Mr. President Dotes On His Wife Crazily

Chapter 1122

1122 You’re afraid of Wen Muchu?

Fang qingci sighed, and her face showed a trace of sadness.


She slowly picked up the spoon and ate the cake.

“Miss LAN, you’re still on guard against me. I really want to make up with you, but I didn’t expect you to still be so cautious about me. Aiyaya, I feel a little sad.”

Lan Xiao looked at her hypocritical and eccentric appearance.

She couldn’t help but sneer.

“Make up? To be honest, miss Fang’s hatred for me in the past, including the things you’ve done to me … Why don’t I believe that you’ll be able to let go of your past grudges and shake hands with me?”

Fang qingci’s eyes flickered, and she gritted her teeth and cursed.

She knew that Lan Xiao was so cunning and would never let his guard down against her.

If he didn’t ask her to jump into the trap obediently, would she need to be so humble and curry favor with her?

Fang qingci suppressed the anger in her heart, twitched her lips, and explained with a good temper.

“I really want to bury the hatchet with you. I didn’t expect you to not believe me. Aiyaya, it seems that I still have to work hard to gain miss Lan’s trust. In order to show my sincerity, I can reveal to you that our Fang family has invited an important guest today. I don’t know if you’ve heard of the name jormis, miss LAN?”

Lan Xiao’s eyes flickered.


How could she not know of such a world-famous figure in the field of appraising?

Why did Fang qingci mention this person?

Could it be that the Fang family had invited jormis to participate in today’s auction?

Lan Xiao looked at Fang qingci, who had a gentle smile on her face.”Jormis is so famous, how could I not know? Could it be that the Fang family invited him to the auction today?”

Fang qingci’s eyes were full of pride. She smiled and said,”That’s right. My father used his connections and spent a lot of money to invite him over. You don’t know this, but my grandfather has always wanted to see jormis, but he never had the chance. When grandfather learned that jormis was coming, he was elated. Grandpa has always doted on you. This time, he’ll introduce jormis to you to Qianqian and lanxiao. Your career will probably be closer to the next level.”

Lan Xiao raised his eyebrows slightly. She believed that Fang Yugu really wanted to introduce her to jormis.

However, Fang qingci’s series of abnormalities made her feel that this matter was not so simple.

After that, Fang qingci told Lan Xiao a lot about jormis ‘glorious deeds.

Lan Xiao listened quietly and didn’t interrupt.

Fang qingci was chatting with Lan Xiao while looking at the door.

She estimated that brother Jiang was about to arrive.

She found an excuse and left Lan Xiao’s side.

Lan Xiao stared at Fang qingci’s departing figure and narrowed her eyes.

Fang qingci was definitely going to do something big tonight.

She would never believe that Fang qingci would lower herself and make peace with her.

Not long after Fang qingci left, brother Jiang entered the venue, surrounded by many people.

Jiang He followed beside him and immediately saw Lan Xiao resting in a corner.

He smiled and reminded brother Jiang in a low voice, ” “Big brother, I was kind enough to see miss LAN. Ah, she seemed to be alone. She looked rather lonely. Why don’t I go over and accompany miss LAN?”

Brother Jiang frowned and glanced at Lan Xiao.

Jiang He had always been a lecherous man.

She definitely couldn’t let him get close to Lan Xiao.

Brother Jiang scolded,”I told you not to get close to Lan Xiao. Didn’t you take my words to heart?” If she were to lose even a single strand of hair, I will definitely make you wish you were dead!”

Jiang He’s eyes flashed with malice as he explained with an embarrassed smile, ” “Big brother, you’ve really misunderstood me. After what happened last time, I don’t dare to have any other thoughts about Lan Xiao. I’m just looking at her being all alone, that’s all.”

“Go and do your own things. You can’t ask about her matters. get lost! brother Jiang’s eyes flashed with hostility and he growled.

Jiang He’s expression changed slightly when he heard the man’s roar.

He clenched his fists, suppressed the fear in his heart, and left brother Jiang with an embarrassed smile.

Jiang beiming, just you wait and see …

Brother Jiang glanced at ye Meng, who was following behind him, and whispered, ” keep an eye on Jiang He. Report to me immediately if you notice anything wrong with him.

Ye Meng pursed his thin lips and agreed. He took a glass of red wine and disappeared into the crowd.

Brother Jiang waved his hand and the people who greeted him walked towards Lan Xiao.

When he got closer, he could see Lan Xiao’s outfit clearly.

A trace of surprise flashed through his eyes, and his calm heart started to beat uncontrollably.

He pursed his lips and sat down beside Lan Xiao.

“Wen Muchu can bear to leave you here alone?”

Lan Xiao was stunned. He turned to look at brother Jiang and smiled at him.

“Brother Jiang, you’re here too?”

Brother Jiang was wearing a white suit today. The white suit made his wheat-colored skin shine.

His facial features were exquisite and handsome. Under the blurred lights, he had an otherworldly temperament and was as elegant as a young master …

As soon as he entered the venue, countless women’s eyes swept over brother Jiang.

Every one of them was restless and wanted to talk to him.

They didn’t expect brother Jiang to go to Lan Xiao’s side.

Lan Xiao was the most popular person in the Jin capital.

She was the girlfriend of the president’s son.

Brother Jiang took a glass of red wine and took a few sips.

“Yes, Grand Secretary Fang invited me. I had to come.”

I heard that the world-famous master appraiser, jormis, will be here tonight. I don’t know if it’s true. Lan Xiao smiled and secretly distanced himself from brother Jiang.

Damn it, Wen Muchu’s gaze was sweeping over her. She had to be careful.

That vinegar jar [ 1 ] was someone who would make trouble at any time.

Brother Jiang’s eyes were dark. He glanced at Lan Xiao’s movements and then at Wen Muchu who was looking in their direction not far away.

He pursed his lips and smiled faintly.

“It seems that you’re very afraid of Wen Muchu?”

Lan Xiao touched his nose in embarrassment and smiled. “It’s not like you don’t know that the one in my house is very jealous, Yingluo.”

“Could it be that he can’t even tolerate a normal conversation between friends? This fellow was too petty, just like a woman. I really don’t understand, What do you like about him?” Brother Jiang snorted, his voice full of dissatisfaction.

Lan Xiao felt that she could not answer this question.

Otherwise, it would be awkward no matter how he answered.

If he complimented Wen Muchu too well, brother Jiang would be embarrassed.

Just as Lan Xiao was at a loss, he suddenly saw Zong Cheng come in.

It was rare for Zong Cheng to wear a suit, but the quality of this suit didn’t seem to be very good.

Be it the style or the texture, it didn’t seem to be a brand.

It looked more like a suit that was bought at a market for a few hundred Yuan.

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