Fang qingci a look, and the two of them left the venue and went to the safety passage.

Fang qingci’s eyes flashed with worry. She asked in a low voice,”Dad, I didn’t expect that Jomax would have such a relationship with Lan Xiao. Then, can our plan proceed smoothly?”

Fang shengtao’s eyes were malicious as he squinted slightly.

“Our plan can only succeed. So what if they have a chance? as long as they can destroy Lan Xiao’s reputation, no one can save her, not even the gods.”

Fang qingci let out a sigh of relief. She suppressed the uneasiness in her heart and tried to calm herself down.

After that, the two of them discussed for a while more before returning to the venue together.

What they didn’t know was that their conversation had been heard by ye Meng, who had secretly followed them.

Ye Meng’s lips curved into a smile as he watched the father and daughter leave. He threw the cigarette in his hand into the trash can.

They wanted to harm Lan Xiao?

That would simply be courting death.

How many people in Ling city wanted to deal with Lan Xiao, but what happened to those people in the end?

He Yingluo was simply overestimating herself.

Ye Meng tidied his clothes and returned to brother Jiang’s side with his hands in his pockets.

Brother Jiang was holding a glass of wine and resting with his eyes closed. After hearing ye Meng’s report, he slowly opened his eyes, and a trace of gloominess flashed in his eyes.

He sat up straight and drank the wine in his glass.

“I can’t believe I’ve also become the target of someone’s scheme. This is really interesting. Please continue to arrange for this show to be brilliant and full of variety. Don’t let them down.”

Ye Meng’s eyes flickered and he nodded with a faint smile.

Brother Jiang stood up and looked for Wen Muchu’s figure.

Wen Muchu’s entire body was on guard as he looked at him unhappily, ” “What are you doing here? Lan Xiao isn’t here.”

Brother Jiang sneered and said helplessly, ” “Yingluo, you should know that you’ve always been so guarded against me. Other than you, I hope that Lan Xiao can be happy. So, as long as Lan Xiao loves you, I’ll never break you up. If Lan Xiao loved me, I would’ve fought with you a long time ago. Unfortunately, she doesn’t love me. How can I bear to make her feel difficult and painful? Wen Muchu, I think you should understand my heart.”

Wen Muchu’s eyes flickered. It was obvious that he was moved by brother Jiang’s words.

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